My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 60 Trial Selection

Two days later, Lou Muyan was called by Lou Mubai to go to Imperial College together.

In the most primitive hall of the academy, Dean Ruan Li and several tutors were already seated, and there were nine students sitting opposite them.

"Mu Bai and Mu Yan are here, sit down." Ruan Li gestured to the two of them with a gentle smile.

After the two sat down, Ruan Li sat down and looked at the eleven people seriously and said, "I called you here today to talk to you about this trial."

"The trials after this competition are different from previous competitions and are very important." Ruan Li emphasized.

"You should know that on the Tianling Continent, we are not the only country in the universe, there are thousands of countries, big and small. In addition to these countries, super families and sects control and distribute the resources of the entire continent."

"The top forces in the mainland are the six major sects. The top ten spirit sword families in the eastern region that you know are actually just the bottom of the mainland families."

"Hey!" The eleven people present were considered heaven's favorites, but after hearing the news, a few people couldn't help but stunned.

"The eastern region is the last of the four regions in terms of overall strength, so our Flame Universe Kingdom is just an extremely inconspicuous existence in the Tianling Continent."

Ruan Li paused, his voice heavy, "Although you are the best of the younger generation of our Yanzhou Kingdom, you can be regarded as a genius in the empire's generation, but compared with swordsmen of the same age in other big countries, you But it's nothing, and it's even the bottom."

"It's not that your aptitude is much worse than them, but in terms of the provision of resources, you are a lot worse than them, so I hope you can face up to yourself and don't lose heart. Only by chasing people who are better than you can you make progress. " Ruan Li's eyes were filled with encouragement.

"Dean, do you have any special meaning in talking to us about so many things on the mainland?" A young man in his twenties among the eleven students asked with doubts and concerns.

"Tianling Continent will hold a Continental Battle for Hegemony every 20 years, and next year will be the start of a new round of hegemony competition. Countries in the four major regions have places, and our Flame Universe has also been allocated six places. "

Seeing that the eyes of the eleven people sitting were different, and some of them were still hiding their worries, Ruan Li continued: "These six places are the total number of Yan Zhou Kingdom, not to choose six people from you. A group of young disciples from other aristocratic families in the Zhou Kingdom will also participate in this trial, and the quota for participating in the Continental Wind and Cloud Tournament will be selected from all of you in total."

"That doesn't mean we all have a chance, or else we might not be selected?" Another young woman asked nervously.

She is the first place in the local class among the veteran students. She was originally weaker than the eleven in strength. If she competes with members of the royal family for a place, her hope is even smaller.

"Of course, this trial is an indirect trial, you should pay attention and cherish it."

He didn't want to completely undermine the confidence of the students, so he added comfortably: "Everyone of you has a chance, don't be discouraged, if you meet an opportunity during the trial, it is not impossible to fly to the sky."

Hearing Ruan Li's words, the originally gloomy eyes of a few people who were originally discouraged lit up again. Also, Dabi has come to the fore, and it is uncertain who will die in the future.

The brothers and sisters Lou Muyan and Lou Mubai did not show too much emotion, and their eyes were always the same indifferent, which made the high school seniors here look a little higher.

Chi Yixuan's face was pale, and the fluctuations in his eyes were restrained. Among the eleven people, he was also one of the seed players who were very optimistic about Ruan Li and others.

"President, is there any benefit to participating in the trial to get a place in the Continental Battle?" Fu Chen, who was second only to Lou Mubai in Tianban, asked.

"The results of the Continental Tournament will directly affect the resource allocation of the continent in the next 20 years. If you advance to the top 100 in the Continental Tournament, then our Flame Universe will allocate more resources." Ruan Li did not Concealed and continued: "If you achieve good results, the Empire will also give you generous rewards."

Seeing the eyes of several people lit up, he added with a smile: "However, the most valuable thing for the players in the Storm Hegemony Tournament is not to get the rewards of the empire, but to be able to join the six sects of the Tianling Continent. This is the most precious thing. Tempting."

"What? To be able to join the six sects." Ji Hanxu, who had a deeper background among the eleven, couldn't help but shouted.

In his family's secret tome, there is more or less recorded the pattern of Tianling Continent, among which there are the top six sects, even if the qualifications are excellent, it is more difficult to join the sect than to ascend to the sky. The second competition was actually related to the six sects.

"The six sects have a long history, and the background is unmatched by other families and empires. The disciples under the sect are all extraordinary."

"And the Continental Hegemony Tournament is one of the ways for them to absorb outstanding disciples. After all, being able to stand out among hundreds of thousands of the best seeded players in the whole continent and rush to the top 100 is definitely worth cultivating." Ruan Li touched his beard. Come to think of it, everyone hopes that the seed players in their country can rush into the top 100 and receive orders from the six sects.

Lou Muyan caught the longing in Ruan Li's eyes, and she raised her eyebrows and asked, "Dean, in the past so many Continental Contests, did our Yanzhou State rush into the top 100 seed players? "

Ruan Li didn't expect Lou Muyan to ask such a sharp question, he was stunned for a while, then smiled awkwardly: "No."

She guessed so, and asked after a while, "What's the best result?"

"Cough cough..." Ruan Li saw that everyone was staring at him, so he coughed a few times, "The best score is 2,110."


Isn't the dean cheating people? The best results are only 2,100, so how many chances do they have to hit the top 100?

Lou Muyan's eyes showed a bit of fiery enthusiasm. The more challenging things are, the more interesting they are, and she is more interested.

The corners of her lips were raised, and she smiled domineeringly and confidently: "It's up to people, and people will conquer the sky. Let's create the myth of the Flame Universe!"

"Okay! Have ambition." Ruan Li couldn't help patting the table when he heard Lou Muyan's passionate words, "You should go to the trials with this attitude, I hope to see this year's Continental Contest for Hegemony In the midst of this, anyone of you here can successfully get the reception order of the six major sects."

Except for Lou Mubai and Chi Yixuan, everyone else had a black line.

Lou Muyan is too arrogant. She is not as good as the first place in her new Earth class, so how can she create the myth of Yan Zhou Kingdom? Is it really okay for the dean to applaud blindly like this?

But it is undeniable that after listening to Lou Muyan's words, they couldn't help but have a passionate yearning and motivation in their hearts, and they also had some expectations for the next trials and trials.

Chi Yixuan looked at Lou Muyan with his eyes darkened. She seemed to have some kind of magic power on her now, which always made people inadvertently convinced.

That domineering and reckless temperament made his heart pounding and fell over him. He couldn't stop paying attention to her more and more, he just wanted to hide her and let her shine only for him.

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