The valley occupied by the big demons has become the burial place of these big demons.

Su Ningyi and the others came and went quickly, and after a while, a group of uninvited guests came here, Zhong Wuyan and Fei Da Butler and other great monks, and the sword was in the sky and stopped over the valley.

At this time, the poisonous miasma and black fog had been cleared, and the scene below was unobstructed.

A large pit soaked in blood, around the explosion of rocks, the convoluted and collapsed plants... Brightly appeared in the eyes of the monks, it was hard to believe that this place was still a demon den not long ago.

Butler Fei grinned and glanced at Zhong Wuyan.

Zhong Wuyan stared down blankly, his mouth was wide open, and he could fit a fist, he pointed to the big pit below, squeaking, and didn't say a complete sentence for a while.

He never thought that Suning Yi's group of advanced disciples would directly plow this place!

It is true that there is no demon king here, but there are dozens of big demons gathered, and there is a poisonous miasma cover, even if the fifth-order great cultivator comes in person, don't want to shake the demon nest, not to mention that the nearby demon kings will hear the news and come...

Even if the Demon King and the Attack Group are fighting now, sensing the crisis here, the Demon King will come.

At this time, there is no breath of the demon king.

There is only one reason, Suning Yi and others have done this in a very short period of time!

"Those guys... It's a bit too much..."

Zhong Wuyan's face changed, he was not happy now, the disciples were too capable, and it was not necessarily a good thing for the southern city.

"Why did Zhong Daoyou say this?" asked Butler Fei with a smile.

Hearing the voice of Butler Fei, Zhong Wuyan came back to his senses, turned his head to look at Butler Fei, and said anxiously:

"The southern city and the demon king here maintain a balance, the fifth order is against the fifth order, and the demon king here is equivalent to our 'advanced disciples' over there... Now, I'm afraid you want to..."

"What do you want? Demon killing, people killing demons, isn't it natural?" Butler Fei said lightly.

"In this way, the tacit understanding between the two sides will be broken, and I am afraid that it will cause a big war between the Dao Alliance and the Southern Kingdom! When the Dao Alliance is in turmoil, the hard-won peace will disappear, and we..."

Zhong Wuyan explained in a deep voice, his eyes fixed on the fat face of the butler Fei.

In the past, it was the Dao Alliance that wanted them to be impulsive in the four border areas, for fear that they would provoke a war between demons, but now that Suning Yi and the others poked out the basket, they were happy to see it?

The strong contrast instantly made Zhong Wuyan guess something, and he asked

: "Is the alliance leader going to..."

, Steward Fei didn't explain, and said lightly: "Continue to follow." Look at Suning Yi and them, how far they can go. With that, he flew away with his sword first, following the direction of Suning Yi and the others.

Zhong Wuyan slowed down by half a beat, and he was shocked by the conjecture in his heart.

The reason why the Dao Alliance is abnormal, is it that the leader of the alliance is about to dismantle, so he wants to calm down the hidden danger strongly?

There is friction between the southern city and the demon king here almost every day, and today every month is the time for large-scale battles, which has become an unwritten rule for more than ten years.

The monks of the strongest combat force attack group in the southern border city are entangled with various demon kings, and both sides will suffer a lot of casualties.

It is precisely because of its fierceness that no demon king has discovered the tragedy in the valley.

This is also according to Suningyi's plan.

From the very beginning, Suning Yi didn't want to complete the task step by step, he directly led the rhythm, and didn't care what the demon king situation was... He dared to do this because he sensed a hint.

Therefore, he moved as fast as thunder.

After eradicating the demon nest in the valley, he led the disciples to further study, and brought four demon nests one after another, although there were not many big demons inside, but all of them were added up, and it was almost a hundred big demons!

At this time, the sun was setting in the west, and it was about four o'clock in the afternoon, and Suning Yi was at the forefront of everyone, and the orange light shone on everyone, but it did not hide their killing intent at all.

The robes on everyone's bodies were blown by the wind and hunted, and they were like a flock of geese.

At this time, everyone's mentality is a little "floating".

"Alliance leader, are we going to kill the demon king?" In the sword array, a voice sounded, obviously mentioning the demon king, a symbol of terror, but there was no fear in this person's voice at all.

More than fifty pairs of eyes gathered behind Suning Yi.

Facing the strong wind, Su Ningyi did not look back, and replied: "That's right, since you have done it, you will do it directly." After today, the situation will definitely become more tense, and it is difficult to have the opportunity to do so in the future. "

Are any of you afraid?"

After a pause, Suning Yi asked with a smile again.

They are all the pride of the younger generation of Daomeng, how can anyone be afraid at this moment.

"It's just

the Demon King!Kill it in seconds!" "With the Alliance Lord leading us, even if it is the Poison Emperor of the Southern Kingdom, I dare to touch it!" "

I've been unhappy with the Demon King for a long time! I happened to get rid of the Demon King today, and we will have something to talk about after we go back! Some of the guys from the other border trials can achieve our feat!"

Hearty laughter spread through the air.

In a cheerful atmosphere, they quickly crossed several green mountains, far away from the southern city, no one asked the location of Suning Yi's target, they all trusted each other and were willing to follow.

In fact, Suningyi does not have a specific goal.

He is not a god and does not know the location of the demon king, so he is now purely trying his luck and wandering within the range where the demon king's aura exists, while avoiding entering the battlefield of the demon king and the attack group.

Half an hour later, there was still no information.

Suning Yi simply led the disciples to the outermost "battlefield".

They were behind a cloud high in the sky, overlooking the battlefield below.

It was next to a large lake, and nearly a hundred monks wearing navy blue robes did not form a formation, besieging and killing a demon king with horns, and a group of big demons were helping by the side.

"Roar !!

" "Human monks, if you seek death, this king will fulfill you!" The

demon king, whose first horn was like a dead branch, roared at the monks in the air, its skin was gray-brown and cracked, and it looked very similar to the Dryad King of Black Mountain.

It stomped its feet, a flash of blue light, and its feet melted into the ground, turning into a giant tree.

Thousands of branches were like whips, whipping the monks in the air.

"Up!" shouted one of the monks.

The monks of the southern city immediately rose into the air to avoid the attack of the branches, but there were still two people who were drawn by the branches, one of them had a mysterious light on his body, blocking the damage, and the other was not so lucky, he was caught by the branch and fell down


The monk who was swept away was his own brother

, but at this time, he couldn't let everyone go to the rescue, it would only make things worse!

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