Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu's wedding was unprecedented, and the news of the wedding the next day spread all over the place.

Many swordsmen who came from the Four Regions specially to attend the wedding went back by word of mouth and talked about it with relish.

The wedding of the two was publicized, luxurious and publicized, and a rare wedding in ten thousand years, which made many swordsmen who did not rush to the wedding regretted it.

The next day, Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu went to Emperor Ming's palace to serve tea together in the morning.

The Underworld Emperor drank the tea respected by his son and his daughter-in-law, and was delighted. One of them gave a space ring and said with a smile: "The important task of yours now is to give birth to a few cubs and have a fun."

Emperor Ming did not have no grandsons, but Ming Xiu was his favorite son, so he was looking forward to his future grandchildren.

The higher the cultivator's cultivation level, the more difficult it will be to conceive an offspring. Therefore, both the Underworld Emperor and the elders of the Lou family hope that the two of them can have offspring before they ascend to the Immortal Realm.

"Okay, we must work hard." Ming Xiu chuckled and accepted it generously.

Lou Muyan remembered that the tip of her ears had been stained with a blush last night, she smiled and did not answer.

She had never thought about having children for Ming Xiu, but now she is looking forward to getting married.

"Haha, that's good." Emperor Ming laughed happily: "You guys take good care of your body, and try to hug a big fat son as soon as possible."

"Maybe it's her daughter." Lou Muyan said with a smile.

She still likes girls in her heart, a girl who looks like a cultivator.

Emperor Ming's smile did not change, and he said calmly: "I like my granddaughter very much.

"..." Lou Muyan twitched the corners of his mouth, and Emperor Hades said as if giving birth to a child was an easy thing.

After cultivators enter the fusion realm, the fertility rate is generally low, and there are very few children who come old.

"Old man, according to your auspicious words, we will definitely have both children." Ming Xiu is also looking forward to his and Lou Muyan's future children.

"Haha, then I'll be waiting to hold my grandchildren." Emperor Ming laughed, feeling very happy.

Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan looked at each other and both caught the expectation and smile in each other's eyes.

The next day, the two went to Lou's house together to serve tea.

It was also provoked by the elders of the building, which made the two of them laugh and a little helpless.

The gift that Elder Tianxuan gave to Lou Muyan was a god-level spiritual fruit that could help conception, which was very precious.

Both of them have a good mentality, neither demanding nor looking forward to it, just let it flow.

During this period of time, the two often made appointments to join hands to explore some secret realms. Lou Muyan tried to find the last opportunity for inspiration, hoping that all attributes could be comprehended into one, and successfully break through to the immortal cultivation realm.

Of course, the two often go to friends for tea and wine tasting, and they have a very leisurely life.

A year later, the wine competition in Guanglingjie came as scheduled.

This time, the venue was chosen in the human domain, and the wine masters from other domains had arrived in Zhongzhou City as early as half a month ago.

Lou Muyan's talent in winemaking is very strong, and she is a ten-tasting spirit sommelier as we all know, so she did not sign up for this spirit wine conference this time, but was invited as a guest judge.

At the instigation of several people, Su Jin applied for the name of the competition. During the period, the owner of the Su family once sent someone to take him back, but he refused.

Now countless aristocratic families want to have a relationship with Lou Muyan. Although the Su family is arrogant, they are no exception.

And Su Jin is Lou Muyan's senior brother. With this kind of relationship, they thought that it would not be difficult for the Su family to befriend the Lou family. Who knew that Su Jin was so ignorant of praise, and the angry Su family master would be the most Favorite ancient jade jewelry is smashed.

Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu's clones went to Void Night Realm and stole several treasures from the great treasure house. The resources inside were also frighteningly rich, even more than the collection of the royal family of the Underworld Palace for so many years.

These resources were of limited use to Lou Muyan and the two of them, and they distributed a lot of them to relatives and friends.

Su Jin's current cultivation level is also a half-step to the immortal, and the spirit wine master has also been promoted to the advanced level of ninth rank, and he is only one step away from entering the tenth rank.

There are not many restrictions on the 100-year-old spirit wine conference. As long as spirit wine masters under the age of 500 can participate, the final prize is a book of "Ancient Wine Prescriptions", which is not attractive to other sword masters. power, but to the spirit masters, this is an invaluable treasure.

The competition is divided into qualifiers and finals, and most of the spirits have been eliminated in the qualifiers.

The spirit sommeliers who entered the finals were all quite talented and talented, at least fifth-grade spirit sommeliers, so Su Jin naturally passed the test easily.

This time, not only the younger generation participated in the competition, but also six senior spirit masters under the age of 500 came to participate in the competition. They attached great importance to the priceless "Ancient Liquor Prescription" book of this spirit wine conference. And determined to win.

Among them, the young master of the Su family, Su Chen, also came to participate in the competition. His talent for spirit wine is really good. Now, with the help of various resources and methods, and the help of the mysterious senior in the sea of ​​​​knowledge, he has secretly been promoted to the ninth-rank spirit wine master. .

This time, Su Chen was very confident in himself. When he learned that Su Jin had also advanced to the finals, he was not angry, but a little bit happy in his heart. Such an opportunity was very rare, and he had to step on Su Jin in public. Do not turn over.

Recently, the top executives of the Su family all regretted the fact that they exiled Su Jin back then, especially the attitude and kindness of the two patriarchs to Su Chen had weakened a lot, which was one of the reasons why Su Chen hated Su Jin more and more.

Last time, in the Canglan Secret Realm, Su Jin succeeded in provoking discord. After leaving the Secret Realm, those family disciples who were injured by him were very dissatisfied with him.

If it weren't for his cleverness, he secretly managed a lot of benefits, and it would be very unfavorable for him to make trouble with the top of the family. He naturally recorded this account on Su Jin's head.

He despised Su Jin in his heart, thinking that it would be great to climb up to Lou Muyan and others. As soon as he asked Su Jin to see what a real brewing genius is, who is qualified to truly inherit and lead the Su family.

And he has secretly prepared it, the position of the Su family is definitely in his pocket in the end, and he will not allow any changes.

Before the competition started, Su Jin and Lan Ruoshui sat in the rest area and chatted with Lou Muyan.

In the rest area of ​​the contestants participating in the finals, family members can also enter to watch the events of other meetings. It is a public place and is basically full of people.

Soon, the members of the Su family were led by the head of the Su family and walked in.

When he saw Su Jin, the Patriarch of the Su family narrowed his eyes, turned his mind, and did not speak first.

As soon as Su Chen saw Su Jin, he took two steps forward, "Cousin, you are here too!"

There was a smile on his face, but there was not much warmth in his eyes. It was just a good camouflage that others didn't see his strangeness, and those who didn't know it thought they were brothers and friends.

Su Jin raised his eyes and looked at him lightly without saying a word, completely treating Su Chen as air.

He was too lazy to deal with a hypocrite like Su Chen, and to be precise, he was too lazy to deal with the people of the Su family.

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