My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Fifty-six I also have 1 condition

Chen Xu chewed carefully. The compressed biscuit was hard and tasted bad, but the taste was surprisingly good, it was like chives.

After he swallowed the biscuit in his mouth, he said, "Say."

Xia Jinse held the bitten biscuit in her hand, and said slowly, "I need a private space, and you can't get close at any time."


Chen Xu couldn't help laughing, and he didn't hide the sarcasm in his laughter at all.

"what's so funny?"

Xia Jinse's face became a little cold, and the look in his eyes gave Chen Xu a strange feeling again, as if he was facing the leader of the company.

He was a little curious about what this woman did in reality. It must be unusual to be able to give others a sense of oppression with just one look.

However, this is his dream. Even if Trump came, he would not be afraid at all, and he was right.

"Your request is a bit ridiculous."

The sarcasm on Chen Xu's face became stronger, "I don't even look at our current situation, this place is in ruins, we may encounter monsters at any time, and even survival is difficult to guarantee. What more private space do you want?"

After going through the last dream, he already had some experience. For such a beautiful, well-born, and high-minded woman, she must not please her.

At his young age, he also naively thought that as long as you treat others with sincerity, you can reap the same sincerity. However, reality gave him one slap after another.

The result is often that the more you please and accommodate others, the less they will take you seriously.

Many times, if you give others three points of color, they can open a dyeing workshop.

As long as you have a tougher attitude and can stick to principles. On the contrary, others will look at you high, at least, they will not take you seriously.

Sometimes he thinks, aren't these people a bit cheap?

After understanding this, he has fewer friends, but his life is more comfortable.

As for a woman like Xia Jinse, she should be used to being domineering at ordinary times, and she has a domineering temperament in her bones. If he backed down, she might make some weird requests.

Therefore, his attitude at this time was unceremonious, "What if you are attacked by a monster while you are sleeping or taking a bath?"

Xia Jinse replied coldly, "Even if that's the case, I don't need your help."

"I won't watch you die." Chen Xu said, he didn't want to talk anymore, and continued to eat biscuits.

Xia Jinse stared at him for a while, and finally said, "If there are special circumstances, let's talk about it. In normal times, you must abide by it."

Chen Xu swallowed the second biscuit, nodded, and said, "Yes. However, I also have one condition."

"you say."

"Respect is mutual. Treat me with the same attitude as you want to be treated."

Chen Xu looked into her eyes, "I don't care what your status was before, how superior you were, and how many people surrounded you. Here, it's just you and me, no one is more noble than anyone else."

"Also, don't say that men should give in to women, women should be taken care of. Here, there is no such thing. If you want to survive, you have to contribute your own strength. Don't expect me to take care of everything."

Xia Jinse looked at his serious expression, with a look of astonishment on his face, and was speechless for a while.

After Chen Xu finished speaking, he ignored her, drank the water, and after eating the biscuits, he stood up and said, "Hurry up and eat, we're leaving after eating."

"Let's go?" Xia Jinse asked suspiciously.

While packing his things, Chen Xu said, "In that car just now, I saw a place marked with a settlement from a machine that looks like a navigator. It's not very far from here."

"What?" Xia Jinse asked in surprise, "Why didn't you just say that?"

Chen Xu turned his back to her,

Said, "Just now, you were not my companion."

Xia Jinse looked at his back for a long time.


The sky is still gray, which makes people feel depressed.

Chen Xu took all his belongings and Xia Jinse, and set off like this.

They went to find the transport vehicle first, turned on the navigator, and the two of them wrote down the route to the settlement together.

The settlement is not far from here, the total distance is 12.3 kilometers. The route is not complicated, there is a live route on the navigator, as long as you remember a few landmark buildings.

Ready, the two officially set out on the road.

Chen Xu was on the left, and Xia Jinse was on the right, about two meters away from him. The two walked forward in silence, silent all the way.

He kept observing his surroundings to prevent sudden attacks by monsters. His eyes glanced over her occasionally, and he couldn't help but think a lot.

The virtual dream world gave him a sense of precision.

On the one hand, in terms of details, what is pursued is the ultimate truth, and it is impossible to distinguish the difference from reality. On the other hand, there will be obvious loopholes in some places. It reminds you all the time that this place is not real.

In the last dream, he had a deep understanding.

Now, he also has this feeling. The most obvious thing is that in the world of black technology such as exoskeleton robotic arms, the level of urban construction is actually the same as that of the earth.

When he saw the map on the navigator just now, he thought it looked so familiar. After careful observation, he realized that this is the city he is in, isn't it?

The place where he woke up just now was where his rented house was. He didn't recognize it at first because most of the buildings had collapsed.

After figuring this out, he matched many locations with reality. Find the battle scene of the exoskeleton robotic arm, which is a medium-sized supermarket. The surviving building is a newly built community residential building.

The same is true for people, whether it is Luo Xiyun or Xia Jinse, they are all very smart people. However, they are never surprised by the incongruities in the dream world. I won't go into it too.

Up to now, Xia Jinse has never mentioned a word, why did she appear in this world? How did all this happen?

This in itself is very weird. Under normal circumstances, whoever encounters this kind of thing, the first reaction is, what happened?

But Xia Jinse didn't mention it at all, as if she had accepted this setting beforehand.

Chen Xu also felt this sense of disobedience in Luo Xiyun. Of course, as time goes by and I have more contacts, I will gradually ignore this point.

He guessed that this should be to prevent the user from being too obsessed with dreams. After all, for most people, life in dreams is much richer than reality.

Because of this, although he often reminisces about the days in the first dream, he will not feel sad about it.

PS: To tell everyone a good news, I communicated with the editor in the morning and said that there will be recommendations next week. Everyone can rest assured.

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