Lou Muyan and the avatars of Ming Xiu often accompany the three children.

Lan Ruoli likes three children very much, so Lou Muyan's children are basically brought up by him.

Lan Ruoli's heart is pure and good, and Lou Muyan found that his special physique can cultivate a kind of exercise in the world of immortals, so he taught it, and his intelligence will return to the level of a normal person after he succeeds.

Recently, his practice has been completed, and he has retreated from time to time, and the time he has to take care of the three children has been reduced.

Ming Xi is usually the most obsessed with Lan Ruoli, even better than Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan. Seeing that Lan Ruoli often retreats recently, she wants to arouse the other party's attention by burning the apse.

Lou Muyan saw her daughter staring at her eldest son, throwing knives in her eyes, she couldn't help but stroked her forehead.

She had already investigated what the little thing was thinking, she couldn't help frowning, and pretended to be cold: "What kind of roast chicken wings? Facing the cliff for a while."

She built a back mountain in the Nether Palace Royal Family and Lou Family, and set up a formation and prohibition outside. The three children were sent in to face the wall when they made a mistake, and they could only come out after taking their mistakes seriously.

After the cliff face, the three eccentric and mischievous children were indeed quiet for a while.

As soon as the beautiful little girl heard Lou Muyan's words, her whole face wrinkled into a bun. She knew that her mother hated lying children the most.

She pulled La Lou Muyan's sleeve pitifully, obediently admitting her mistake, "Mother, I was wrong, I just miss my brother Ruoli."

Facing the cliffs was the most annoying thing, so she didn't want to go again.

Lou Muyan gently flicked her forehead with her fingers, "How many times have I said it, it's Uncle Ruoli."

"Mother, I'm going to marry brother Ruoli in the future. If it's called uncle, it's too different for me." Mingxi said solemnly, raising his head.

"..." Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu were stunned when they heard Ming Xi's words.

Ming Xiu frowned and asked in a deep voice, "Why does Xiao Xi'er want to marry brother Ruoli?"

"Seventh uncle said that if he wants to marry, he must marry a virtuous and beautiful wife. If brother Li is beautiful and virtuous, then I will marry him in the future to save others."

Mingxi smiled brightly and continued: "Mother often said that fat water doesn't flow into outsiders' fields, and if brother Ruoli can't flow into other people's fields."

Lou Muyan twitched the corners of her mouth. What was this all about? She didn't expect her daughter to want to get married at such a young age.

She thought about it, but she didn't say anything to reprimand her daughter.

She watched Lan Ruoli grow up. Although her intelligence has returned to the level of a normal person, her temperament is still pure and sunny. If she grew up with her daughter, she would be a rare husband in the future.

And judging from the age of the cultivator, Ruoli and his daughter are not considered an old husband and a young wife.

As long as her daughter and Lan Ruo leave their hearts in the future, she doesn't care about seniority or anything.

Ming Xiu's face darkened, that damn seventh brother taught his daughter some messy things every day.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Lou Muyan's thoughtful appearance, and he guessed her thoughts with a thud in his heart.

"Okay, let them do their own thing in the future." Ming Xiu said with helplessness in his eyes.

If his daughter and Lan Ruoli can develop love for each other in the future, then he will not object.

Although he was unhappy that the precious daughter who grew up in his hand would marry in the future, he would not interfere for her daughter's happiness.

"Don't listen to your uncle's nonsense all day long." Ming Xiuhu said to the three children with a face.

"I know, Uncle Qi is a romantic seed. I have already told my brothers to stop playing with him." Ming Xi pouted and said.

The other two handsome boys nodded, "Uncle Seven has a lot of concubines, we shouldn't be as irresponsible as him."


Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan looked at each other, and they were speechless to each other. It seems that they really want to let the children and the seventh prince go out to play in the future.

When the two were helpless, a white shadow walked not far away.

Ming Xi, who was sitting in Lou Muyan's arms, lit up, and immediately climbed down from her lap and ran towards the white shadow.

"Ruo Li, Ruo Li!"

Lan Ruoli's originally handsome and calm face burst into a happy smile when she saw the little girl, hugged her, and kissed her little face, "Naughty."

Mingxi wrapped Lan Ruoli's neck with a pair of small hands, rubbed his face and giggled happily, "I like Ruoli the most."

Lou Muyan couldn't help but brushed her forehead, seeing that Ruo Li's spoiled look that held her daughter in her hand was afraid of flying, and she was afraid that it would melt in her mouth, and she would be eaten to death in the future.

The two little boys were also brought up by Lan Ruoli, and they were very close to him. When they saw him leaving the customs, they immediately ran up, each holding one leg.

"Ruoli is really patient." Lou Muyan looked at Lan Ruoli playing with three little animals not far away with a smile and a warm look in her eyes.

Ming Xiu stretched out his hand to hold one of hers and said with a smile, "Only Ruo Li can stand the three little ancestors."

Emperor Ming and the elders of the Lou family were very fond of the three little dogs, but they also gave them a headache and couldn't control them at all. Only Lou Muyan and Ruoli could frighten the three little dogs.

A communication talisman floated from a distance and fell into Lou Muyan's hand.

She flipped through her lips and smiled and answered, "Qinghan has already realized the breakthrough."

"I don't know that he will soar in that fairyland. If he is close to us, we will form a team to find your master together." Ming Xiu paused and said, "Big brother and senior brother have also touched the edge of the immortal."

With Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu's ascension experience and lectures, Lou Mubai and Su Jin are not far from breaking through, and Emperor Ming and others should still have some time.

Lou Muyan nodded, "At that time, we will be able to get together again in Immortal Realm, but Qinghan is from the Sea Clan, and his soaring space node will be restricted by the law and transmitted to the Immortal Realm of the Sea Clan's territory, and he wants to join us with him. You also need to feel that you have cultivated until the Venerable."

"Well, this mission should be very beneficial to us." Meditation thought about it and asked, "Is there something that Grandpa called you to yesterday?"

Lou Muyan took out a portrait from the space ring and said, "Grandpa gave me a portrait of the ancestor of the Lou family. I heard that the ancestor has already soared, but he left his ancestor's instructions. , to the Immortal Realm to find the return of the family."

"We transformed Yuan Li into Immortal Power in the Immortal Realm and had the ability to protect ourselves. Grandpa took out the portrait and hoped that we could inquire about the search for the ancestor." She added.

Ming Xiu opened the portrait and remembered the characters inside, "Let's start inquiring after finishing this task."

Grandpa Lou has always been thinking about the matter of recognizing his ancestors and returning to the ancestry, and they naturally have to do their best to accomplish it for him.

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