Almost all of the monks in Southside City are part-time pharmacists, and they are passionate about all kinds of exotic herbs, and they also pay attention to other herbs in addition to the local ones.

Among them, the Tushan Demon Domain has the best geographical location, and there are many kinds of medicinal herbs, which are valued by them.

It's a pity that I haven't had the opportunity to pick herbs before.

Now Suning Yi took out the black mountain specialty licorice, which instantly attracted Zhong Wuyan's attention, he saw that the licorice was fed to "Xiaotian", and he was quite heartbroken, thinking that it was a cow chewing peonies.

Several of the monks who followed him also showed expressions of pity.

"Senior Zhong?" said hello to Suningyi.

Zhong Wuyan nodded slightly, deciding to get down to business first.

Zhong Wuyan waved his hand and let the monks behind him step forward, they were holding different things, including famous brands, Taoist robes, formation materials, books... Each is dozens, distributed according to the number of people.

Zhong Wuyan patiently introduced them one by one.

"This robe is the robe of our Hundred Medicine Sect, and it has gone through many processes to make it... The effect is that it can resist some miasma, and the concealment is excellent, so it doesn't hurt to wear it.

"The book Herbs and Situation is a must-have for you, and you must read it thoroughly.

"There are not only common poisons on it, but also our current situation, those demon kings, what are their characteristics, etc... As for the formation materials, there are mainly three formations. "

The first one is the Great Protective Array, the second is the Poison Suppression Breeze Array, and the third is the Wind Movement Array. "

Zhong Wuyan's kung fu, the disciples have all gotten the materials, they are all behind Suning Yi, or reading books, or rubbing Taoist robes... But he regarded Suning Yi as a spokesperson.

Suning Yi quickly glanced at the herb and the situation, and found that it only played a role in popularizing science.

Even if you finish reading it, you can't immediately detoxify it or something.

This did not meet his expectations, but the formation materials were very practical, the latter two were detoxification and escape, which would generate a strong wind and roll up the poisonous miasma, although the offensive nature was average.

"Sue... Ning Yi, right?Poor Dao has heard of you a long time ago..."

Zhong Wuyan suddenly spoke.

Suning Yi nodded slightly, "What advice does Senior Zhong have?" "

I can't say anything about advice, I want to make a deal with you." You have a lot of herbs in your hands?" Zhong Wuyan looked at the licorice shavings on the ground, showed a regretful gaze, and bent down to store them in the palm of his hand.

"Some, indeed. Suning Yi replied.

From Zhong Wuyan's reaction, he saw the possibility of exchanging it for a medicinal herb book.

"Sell us your herbs, and trade whatever you want, just ask.

Zhong Wuyan didn't talk nonsense, and said bluntly.

"If you can, can you use books on medicine?" said Suningyi.

Listening to Su Ningyi's words, Zhong Wuyan smiled and glanced at Su Ningyi with a playful expression.

"You don't want to teach yourself poison, do you?"

"Medicine and toxicology are broad and profound, you are in the growth period now, it's not good to be distracted, if you delay your cultivation because of this, maybe those guys in the Eastern District will come over to find trouble?"

Zhong Wuyan felt that Suning Yixin was too young and whimsical.

Even if medicine and toxicology are mainly empirical science, if you want to achieve certain results, even if you are a genius, you have to take two or three years, and if you specialize in these during the potential explosion period, you can only say that you have lost watermelons and picked up sesame seeds.

"I'm measured, can I?" Sun Ningyi insisted.

"Yes, what's not to do. I've reminded you anyway. Show me what herbs you have, and give you the corresponding cheats according to the quantity and quality, in short, I won't treat you badly.

Zhong Wuyan grinned and said a little impatiently.

Not only him, but several monks who came with him all gathered around excitedly, looking at this posture, as if they were going to fight.

Suning Yi took out most of the medicinal herbs, all of which were collected by the Tree Demon King to be sold to Chen Wuyi, with a rich variety and rare quality, every time he took out a stack, it could cause Zhong Wuyan and others to exclaim.

"Che Bora ... Matsutake mushrooms... Toad silk... There is even alfalfa grass

!""Did you wipe out the Black Mountain in the Eastern District?" "

Great! Great! Suningyi, you are really our lucky star..."

Zhong Wuyan exclaimed again and again, the smile on his face rippled, dispelling the horror of his disfiguring face, he hurriedly put away the herbs on the ground, and patted Suningyi's shoulder excitedly.

He guessed that Suningyi had a lot of inventory, but he didn't expect it to be so much! The

huge sense of happiness almost made him crazy

! But anyone who likes to specialize in medicine and toxicology can't be indifferent when he sees these precious herbs!

He said with a happy face: "Good boy, I won't treat you badly!"

Immediately, Zhong Wuyan handed Suningyi a cheatbook and explained: " This is the Poison Sutra of our Hundred Medicine Sect, which is more detailed than the Poison Sutra of other sects in the Southern District! The method of detoxification is also more effective. As he

spoke, Zhong Wuyan glared at Liu Senran, who was about to stop talking, for fear that the transaction would fail.

"Thank you Senior Zhong, there is one more thing..."Su Ningyi said again, he saw that Liu Senran gave him a look, this deal may not be worth it, so he took the opportunity to ask again.

"What's the matter?" Zhong asked with a smile.

"I hope to be able to deal with all of our tasks flexibly, for example, from now until the seventh day, all the tasks to be accumulated, and then solved together on the seventh day.

Suning Yi proposed.

Zhong Wuyan frowned, "You won't slack off because of this, will you?"

"Naturally not, just be prepared." Suning Yi smiled and shook his head.

Zhong Wuyan thought for a while and replied, "Okay, I agreed." But it can't be more than seven days at the latest, and at the last question, does anyone else want to join our organization?"

he said, his gaze swept over to the cultivators.

But no one stood up and decided to follow Suningyi.

Zhong Wuyan shook his head, no longer insisted, and after telling where the cafeteria was, he left with the others.

"Ning Yi, in our southern district, every sect has a poisonous scripture, and the content is almost the same... I knew you wanted this, I could give it to you!" Liu Senran saw Zhong walking away without a word, and immediately said with annoyance.

"It doesn't matter, it's the task that matters now. "Suning Yi doesn't care, as long as he can quickly master the Poison Sutra.

Looking around at everyone, from their eyes, Suning Yi saw the trust, and he said loudly: "Everyone, our alliance will not disappoint anyone." The task now is to learn the formation! and this book

!" "Seven days later, we will go on a mission!

All the disciples shouted in unison, responding to Suning Yi, and none of them raised any objections.

Those who can stay now trust Suningyi.

Even Wen Bolin, a guy who has had friction, chose to follow Suning Yi and follow his instructions.

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