The sects of the Southern District spared no effort to promote the reputation of the new drug king, even to the point of madness.

Has anyone ever seen a monk with a sword in the sky, shouting about the exploits of the new poison king every time he goes to a city?

In one day, all the cities in the southern district were spread about the deeds of the new poison king... He is only fourteen years old

, the master of the sword path, the master of a sect, pacifying a thousand peerless mountains, and defeating the previous drug king with poison! Not to mention the record of slashing down the top demon king with a sword on the day he took office!

Of course, who is the top demon king, the sects in the southern region have tacitly not revealed, anyway, it is very strong and top.

Such a powerful new drug king is also the most famous drug king.

It is estimated that in less than half a month, the entire Dao League will know that there is a powerful drug king in the Southern District.

On the other side, the southern city naturally received the news on the same day, and even celebrated.

Outsiders can't see what Butler Fei thinks, he always smiles, but Butler Fei, who originally planned to sit in the southern city and negotiate with the southern country, suddenly changed his mind and wanted to lead the team to the northern district.

Go to the Daomeng Flying Boat in the North District.

Butler Fei was alone in a room, and no one from the other monks bothered him.

At this time, anyone can see that Suning Yi has become a momentum, if the core area is like Jin Renfeng, who is strong on the outside and dry in the middle, bringing together all the eyes.

At this time, Suning Yi is a model of making a fortune in a muffled voice.

The Demon Eradication Sect didn't even pay attention to it, and a faction that was more thorough and powerful than Jin Renfeng had already taken shape.

Gathering the power of the Eastern and Southern Districts, driven by one person... Even Butler Fei can't afford to take it lightly.

The other monks had different thoughts, and they were indispensable for gloating.

For example, sheep are too vegetarian...

Yang Taisu went to find Suning Yi with a smile on her face.

"You little... Young man, it's really terrifying, Poison King, hey! I guess I'll have to let Lao Fei lose a few hairs. Old Dao, should I call you Sect Master Su now?Or is it the King of Su Poison?"

Yang Taisu asked with a smile.

Su Ningyi waved his hand, looked at Yang Taisu and said, "You're polite, just call me Ning Yi."

"Don't dare to trust it, let's call it a Taoist friend." The sheep smiled too plainly, and the goatee was curled up and up.

Suning Yi nodded slightly and did not reply.

Commensurate with Taoist friends means that both parties get along on an equal footing, and Yang Taisu has expressed closeness to him before.

From Ning Yi to Daoyou, it is not just a change in identity.

"So, does Su Daoyou know the pattern of the core area?" Yang Taisu stroked his goatee and said suddenly.

"I want to hear about it.

Suning Yi straightened his body and looked at Yang Taisu seriously.

Even in the core area, not all of them are from big families, because there are monks from the four border districts who migrate to the core area and form family forces, but the resources are far from being comparable to the local families.

Yang Taisu took a sip of tea, was silent for a moment, and said slowly:

"The core area is an urban agglomeration dominated by the capital, and it is also where the headquarters of the Daomeng is located. Among them, the most famous forces are probably the royal power and the East, just like the needle of the sea god. Under this, it is the Li family and the Yang family..."

"However, they accounted for more than eighty

percent of the resources, but the number of people was only thirty percent!" "The remaining seventy percent of the monks were either casual cultivators or small families, and they shared the remaining twenty percent of the resources, of course, it was stronger than the four border districts.

Yang Taisu briefly explained the situation, stopped talking, and looked at Suning Yi with a playful face.

Suning Yi was silent for a moment, and estimated the allocation of resources, according to his Datong proposition, the biggest beneficiary is the four border districts, and these small families or scattered cultivators in the core area have not changed much.

That is, there is limited appeal to them.


eastern and southern districts are because of Suning Yi's proposition, and they do have a big harvest for them, while some of the Xiao family are holding the merits of the dragon and Tu Shan... There are not only Yaya's reasons, but also Tu Shanhonghong's wish.

So, why does the small family in the core area support Suningyi?

Yang Taisu stopped here when he said this, and he should have saved his mind to ask about the price.

This is an exchange of interests for Chiguoguo.

Suning Yi didn't answer immediately, at least now, with limited resources, he can't give the other party enough benefits.

You can't promise easily, otherwise when the other party finds out, you will change from an affinity to an enemy.

Yang Taisu didn't entangle, seeing that Suning Yi didn't respond, he changed his words:

"Let's make an agreement, the situation in the northern district is different from the southern district, if you can subdue the northern district, I will give up my face and pull some supporters for you." Yang

Taisu was still smiling.

"Good. Suning Yi was pleasantly surprised.

"We'll see. Yang Taisu smiled.

Suning Yi has Suning Yi's difficulties, and he also has his own plans, which side is the saddest

in the competition for the leader of the alliance? Of course, it is the wall-riding faction!

If he does not stand in line, let alone interests, I am afraid that whichever side of the two sides is in the upper position will have to clean them up.

After some careful consideration, Yang Taisu didn't figure out where Fei Da's housekeeper was confident, but he saw Suningyi's growth with his own eyes.

He didn't believe that Suningyi would fail!

No matter what the other forces in the core area said, he was on the "thief ship" of Suningyi.


The North District, the main city of the North District is the North City, which is the first male city on the border, and the overall strength is also the best in the four districts.

The disciples who have trained here also have more opportunities to eliminate demons.

"Poof... "

A bull-headed demon, whose head was cut off by a sword light, rolled on the ground a few times, and blood spilled all over the ground.

The clean and neat sword light plowed deep ravines in the ground.

Three young monks descended from the sky.

One of them was Wang Quanyue, who was holding a sword in one hand, and his face was still very white, but it was much more evil than before.

Yang Qi, who was following him, stroked his palms and smiled: "Ah Yue, this is the third big demon you have killed! Our advanced disciples in the Northern District have only killed one at most!"

Yang Qi looked at Wang Quanyue, with a worry hidden in his eyes.

The more the royal power has changed too much, the sword intent has become more and more fierce, and he has deviated from the path of the sword of heaven and earth

! He saw it in his eyes, and he also found something, but he couldn't persuade Wang Quanyue, the more Wang Quan was like getting into the tip of the horns

! "Not enough! Not enough!" "

I want to completely leave Suning Yi behind, so that he can't see my back, Yang Qi, continue to look for the big demon, don't cling to the big demon who is alone, even if it is the big demon in the demon king's territory, it's okay!"

The king's power said more and more loudly.

He looked at Yang Qi's gaze, crazy and extreme.

Because of his jealousy of Suning Yi, every time he loses to Suning Yi's resentment, he has developed an obstacle similar to his inner demons.

But instead of sinking, he chose a path that was more suitable for him!

... Butler Fei acquiesced to him, he thought that he would not go wrong, and he would definitely be able to lead to the great road of the sword!

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