Xiang Yutang saw Lou Muyan's eyes lit up and an arc was raised on his lips.

As he expected, the two were really interested in the Purgatory Assembly.

"The Purgatory Conference is held once every ten thousand years. Those who have won 100 consecutive games from each immortal realm are selected to go to Xuantian Immortal Realm to participate in the final exchange challenge. Those who continue to win 100 consecutive games at the end can also be invited to Xuantian Immortal Realm. Participate in the banquet."

"Is there a limit to the number of places for each Immortal Region to go to Xuantian Immortal Region to participate in the Challenge?" Lou Muyan asked.

"There are no restrictions, as long as those who have won a hundred consecutive battles in the arena of each immortal realm purgatory field can participate in the total challenge of Xuantian Immortal Realm."

Xiang Yutang continued with a smile: "There is no ranking of the champions in the Purgatory Tournament. As long as they enter the Grand Challenger, those who have won ten, fifty and one hundred games in a row will be rewarded. The reward for winning a hundred games in a row is the highest, especially Participating in the Hundred Wine Banquet in the Xuantian Immortal Realm is an honor that most monks in the Immortal Realm dream of."

"Xuantian Xianyu's Hundred Wine Banquet is very special?" Lou Muyan asked, blinking her eyes.

The ruler of the Xuantian Immortal Territory is his master. This purgatory conference was finally held in the Xuantian Immortal Territory, and she and Ming Xiu naturally signed up to participate.

"Of course, the Hundred Wine Banquet in Xuantian Immortal Domain is hosted by Immortal Venerable Tianxuan. At that time, everyone attending the conference will be able to taste hundreds of holy products, divine wines and fairy fruits, which are very helpful for improving soul and cultivation. Great help." Xiang Yutang also showed yearning in his eyes.

Lou Muyan thought for a while and asked, "Have you ever attended a hundred wine banquets with Consul Xiang?"

She knew from the conversation with Lou Mulan about the holy and divine products in his mouth.

In the Immortal Realm, the tenth to fifteenth grades of medicinal pills, formations, talismans, and spirit wines are collectively referred to as holy grades.

And the alchemy, formation, talisman, and spirit wine of more than 15 grades are collectively referred to as divine grades, and divine grades are the highest in the fairy world, and there is no separate level division.

"No, I failed in the last purgatory meeting, and finally missed the Hundred Wine Banquet. Now that I have passed the age required to participate, I can only envy it." Xiang Yutang smiled bitterly.

At that time, it was not long before he arrived at the lower level, and he was still very young.

He looked at Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu with bright eyes, and continued, "You can try it. This conference requires that no one be older than Chisao, and the opportunity is rare."

"Do you have any detailed information about the purgatory meeting to the steward?" Ming Xiu asked after thinking about it.

Xiang Yutang took out a jade slip from his arms and handed it over, "This is the information of several purgatory conferences in the past, the rules and challenges of each conference will be changed, the details of this conference have not been announced yet, three months later to know.”

"If we succeeded in challenging 100 times at the Lingsu Immortal Realm Purgatory Conference, would we rush to Xuantian Immortal Realm to continue participating in the challenge or would someone send us?" This is also what Lou Muyan is more concerned about.

You must know that the distance from Lingsu Immortal Realm to Xuantian Immortal Realm is very far. She and Mingxiu simply rely on flying instruments to avoid any crisis. It will take more than 30 years. If they encounter a crisis, they may directly fallen.

Of course, there are other immortal domains between the two immortal domains. There are teleportation arrays in the cities of the Great Immortal Domain. As long as you pay immortal stones, you can teleport from city to city.

If you use the teleportation array, plus the time to travel alone, it will take about three years.

The cost of using the teleportation array has been shortened by more than ten times, but the cost of immortal stones is also huge.

She once inquired at the news agency on Pengying Island, and it would take several million low-grade immortal stones to transfer from Lingsu Immortal Realm to Xuantian Immortal Realm.

The taste of changing from a local tyrant to a beggar is really not an ordinary sad reminder.

Xiang Yutang explained with a smile, "No matter in which fairyland, as long as those who participated in the purgatory conference challenged a hundred consecutive victories, the purgatory field will send elders to personally escort these people to the Xuantian fairyland."

"Sit in the teleportation array?" Lou Muyan continued to ask.

Xiang Yutang laughed and said, "That's natural. The Purgatory Field is so powerful that it doesn't care about the transmission of immortal stones. If you rely on flying instruments to travel, you may not be able to reach the Xuantian Immortal Territory in a hundred years."

The distance between Lingsu Immortal Territory and Xuantian Immortal Territory is far away, and there are several dangerous places in Immortal Territory.

"Xiangguanshi, if we win 100 consecutive challenges, how much contribution value can we get on the island?" Lou Muyan was still thinking about checking the book library.

If they successfully went to the Xuantian Immortal Domain, she and Ming Xiu should not return to Pengying Island again.

Toward the steward rubbed the teacup in his hand and thought deeply, and after a while he raised his head and said, "I will go and apply to the island owner. As long as you can successfully win the exchange challenge quota for the Xuantian Immortal Domain, I will let you check the book library before you leave. All the books in it, including the authority of the fifth-level books, will also be open to you."

Hearing his words, both Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu showed joy in their eyes.

"We will definitely sign up for the purgatory conference, then I will trouble the steward." Lou Muyan said.

He smiled and waved to the consul: "You're welcome, I hope you can successfully challenge the hundred rounds and go to the Xuantian Immortal Realm."

Pengying Island has not successfully challenged the hundred purgatory conferences for several sessions. I hope Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu will not disappoint him.

"Thank you to the steward."

Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu said goodbye to Consul Xiang and returned to the cave where they lived.

"When we participate in the Purgatory Conference, we don't have to do tasks to accumulate contribution points, and we don't have to worry about the huge immortal stone required by the teleportation array." Lou Muyan was half lying in the arms of Ming Xiu, playing with his black hair.

Ming Xiu chuckled, "Yan'er is so sure to challenge a hundred consecutive victories?"

Lou Muyan pouted, "We have to challenge if we are not sure. This is the best opportunity for us to go to Xuantian Immortal Realm with our own strength."

The old man, her master, had stated before that they were not allowed to ask others to take shortcuts to the Xuantian Immortal Realm. If they went to the Purgatory Conference, it was not asking for help or taking shortcuts, it was all about strength.

"Well, there are still more than three months before the challenge of the trial conference. Let's improve our cultivation base as soon as possible and break through to the middle position." Ming Xiu bowed his head and kissed Lou Muyan's forehead.

Lou Muyan put his arms around his neck and put a kiss on his thin lips, "Let's go to the Su Immortal Palace to visit the Immortal Ancestor of Lou Family before retreating."

"it is good!"

Ming Xiu's eyes darkened, and he kissed Lou Muyan's red and pink lips heavily.

Soon, gasping sounds accompanied by low roars were intertwined in the cave, and the room was lingering.

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