Having just witnessed the horror of the Thousand-Foot Demon King, the cultivators were still uneasy, and now they heard the intimidating words of the disfigured great cultivator, and one by one it was even more difficult to hold themselves.

I wonder if I was sold by the Dao Alliance.

This is what the disfigurement monk wants, the southern city is the front line of the fiercest battle between the demons, and it definitely needs fresh blood, and the disciples are the best choice.

In the past, those "treasures" were hidden by various sects, for fear of encountering the slightest danger.

But now is the best time, the Dao Alliance doesn't want to cultivate a group of realm cultivators who have empty cultivation and actual combat garbage, so they will be a little more tolerant of the southern border city, and they can go overboard appropriately.

For example, if you use words to scare the other party, how many can you deceive.

As long as you join the establishment of the southern border city, it will not be so easy to get out again.

"Senior, what do you mean by joining you?" a disciple asked weakly.

The Disfigured Archmonk grinned, stared at him and said, "Good question, to join us is to join the establishment of the Southern Border City. You will be like soldiers, dispatched, commanded..."

"To tell the truth, if you become a monk in our southern city, the mortality rate will be greatly reduced.

"And those monks who fight alone and receive tasks, we will give him the task of exterminating demons, not only to be responsible for the defense of the southern city, but also to go out to hunt down the big demons, hehe, many people are out of the city for the first time, and they never come back. The

Disfigured Monk had a grim smile on his face.

Seeing this oozing smile, the disciples were a little frightened, like a student in an ivory tower who suddenly entered society, joined the company, and was targeted by a senior.

The disciples whispered.

Many people turned their eyes to Suning Yi, waiting for his idea.

There are also some people who panicked, although they said that they wanted to join the alliance when they came, but the plan is a plan after all, in the face of such a harsh reality, they all felt in their hearts that Suningyi could not give them a sense of security.

After all, even a fifth-order great cultivator almost died in the mouth of the Thousand-Foot Demon King!

" "Senior, is there a division in the establishment of the southern city?"

The disfigured monk also found out that Suning Yi was the leader, smiled, and said, "Of course there is." One is the guardian group responsible for defending the city, and the other is the attack group responsible for external exploration and killing the enemy.

"The reason why we are in danger today is because the more powerful Attack Group has gone to raid the Thousand-Foot Demon King's lair. "

The attack regiment is composed of teams, each brigade has more than fifty people, the leader is at least the fourth order, the member is at least the third order, and there must be corresponding formations, medical skills, etc... What, you want to join?"

asked the Disfigured Monk with a little curiosity.

Although he only has one eye, he can also see that Suning Yi is not a guy who is easy to deceive.

"I want to lead everyone to form a brigade, but if we don't join the formation, can the seniors of the southern border city pass on the corresponding formation on our side?

Suning Yi said calmly.

"Huh? You want to form a brigade? You must know that when you go out alone, you go out with a group of people, and you encounter the same danger... Those monsters hate the Attack Group to the core. The

Disfigured Great Monk was surprised, he didn't expect Suning Yi to have this crazy idea.

The cultivators were shocked when they heard this.

"I understand. "Suning Yi still has the same face, of course he knows that gathering in the demon domain will attract stronger monsters, but he is confident, and the sword formation he forms can deal with the demon king

! Forming a brigade is so dangerous, but the reward is also the most!

There are many people with great strength, and forming a formation is a doubling increase... Suning Yi is confident that he can rely on this strength to make greater achievements and make political capital for himself.

At the same time, it can further bind these advanced disciples.

"It's whimsical... However, I can promise you your guts. Don't waste time now, you have to make your choice. Is it to join the Southern Border City Formation, or whatever. The

Disfigured Monk smiled heartily and looked at everyone.

Everyone had just arrived, and they were all a little overwhelmed by the disfigurement of the Great Monk.

"Can... Can you decide later?" asked weakly.

"Later, you're going to start your mission tomorrow, life or death. Think about how long you can hold out and tell me again. The first mission, I can reveal, is that the mortality rate will be very high. The

Disfigured Monk said with a smile.

Threats, undisguised threats.

Everyone looked at each other, and after a few people said sorry to Suningyi, they raised their hands and said that they were willing to join the establishment of the southern city, and some people were undecided, and finally didn't say anything.

And most people, such as Liu Senran and Wanhe, are firmly on Suningyi's side.

The abnormal thing is that Wen Bolin, who has a bad relationship with Suningyi, did not leave and joined the southern border city.

The disfigured monk was slightly stunned when he saw this, according to the previous situation, he could flicker at least one-fifth of the number of people with this scare, but now only six people are willing to join.

It can be seen that Suningyi's appeal was almost impossible in the past.

The powerful Tianjiao disdains to get along with ordinary disciples, while those who have the intention of calling for help can't convince the public.

"Okay, I hope you all don't regret making this choice... I'm taking you to the place where I live now, and the poor Dao is called Zhong Wuyan, who is in charge of you, and is also one of the leaders of the Guardian Group.

Zhong Wuyan waved his hand and led everyone to continue to the accommodation area.

The crowd was silent all the way until they came to the north of the city, where there was a circle of bungalows, which formed a circle, and in the middle was a courtyard, which looked equally shabby, but with many bright flowers and plants.

Zhong Wuyan stopped at the gate of the courtyard, pointed inside, and said,

"Choose your own room to live in." I'll come tomorrow morning to arrange tasks for you, and I'll eat them in the cafeteria. Those who join the Southern Side City are coming with me. With that, he took the six men and left.

After Suning Yi and the others entered the courtyard, the first thing they did was not to divide the room, but to clean it... It's been uninhabited for a long time, it's dusty, and there are cobwebs in the corners of the eaves.

The atmosphere of the crowd was very dull, and they cleaned up without saying a word.

After the end, in the courtyard in the middle, Suning Yi spoke, that is, to calm their hearts, because there were many people in it, who were still frightened and hesitant.

In fact, Suningyi has nothing to say, just a brief explanation.

After all, whether or not he can give confidence depends on what he does, not how he says it... Afterwards, Suning Yi returned to the room, and it turned out to be a chase shop, that is, a few people sleeping on a "big kang".

"Ning Yi rest assured, we will assist you!" Liu Senran patted Su Ningyi on the shoulder.

Suning Yi smiled, and just as he was about to speak, the conch in his arms suddenly vibrate.

...... Tu Shan Yaya is here.

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