"Xiaoya's family is family friends with us, and we often played together when we were young."

Yang Jinxia's voice was very soft, her eyes wandered, as if she was lost in memory, "She is so beautiful, her hair is straight and black, her eyes are dark, and when she smiles, there are two dimples on her face. Just like her mother .”

"Her voice is also very nice. Sometimes I get angry. She just needs to grab my clothes and call my name softly, and my anger will disappear somehow."

"In the third year of junior high school, she made a boyfriend. She was afraid that her family would find out, and they would pull me as a cover every time they went on a date."

"She often speaks ill of me behind her boyfriend's back. I know she is afraid that I will steal her boyfriend. But I am still a little angry."

"After the second date, I went to her house with her. Her mother asked me where I went to play today. I pretended to be casual and said that there was a male classmate with me. At that time, my aunt's face changed a little. "

Having said that, she had a smug smile on her face.

"For a month after that, Xiaoya ignored me and kept a straight face all day long. I knew that she must have been scolded by her mother. Her mother is amazing."

"Until one weekend, she wanted to use me as a cover again. I refused, so she asked me if I secretly told her mother about her relationship. Now, her mother forced her to break up with that man, saying As she spoke, she cried. Said it was their last date,"

"My heart softened again, so I agreed to her."

"That time, we went climbing. Xiaoya's boyfriend took us there on a motorcycle."

"When I got to the mountain, Xiaoya secretly spoke bad things about me and my family members. I was very angry. Then, they left me behind and left quietly. I just wanted to call home and ask them to pick me up. Me, it started to rain suddenly, and my phone accidentally dropped down the hillside."

"I think they will come back to pick me up. I just want to find a place to hide from the rain. Not far away, there is a small pavilion. I ran over there. The rain was getting heavier and heavier. I ran in a hurry and accidentally Slipped and fell to the bottom of the next hill."

"The hillside was very steep and deep. I rolled all the way down, and my head was hit by something, so I didn't know anything."

As she spoke, her expression became calm again, and there was no fluctuation in her eyes.

"When I woke up, I felt so cold, it was pitch black everywhere, and I couldn't see anything."

"I was so scared, I wanted to get up, but I couldn't move."

"I was yelling and trying to get someone to come and save me."


"Actually, I can't even hear my own voice."

"I thought, am I really alive?"

"I can't see anything, I can't move, I can't hear anything, I just feel, so cold, so cold."


Yang Jinxia's voice became lower and lower, and Xiaoya's figure in a white shirt beside her became more and more clear.

"I don't know how long it took, I seemed to hear grandma's voice, and I wondered, am I still alive? I opened my eyes, and I saw grandma. Then, I could move again, and I didn't feel cold anymore. It's great."

When she said this, a smile appeared on her face.

"After that time, if I didn't feel anyone next to me, I wouldn't be able to tell if I was dead or not."

She murmured, "But don't worry, you are here, I can definitely feel it."

After a while, she continued, "Let's talk about Xiaoya. After that incident, she avoided me a little bit and didn't have much contact with me. Until a year later, I heard from my grandma that their family was traveling by car. Then there was a serious car accident."

"Her parents died on the spot. She was the only person in the car who survived and was seriously injured. When I found out, I went to the hospital to see her immediately."

"I know,

Her relatives are all out of town. She is alone in the hospital, which is too pitiful. "

"She was seriously injured and was unconscious all the time. She had to wear a ventilator. During that time, I went to the hospital to accompany her as soon as school was over. Several of her relatives were busy with other things. Every time I went to , she is the only one in the ward."

"In a few days, she was moved from the ICU to the general ward. The doctor said, tell her more about the past, maybe she can wake up. I will tell her about the things in school and read to her the songs of her favorite stars. The latest gossip."

"On the seventh day, when I was talking to her, her eyelids moved, and she really wanted to wake up—but her expression suddenly became very painful, as if she couldn't breathe—"

"The doctor came late, and she died in front of me like this. I will never forget the pain on her face at that time. I know, she doesn't want to die, she is still so young, she is so beautiful, and she still has such a beautiful face. glorious future……"

Her voice became softer, "Maybe I miss her too much. When there is no one around, she will appear in front of me and talk to me. Now, she has appeared again, but I pretend not to see her , sometimes, she's really annoying. Shhh, don't let her hear you."

"I didn't tell anyone about this, not even my grandma."


"By the way, there is one more thing. Actually, I was married. He looks much more handsome than you, but he is more annoying."

"You don't have to be jealous of him. He fell ill as soon as I registered with him."

"Hey, he said it was a disease, but in fact, he was beaten into a paralyzed person. Who doesn't know about this? I've heard that he fought with others for the sake of a female celebrity. It's too Disgraceful."

"His parents were hit by such a blow, and they fell ill not long after, and passed away one year later. He himself had a congenital heart disease, and he lay in bed for two years. One day, he had a heart attack and died. "

"I know, some people say that I am a broom star, black widow. My grandma was very angry when she heard about it, and she wanted to give those people who chewed their tongues a lesson. Every time, I would persuade her not to talk to those people. common sense."

"I'm not angry, because I know it's all true. After I was born, my grandfather died, and my father... also died. There are only three women left in our family."

"When I grew up, Xiaoya died, the person I married died, and his parents died. I know that anyone who has anything to do with me will be in trouble."

"Even you, something happened."

"However, you are different from them."

"They all deserve to die, you're different, you can't die."

"You are right. If a person's heart is cut open, it must be black inside. Grandma is like this, mother is like this, Xiaoya is like this, and that family is like this. Only you, no matter how fierce you say, My heart is protecting me..."

"only you……"

PS: I just found out that you can create characters. If you have time, go and vote.

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