My Exclusive Dream Game

Chapter 197: What does it have to do with me

The note and the anonymous call were just a small episode for Chen Xu and they had no effect on them. Mobile terminal

In Chen Xu's view, it is only possible that Luo Zhenghai did this. If Yang Jinxia really wants to contact him, why bother to leave a note? Neither his phone nor WeChat has been changed.

Therefore, when he saw the note, he knew that the probability was a trap, and he tore it off at will.

He didn't keep the note because it had Yang Jinxia's name on it. In his experience, women are very curious creatures. Once they know the name of his ex-girlfriend, they are likely to inquire about her.

At that time, there will be countless troubles, she may not help but ask, who is more beautiful than your ex-girlfriend and me? How did you chase her? Why did you break up?

Even if she could resist not asking, she couldn't help thinking like this in her heart.

If she doesn't know the name, his ex-girlfriend is just a concept. Knowing the name, the other person's image will become clear and specific, and the feeling in the heart is completely different.

Therefore, he never mentioned Yang Jinxia in front of Luo Xiyun, because mentioning these would not benefit their relationship at all.


As Secretary Jin expected, two days later, Jiang Yan contacted Chen Xu again and started the second negotiation.

This time, Secretary Jin was the main one, and Chen Xu gave her full trust.

This talk has been a whole day, and the content of cooperation has also made breakthrough progress.

Chen Xu listened to the various proposals made by the two women. It was an eye-opener. The way of cooperation was something he had never thought of before.

Jiang Yan proposed that a company could be established, with her and Chen Xu each holding half of the shares. Put the brand and formula in this company. This company will establish a new chain brand company in a joint venture with Jinyun.

Chen Xu was dumbfounded, isn't this blatantly digging the corner of the Jinyun Group? Can Jinyun Group agree?

Even if Jiang Yan is Cai Hong's own daughter and did such a thing, he will be held accountable if he is discovered by Jinyun Group in the future. Maybe it will hurt her mother.

When the negotiations were over and Chen Xu sent Jiang Yan away, he couldn't help but ask Secretary Jin, "Is it really possible to do this?"

Secretary Kim said, "This is the only way you can control the company. Giving up some shares is a necessary price."

"I'm worried, Jinyun Group will find that there is something tricky in it, and there will be trouble at that time."

Secretary Jin said, "Boss, don't worry. Since Jiang Yan dares to take the initiative to propose, he must be fully confident. What we should worry about is that when the company grows larger, they will tear up the agreement and take advantage of the shares. Drive out."

When Chen Xu heard her say this, he couldn't help but feel a little uncertain. Could it be that this is a basic operation in a shopping mall? If this is the case, it really taught him a lesson.

According to Jiang Yan's plan, he could not reach the controlling level in both companies. Although Jiang Yan promised, as long as the company does not have major problems, it will not interfere in operations.

Even if Chen Xu does not understand the routines in the market, he also knows that the so-called promise is worthless in the face of major interests. It is estimated that it will not be too difficult to circumvent such an agreement.

He asked, "Do you have any suggestions?"

"The most common method they use is to use their capital advantage to dilute your equity by increasing capital. It's simple, but it's also very effective."

Secretary Jin reminded, "However, in the initial stage, there is no need to worry about them doing this. Only when the company shows a good momentum of development, they will start to find a profit."

Chen Xu nodded, thoughtfully, "In other words, we still have time."

"Yes." Secretary Jin added, "If you and Mr. Luo are married by then, these will no longer be a problem. Instead, they will be the ones to worry about."

Chen Xu couldn't help but smile, it was really real.


Splendid Investment Top Office.

Yang Jinxia stood in front of the dart target, looked at the darts cluttered on it, and shook her head and said, "Darts are really not that easy to practice. It feels like a step backward."

Next to him, an assistant stood and said, "Your progress has been very fast. It may be that your state is not very good today."

At this moment, someone knocked on the door outside.

She said, "Come in."

It was her driver sister Lin who came in.

"You go out first." Yang Jinxia said to the assistant.

After the assistant left, Sister Lin handed over a document and said, "This is the latest situation at Jinyun."

"sit down."

After Yang Jinxia took it, she walked over to the sofa and sat down and looked over it. After a while, she suddenly yelled. After a while, she looked at the entire document and said, "He can talk about this level? Is my niece giving him the trick?"

Without waiting for Sister Lin to speak, she shook her head again and said, "No, she still lacks some experience, I guess she can't understand the twists and turns in this. That guy, won't you go to Liu Kun?"

Sister Lin said, "The one who talked to Jinyun was a young woman surnamed Jin. She used to be Luo Xiyun's secretary."

"In this way, my niece is not as deep as that bastard. I don't know how much virtue he accumulated in his previous life." Yang Jinxia snorted.

After a while, she said again, "By the way, you can check the information of this Secretary Jin."

"it is good."

"Well, then you go out first."

Sister Lin stood up, hesitated, and asked, "It's Monday today. Do you want to go to the hospital tonight?"

"why do not you go?"

Sister Lin reminded, "But, Luo Zhenghai's side..."

Yang Jinxia smiled and said, "What does Luo Zhenghai make? What does it have to do with me? On Monday night, I will go to see my grandma. This is an already arranged schedule."

"I understand." Sister Lin left after speaking.

In the office, only Yang Jinxia was left. She walked to the mirror, looked at herself in the mirror, and said to herself, "Which dress should I wear to see grandma tonight?"


At around five o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Xu drove to pick up Luo Xiyun from get off work just like the other day.

"Let me drive."

After the two went downstairs, Luo Xiyun suddenly proposed, "I want to take you to a place."

Chen Xu asked curiously, "Where?"

"You'll know when you go." Luo Xiyun changed into a pair of flat shoes and sat in the driver's seat.

"So mysterious?" Chen Xu got into the car, said with a smile, and fastened his seat belt.

When the car was halfway, Chen Xu had a familiar feeling, and the more he walked forward, the stronger the familiar feeling.

He already knew where she was taking herself.

When the car stopped in front of the villa, Chen Xu looked at the door that was very familiar and some strange, with emotion in his heart.

When they were dreaming, they were in this house, and the two of them lived for nearly three months. It is also here that they have made breakthrough progress from reconciliation to relationship.

The difference from the dream is that it is midsummer now, and the surrounding trees are shaded. Both the outer walls and the gates are cleaned very cleanly.

"Would you like to go in and have a look?" Luo Xiyun asked.

Chen Xu unlocked the seat belt and pulled the door to get out of the car. Seeing Luo Xiyun took out the key and opened the door, he couldn't help saying, "Here..."

Luo Xiyun smiled without answering, took his hand and walked inside.

There is a tree in the yard with lush leaves. In the dream, the tree had long since frozen to death, leaving only a section of the dead trunk.

Stepping into this villa again, Chen Xu's heart filled with countless memories about it.

Luo Xiyun opened the door, and the layout inside was exactly the same as he remembered. In the dream, the bits and pieces that the two spent together came to my heart in an instant.

"In the beginning, I thought everything was a dream."

The excitement was hard to hide in Luo Xiyun's voice, "Until I come back here, everything is exactly the same as in the dream, I know that it is all true."

Chen Xu pulled her into his arms, with unspeakable feelings in his heart, and said in her ear, "I should find you sooner."

"It's not too late, is it?"

Chen Xu thought of Bai Jinxuan who had returned home, and sighed silently.

Tinker Bell...

At this time, a harsh telephone ringing rang.

Luo Xiyun left his arms, picked up the phone, and said, "It's Liu Kun." Then, he picked it up, "Xiyun, it's not OK, President Luo is in the hospital."

ps: Today is my birthday, and I will celebrate with flowers. Then I went out to dinner with my family at night, so the next chapter will be later.

My exclusive dream game

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