I walked around for half an hour.

The smile on Tu Shan Yaya's face never stopped, and she bought all kinds of novel little toys.

In front of a vendor selling rattles.

Looking at Suning Yi who was being selected, Tu Shan Yaya was suddenly stunned, and couldn't help but recall her study time.

After Su Ningyi left, she studied hard for a while! She was no longer a stupid little tiger girl

! Now the small objects that Suning Yi bought for herself looked like she was teasing children!

Tu Shan Yaya felt that she was being looked down upon.

What's more, she studied for a while, and when she got results, she couldn't help but want to show off.

"Ahem, little pervert, you're too naïve!" Tu

Shan Yaya said suddenly.

Suning Yi was stunned, turned his head, and looked at the serious Tu Shan Yaya, not knowing what she was crazy about.

"We're no longer children, how can we just buy toys? Look at me, all I want to think about now is to buy books!" Tu

Shan Yaya made a small face, and she was very worried.

"Huh, don't you hate reading the most?"

"Nonsense! Don't you know there's a saying about... Tell Shibei for three days, should you be impressed?!

" "Let's go!

Go to the bookstore!" Tu Shan Yaya took Suning Yi's arm and rushed to the bookstore with a fierce attitude.

She, Tu Shan Yaya, is a cultured monster.


more I thought about it, the happier I became, Tu Shan Yaya grinned, looked at a bookstore, and rushed in.

Suning Yi led the way by her.

It's just that before entering the bookstore, he glanced at the plaque, which was tied with a pink ribbon, and it was specifically stated that children were not allowed to enter.

What kind of bookstore, Su Ningyi immediately understood, opened his mouth, and did not wait for him to speak.

Tu Shan Yaya had already picked up a book to read.

What should be the diagram exactly.

The wonderful pen Danqing, the painting is vivid, and there are text annotations next to it.

Suning Yi's eyes were sharp, and he saw the book in Tushan Yaya's hand, which seemed to be called Silver Bottle Plum.

It is a very best-selling picture book of Daomeng.

Tu Shan Yaya turned the first page, her eyebrows furrowed, and she felt that something was not right.

After reading a page quickly, and then turning it again, there is a picture.


Tu Shan Yaya closed instantly, her face was like a red cloth, and she glanced to the side with a weak heart, seeing that Su Ningyi didn't pay attention.

She pretended to be natural and said:

"You don't want to read these books..."

Just as she was about to put the books back on the shelf, Tu Shan Yaya thought about it, and then took them back by ghost.

"I'm here to study human males..."Tu Shan Yaya made an excuse for herself in her heart.

hurriedly pulled Suning Yi to the counter to settle the bill.

Su Ningyi's face was almost untenable.

This little tiger girl still thinks she doesn't understand?

He couldn't help but laugh out loud, otherwise Tu Shan Yaya, who was annoyed and angry, might not know what he would do.

After paying the bill, he was dragged out of the bookstore by Tushan Yaya and moved forward.

It's as if he's hiding from some kind of flood beast.

Suning Yi followed behind, and suddenly noticed that Tu Shan Yaya was not wearing shoes on her feet.

"Wait a minute. Suning Yi said.

"How... What's wrong?" Tu Shan Yaya didn't look back, and asked in a strange tone.

Suning Yi squatted down and lifted Tu Shan Yaya's jacket, revealing two white and fleshy legs.

"Lift your feet," Suning Yi said.

Tu Shan Yaya didn't understand what she meant, and obediently raised her foot, and was caught in her hand by Suning Yi.

Her little feet are like jade, white and red, small and exquisite, and very fleshy.

Suning Yi originally wanted to measure the length of Tushan Yaya's feet and buy her a pair of shoes, otherwise walking barefoot on the ground would be too weird in most of the Daomeng.

When I picked it up, it didn't get a little dust.

The skin on the surface of the foot is smooth and delicate, with beautiful curves, and the skin at the heel can faintly see the skin lines, such as the white toes are well-proportioned and neat.

First of all, Suning Yi was not foot control, but he was still stunned, and naturally, he lowered his head and sniffed lightly.

"Bang!" Tu

Shan Yaya couldn't help it, the top of her head was about to steam, and she kicked it out!

Suning Yi was kicked hard, turning over several times, attracting the attention of a group of people.

"Ahem..." Suning Yi rubbed his shoulders and stood up.

Tu Shan Yaya hurriedly trotted over, complaining embarrassedly, "What are you doing?!" "

I want to buy you a pair of shoes."

Suning Yi blushed, annoyed by his gaffe just now, it was too embarrassing, and he was not foot control.

"Then what are you smelling?"

Tu Shan Yaya whispered in shame.

Suning Yi coughed a few times and didn't speak, it was easy to get darker and darker, and he was just about to divert the topic.

Then he saw two officials approaching.

The target is Tushan Yaya beside him.

"This little girl, someone reported that you have private money, can you explain the situation?"

a servant asked Tu Shan Yaya.

Tu Shan Yaya was stunned for a moment, she didn't know what private silver was, couldn't she spend her own silver?

Su Ningyi stepped forward, showed the name plate issued by the Dao League to the two officials, and said with a smile: "I gave it to her." The

two officials looked at each other and confessed.

Private banking is illegal for ordinary people, but this law has no effect on monks.

What's more, Suning Yi's famous brand is from Peiying Academy, and the monks there are basically strong in identity and talent, and they can't afford to be provoked by their little servants.

They were just about to leave when a voice came from the crowd of onlookers.

"Yo, Su Datian is really romantic, and he also gave a monster gift. A young monk walked out with a mocking look on his face.


?!" "Where is the monsters?

!" "It's that little girl!" The

crowd dispersed and fled into the distance, all afraid that Tu Shan Yaya would burst out and hurt people, only a few bold ones stopped in place to observe.

Because of Tu Shan Yaya's image, it is difficult for people to think that she is cruel and vicious.

But her physical development and clothing are indeed not what humans should have.

Tu Shan Yaya pursed her lips, feeling a little depressed.

"I'm Tu Shan Yaya, and your Dao Alliance invited us to come over to watch the ceremony. Tu Shan Yaya pouted and said.

The two officials laughed.

With an expression of horror that could not be concealed, they slowly withdrew from here, they didn't dare to care about such a thing.

Su Ningyi grabbed Tu Shan Yaya's shoulders and said softly in her ear, "It's okay..."The

young monk sneered when he saw this, pointed at Suning Yi and said loudly:

"Have you seen it? This genius of the Eastern District, Su Ningyi, actually hugged a monster!

He knew the identity of the other party, and he was a fellow disciple of the Chen family.

Chen Bi'an jumped out to go against him, Suning Yi was not surprised, he could only say that he was unlucky.

"Hehe, you Suning Yi Niu, kill the Earth Dragon Lizard, I can't afford to mess with you, I'll go, okay?" Chen Bi'an

shrugged his shoulders, disgusted Suning Yi, and left with a sneer.

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