"Little pervert!" "Little pervert!" "Little pervert

!" You don't even know, what I just did! Guess what!"

After Tu Shan Yaya left Qingfeng Sect, she went to find Suning Yi, and she couldn't wait to ask when they met.

Suning Yi looked at her with a strange look.

A desire to complain arises spontaneously.

Finally endured it, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and said, "You have broken the Qingfeng Sect..."

Suning Yi held his forehead and didn't say a word.

Silent, Su Ningyi still had an unreal feeling, how could this little fox demon like a bear and child break through the Qingfeng Sect and make such a big move?

This is not a trivial matter

! All the sects in the entire Yellow Wind City have been alarmed

! It can be said that there will definitely be chaos in the future!

"Hahaha, why are you sad? I helped you take revenge, come, let's bake this and eat it today, and celebrate together..."

Tu Shan Yaya grinned.

The little fat hand was taken out from behind his back, carrying two big fat geese, both of which were rare spirit animals.

Suning Yi thought about it and decided to feast on it first.

Because of the incident in Qingfeng Sect, Suning Yi couldn't stay too far away from the sect, so he followed Tushan Yaya and cooked two fat geese by the stream in the woods not far from Qingyue Mountain.

The smell of Be'er incense lingers around.

The two fat geese on the grill had their feathers plucked clean, and a few cuts had been made on their bodies, which were bubbling with oil.

Tu Shan Yaya held her cheeks and stared at them without blinking, her saliva was about to flow out.

After the fat goose was roasted, Tu Shan Yaya grabbed a roast goose, tore off her thighs, and stuffed it into her mouth, regardless of the high temperature.

Si Ha fanned the wind in his mouth.

Su Ningyi looked at her calmly.

Such a small, stupid little monster.

Actually broke through the Qingfeng Sect?

With doubts, Suning Yi didn't taste much of it, so he ate the roast goose, and his mana increased a little.

It's mid-second order....

"Eh, can you tell me that story?" Tu Shan Yaya poured a sip of wine, and her mouth was shiny.

"Yaya Little Fox Fairy, you better go back to Tushan first. In the future, let's not meet for a while..."

Su Ningyi sighed.

"Why?" Tu Shan Yaya wondered.

"Because you broke the Qingfeng Sect, it was a big event for the Dao Alliance..."Su Ningyi said the cause and effect, as well as the Demon Alliance that was being planned.


" "The old lady just taught them a lesson, she didn't kill anyone at all, and they still dare to retaliate?"

Tu Shan Yaya said dissatisfied.

"That's it..."Su Ningyi shook his head.

"But I can't bear to..."

"We can continue to meet in the future." Suning Yi said with a smile.

"I can't bear those stories!" Tu

Shan Yaya said with a puffed face.

"Oh. Suning is embarrassed.

"The old lady won't go, it's a big deal to fight, a few bull noses..."

Tu Shan Yaya said proudly.

In the next second, a female voice suddenly sounded around her, and after it appeared, Tu Shan Yaya instantly became silent.

"Yaya, now I'm back to Tu Mountain. "

Sister?" Tu Shan Yaya was startled, and put her two little fat hands on her chest and clicked.

"Can you... Okay, I'll go back. Tu

Shan Yaya, who was ambitious a second ago, said goodbye to Suning Yi with the defeated dog who was defeated, climbed on the back of the white rabbit in frustration, and left quickly.

"Is Tu Shan red?"

Su Ningyi glanced around a few times.

It's a pity that he is only a second-order cultivator, and his perception is limited, so he doesn't know if Tu Shan Honghong is nearby.

Just as he was about to leave.

In the distance, there was a rustling sound in the dense branches of the trees, followed by the distinctive laughter of the elder brother.

"Suning Yi!Collusion with monsters!You're done!"

The senior brother was also nearby!

and witnessed the whole process.

The black sword behind Su Ningyi trembled, unsheathed by half an inch, and then stopped abruptly, because the senior brother had already taken off the sword.

It can't be hunted down!"

"Big brother's luck is really good. Suning Yi shook his head, but he didn't panic.

cleaned up the traces and hurried back to the sect slowly.


When I returned to the Qingyue Sect.

Suning Yi felt the unusual atmosphere, and the enthusiasm of the brothers and sisters to practice swords became even more intense.

It's all about preparing for the Demon Alliance.

That's going to be a time for both risk and opportunity.

"Hey... Hah..."

The brothers were still speaking.

Suning Yi looked around, but he didn't find the figure of the senior brother, so he walked into the main hall.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw the kneeling elder brother.

The senior brother knelt on the ground and roared hoarsely: "Master, I didn't lie! Suning Yi was indeed with a monster, and they also ate roast goose..."

The second and third senior brothers next to him bowed their heads and remained silent.

Qing Yuezi's face turned pale, and she said in a cold voice: "Reverse the wind! Don't slander Ning Yi at will!"

"I didn't... Suningyi, you came just in time!" The senior brother was very aggrieved, and when he saw Suning Yi coming in, he was overjoyed, and came up and pulled Suningyi's sleeve.

"Suning Yi, confess to Master!" the

senior brother shouted.

"Confess what?" asked Suningyi.

"Confess, of course, that you're entangled with youkai... That's what I've seen with my own eyes, do you want to deny it?!" Senior Brother's eyes widened.

"I don't understand what Senior Brother is saying.

Suning Yi looked innocent.

The senior brother was stunned for a moment.

"The disciple has just returned from outside. I haven't seen Senior Brother, I don't know what's wrong with him?" asked Suning Yi with a smile.

Qing Yuezi shook his head and said, "I'm afraid he's crazy and thinks you have something to do with monsters." Incompetent, you two talk about it, do you think it's possible?"

The second senior brother and the third senior brother all hurriedly shook their heads, like rattles, and supported Su Ningyi.

In the presence of other brothers and sisters, it will be the same.

How could Ning Yi collude with monsters?

This credibility is not as good as the senior brother suddenly losing his mind and going crazy!

Su Ningyi still had a faint smile on his face.

He had known it would be like this.

In the Dao League, it is necessary to pay attention to personal relationships, even in small sects.

"You guys, you don't know anything!" Suddenly

, he thought of something, and hurriedly said, "Master! Su Ningyi still has evidence, it's..."

Qing Yuezi raised her eyebrows, and instructed the second senior brother: "Incompetent, you go and take a look, let the wind die." Xiao Sha, you go and count the warehouse, tomorrow the major sects will come to discuss the matter of the Demon Alliance..."

The second senior brother and the third senior brother took the order and left.

Suning Yi accompanied Qing Yuezi and looked at the senior brother with a smile in his eyes.

The elder brother was very proud at first.

But he soon realized that he was too excited, and gave Suning Yi the opportunity to clean up the scene!

When the second senior brother came back, he reported truthfully.

There is no trace of what the elder brother said at all.

"Master, Suning Yi him..."

"That's enough! Storm the wind! If you talk about this matter again, don't blame the teacher for punishing you." Qing Yuezi said coldly.

Senior Brother's lips moved.

In the end, he glared at Su Ningyi with hatred, and turned around and left the hall with an unwilling face.

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