The next day, Suningyi was rare, waking up about a quarter of an hour later than usual.

Last night, I learned that the exercise was the king's power gong.

Suning Yi didn't even care about resting, and his experience liver reached more than a hundred, and the efficiency of mana growth was more than three times that of Qingyue Gong!

However, when he woke up in the morning, he was still full of energy, and after practicing his sword as usual, he had breakfast with Liu Senran and Wanhe.

After yesterday's incident, Wanhe took the initiative to integrate and introduced his spell during the meal.

In addition to his regular edgeworth, he focuses on refining his body.

Although it is not as perverted as the monster's physical fitness, it far surpasses that of the Terran monks.

As for being broken by Wen Bolin yesterday, his arm was broken.

It was purely because Wen Bolin was brazen, first paralyzed with the thunder talisman, and then released the Qianjun talisman to break Wanhe's arm.

Otherwise, with Wanhe's strength, how could he be defeated by Wen Bolin.

After hearing this, Liu Senran scolded Wen Bolin for being shameless.

The loud voice can be heard by everyone around you.

But no one gave Wen Bolin a head, and even the advanced disciples in the core area didn't want to be with that guy.

After eating, all the advanced disciples gathered in the square.

Half an hour later, I came to the sky over the Green Pine Plain.

Or in groups of three, temporary mentors are responsible for documenting the process and protecting them.

The event was presided over by Fei Da Butler.

“...... Now you can go down from the flying boat at any time, and rank according to the points of killing demon beasts, and the reward for the first place is also known..."

Fei Da Butler waved his hand.

The cultivators immediately jumped down, and Edgeworth went to different areas to hunt demon beasts.

Suning Yi and the three of them left later.

"I've got a trick up my sleeve, so I'm not in a hurry. Liu Senran whispered, with a thief smile on his face.

At this time, Wang Quanyue's group did not leave, he walked to Su Ningyi.

"Wen Bolin is a waste, don't think that you have defeated him, so you underestimate the core area. "

Let's make a bet, who is ranked higher in this mission, and how about it?"

said Wang Quanyue, squinting his eyes.

There was a glint of jealousy in his long and narrow eyes, and he knew that Su Ningyi would actually get the guidance of Wang Quan every day

! Even he, the genius of the Wang Quan family, did not have this treatment!

How could he not be jealous?"

Suning Yi waved his hand.

"Hehe... Coward. As long as you have half of me, you win. Wang Quanyue said again.

He has a high level of strength and a stronger overall strength in the group.

Even if he wants to score more than twice as many points as Suningyi, he is confident that it is not difficult.

"Bet on what?" asked Suningyi.

"Whoever loses, whoever admits that he is inferior to the other party..."Wang Quan felt that the name was the most important.

Suning Yi turned his head and left, he really couldn't look down on this kind of false name.

I feel like I'm fighting with a child.

"You...!" Wang Quan became more and more angry.

Suning Yi had already left with his two teammates, Edgeworth.


Suning Yi and the others landed in a dead forest.

"Ning Yi, do you think that guy is very naïve?" Liu Senran said with a smile.

Suning Yi nodded.

Liu Senran said again: "After all, he is a top family genius in the core area, and if he is smooth, the most important thing is face." Now that you're here, his aura of royal power will be weaker..."

"Don't underestimate that guy, he's actually very scheming. Wanhe shook his head and said.

"But his character is childish... Forget it, don't mention him, I'll show you my tricks.

Liu Senran looked proud.

After looking around first and making sure that there was no one around, he took out a dead branch, which was dark red in color and looked like the texture of meat, and it exuded a faint fragrance as soon as it came out.

"What is this?" asked Suningyi.

"The meat rosin we mix in the southern district, for the demon beasts with a good nose, this is a delicacy..."Liu

Senyuan shook his head and said.

On the one hand, it ignites the smell of meat rosin, and the smell of meat pine is inaudible to the human nose.

Suning Yi and Wanhe both waited quietly on the side.

Half an hour passed like this.

There was no shadow of a demon beast around.

"Senran... Your incense—" Before Wanhe could finish speaking, there was a rustling sound in the woods.

As the sound sounded, I saw a group of three-eyed blood wolves rushing out from among the bushes, their eyes were red, and there was a strong smell of blood all over their bodies.

Compared to ordinary beasts, this group of three-eyed blood wolves was obviously much more ferocious.

Especially on a tree, an old wolf with a gray coat stood on the branch, and a three-eyed eye on his forehead was extremely red, like a drop of crimson blood.

It's obviously a demon beast, and it doesn't emit demonic power on it.

This means that its strength may be at the fourth order.

And there is a strong blood of divine beasts.

"I think we might be in trouble," Liu Senran swallowed.

Looking at the three-eyed blood wolf that kept pouring out from among the bushes, he subconsciously took two steps back.

The number of these second-order and third-order demon beasts is more than fifty, and the physique of the demon beasts is more resistant than that of the monsters.

To put it simply, they got into big trouble.

"Nonsense, that white wolf, I don't have the confidence to brush it alone... Why don't you withdraw?" Wanhe said in a deep voice.

Liu Senran wanted to cry without tears, and asked Su Ningyi's opinion, "Ning Yi, what do you think?"

and just left, somewhat unwilling.

attracted so many demon beasts, if they could take them all, the first one would definitely not run.

"I think I can give it a try..."Su Ningyi said slowly.

They really can't control the fourth-order demon beasts.

It can still be done by letting Wanhe drag the other party, as for the other second-order and third-order blood wolves.

Su Ningyi felt that his full power of the Little Thousand Sword Array should be able to kill a small part.

Anyway, there are sheep Taisu watching in the sky, their safety is no problem, as long as they kill the blood wolf, they can get points.

"Ning Yi...?!" Wanhe was shocked.

"Brother Wan helped me stop the wolf king, Sen Ran was by my side, and when I lost my strength, he immediately took me to dodge..."Su Ningyi said calmly.

While taking out the sword case, a thousand small swords were ready to be fired.


At that moment, the wolf king let out a long howl, breaking the silence in the forest.

"Boom!" dense wolves poured out of the trees, surrounded by red light and blood.

A terrible wolf howl echoed in the forest

, they were like a piece of flowing blood, and in an instant, I saw more than a dozen blood wolves with bright red fur rushing in front of the three of them.

Suning Yi's three-man sword flew up and dodged the blow.

"Let's fight!"

Su Ningyi instantly released a small thousand sword formation, and the black magic sword fish burst out, expanding into the wind, like a big mouth, swallowing the current dozen or so blood wolves.

"Whoa...!" the

bloody wolf inside let out a scream.

But more blood wolves were not afraid, and pounced into the sky, wanting to pounce on Suning Yi.

The wolf king even jumped into the air and swooped down on Suning Yi.

Wanhe stood in front of Suning Yi, stopped the wolf king, and entangled with it.

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