Emperor Hades did not expect that his son had already touched the edge of the immortal after remodeling his body, and was immediately surprised.

"You stinky brat seems to want to fly to the Immortal Realm before your father!"

Emperor Hades said this without the slightest jealousy or dissatisfaction. He was proud that his son was stronger than Laozi.

"Old man, you are putting too much attention on the affairs of the royal family in the Underworld Palace. I am not trapped by the world, so it is easier to understand." Ming Xiu smiled.

On the shoulders of his father, the royal family of the Underworld has the responsibility of the entire family.

He never thought of escaping the high hopes of the memory of Father Emperor Ji, "Yan'er and I have refined the core stone of the Guangling World by chance, and the body will fly to the Immortal World, and the clone will remain in the Guangling World. ."

He paused and continued: "If you choose a prince to inherit the throne, my clone will help you take care of Assistant Gu in the future."

"Their abilities and temperament are still far from what I want. Since you have refined the core stone of the Guangling Realm, then the future position of the Underworld Emperor is still yours." Underworld Emperor raised his eyebrows.

He was very happy to hear that Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan had refined the core stone of the Guangling Realm. Such an opportunity is rare in a thousand years, and he never expected to be met by his son and daughter-in-law.

He has always wanted to be the next Emperor of the Underworld. He didn't force him before, and he didn't want his son to be entangled in mortal affairs, affected by cause and effect. Now that he doesn't have such worries, then this stinky boy can't be lazy.

"Old man, are you so optimistic about me?" Ming Xiu also raised his eyebrows.

Emperor Hades gave him an angry look, "Nonsense, I will cultivate you as an heir from beginning to end, and I can only rest assured that the royal family of the Underworld is in your hands."

"Your main body is flying to the Immortal Realm, and the clone will always stay in the Guangling Realm, that is the best choice as the Underworld Emperor." He added another sentence.

The main body of Ming Xiu is the immortal, the lifespan of the clone is also infinite, and there is no concern about cause and effect, so it is most suitable to lead the royal family of the underworld.

The most important thing is that this son is a qualified emperor in terms of temperament and ability. If he does not have the talent of the underworld emperor, it will be wasted.

Ming Xiu saw the firmness in Emperor Ming's eyes, and sighed: "Okay, since you believe me so, old man, I will help you take over the royal family of the Underworld after you ascend to the Immortal Realm."

He had no interest in the position of Hades, but he didn't want to live up to the expectations of his father who loved him when he grew up.

"Haha, you still have a little conscience, you stinky boy." Emperor Hades was very happy.

He didn't want to trap his son in the royal family of the Underworld Palace, but he really didn't feel comfortable giving this position to others except for Ming Xiu.

Lou Muyan has no objection to Emperor Ming taking over the position of Emperor Ming in the future. After all, it would be a waste to use Ming Xiu's leadership talent.

"The old man's main body should be calmly cultivated recently. After all, pursuing the Dao is the biggest dream in every cultivator's heart." Ming Xiu still very much hopes that his father will fly to the Immortal Realm together.

"Okay, I already have a vague understanding of many elemental rules, and recently I have gone to retreat."

Emperor Hades solved the problem of the heir, plus Ming Xiu safely remodeled his body and came back alive. As soon as the big stone in his heart fell, the whole person was radiant.

"Old man, your talent is already very strong. If the master can attack Shangxian, you will come soon." Ming Xiu is still relatively confident in his Laozi.

"You stinky brat has confidence in me." Emperor Ming nodded happily, then looked at Lou Muyan with a half-smile, "Now that the battlefield outside the territory has ended, and all the alien races have been removed, should you consider getting married? problem."

Lou Muyan didn't expect that Emperor Ming would ask such a question, she was stunned and turned to look at Ming Xiu.

Ming Xiu stretched out his hand to hold Lou Muyan's hand, and Jun smiled again and again, "Of course, we came back this time to prepare for marriage."

"Well, I hope Emperor Ming and my parents will discuss a good day." Lou Muyan not only did not reject marrying Ming Xiu, but she still had high expectations in her heart, she said with a generous smile.

Emperor Hades liked his daughter-in-law's unpretentious temperament, and laughed loudly: "Haha, you go back to reunite with them first, and three days later I will go to Lou's house to visit your parents and discuss your marriage."

"Okay!" Lou Muyan nodded with a chuckle.

Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan chatted with Emperor Ming for a while, then left the palace and went directly to Lou's house in Zhongzhou City.

Lou Moyu and Feng Yuexin bought a piece of land in Zhongzhou City after Lou Muyan's siblings went to the battlefield outside the territory and built the current Loujia residential compound, which has begun to take shape.

Back at Lou's house, the two were embraced enthusiastically.

"Grandpa, father, mother." As soon as Lou Muyan saw the three of them, he ran over to get close.

The three saw that Lou Muyan had returned safely, and Ming Xiu was resurrected as he wished, with happy and happy smiles on their faces.

"Just come back!" Lou Zhantian said with a smile on his face.

Lou Moyu and Feng Yuexin didn't have too many demands on their siblings, as long as they were safe.

There is no way, whoever makes sons and daughters too good, still has a restless temperament.

When Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu entered the palace, Lou Muting and others had already returned to Lou's house, so the whole family had seen the Golden Dragon King.

"Grandpa, uncle, and aunt." Ming Xiu gave a junior salute to several people.

Lou Zhantian patted his shoulder with a smile and said, "The boy is not bad, he deserves to be the best among the younger generation."

For Ming Xiu, the Lou family members are very satisfied. Whether it is from the appearance of the cultivator or the level of attention to Lou Muyan, they really can't be picky.

"Grandpa is wrong." Ming Xiu bowed his hands with a humble smile.

"You should also consider lifelong events when you come back safely this time." Lou Zhantian's smile deepened, and he was very concerned about his granddaughter's marriage.

When Lou Muyan and the two went to the royal family of the Underworld, the matter of Lou Muting and Miaomiao was revealed, and the Lou family and the Golden Dragon King also agreed to get married.

Ming Xiu said with a smile, "My father mentioned my marriage to Yan'er in the palace just now. He wants to come to Lou's house to talk about it in three days."

"Your father has a heart." Lou Zhantian said with a smile.

Lou's family is still very satisfied and happy with this attitude of the in-laws, which is the performance of paying attention to Lou Muyan.

Emperor Ming has never put on the air of an emperor in front of them, and when Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu went to the battlefield outside the territory, he also took care of the Lou family and the Mufeng mercenary group.

Emperor Ming and Lou Moyu were also able to chat more easily, and they felt a sense of hatred for seeing each other late, and the relationship between the two sides was relatively harmonious.

The marriage between the two is something that both families have long been looking forward to, and it can be regarded as a matter of course.

Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu came back from the demon realm, and many people came to visit.

Three days later, Emperor Ming came to Lou's house to discuss the marriage of Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan.

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