After Li Muchen left, Suning Yi and Tu Shan Yaya slept until the early hours of the morning, and a cold breath came, and they opened their eyes at the same time and found the white-haired Huangquan clan.

After being taught a lesson by Tu Shan Yaya, the white-haired Huangquan clan did not dare to make a mistake.

politely explained the intention, hooked out the soul of Suning Yi, and went to Huangquan Road...

Said to be a road, in fact, it was more like a dark tunnel, Suning Yi's soul body was guided by the white-haired Huangquan clan, shuttling through the darkness, and the speed was extremely fast.

Suning Yi deliberately observed his surroundings, and there were many wandering spirits who went in the same direction as him.

These geists have no intelligence, they are confused, they seem to be pulled by something, and they rush in at great speed... Suning Yi had a strong sense of perception, and found that their aura was less than the fifth order.

"After the fall of the living soul, the soul is pulled by reincarnation, and then reincarnated?" Sun

Ningyi thought, the mystery of the Huangquan clan made him curious.

I don't know how long it took, but he suddenly felt a faint feeling of wetness.

It was obviously a soul body, but this wetness was very clear, and he was keenly aware that his mental thinking ability seemed to be weakening.

In the long run, he might become like a normal geist.

Finally, the white-haired Huangquan clan who was guiding him in front stopped, and a scroll flew out of his cuff, unfolding and expanding, emitting a golden light that dispelled a small patch of darkness.

Suning Yi followed him and stopped on it, and immediately had a down-to-earth feeling.

"This is the outskirts of Huangquan Road, and the speed of time is twenty to one. Your soul body is stronger than I thought, and you should have no problem staying here for half the night. The

white-haired Huangquan clan said lightly.

Suning Yi bowed slightly, and he noticed that there was indeed a difference between his soul body and the wandering soul.

The soul body has a faint red light, and it feels extraordinary at first glance.

"To be honest, I didn't expect a smart person like you to be deceived by Li Muchen. The white-haired Huangquan clan turned his back to Suning Yi, and suddenly said in a contemptuous tone.

Now that Tu Shan Yaya is not around, he is floating again.

"What do you mean?" asked Suningyi.

"The speed of time here is indeed different, but it will not delay the lifespan, after one day outside, you are equivalent to losing twenty days of life here!"

"If you want to improve your strength, the initial effect will be good, but the characteristics of Huangquan Road will continue to slow down the speed.

"Instead, it will erode your soul body, and the gains outweigh the losses. The

white-haired Huangquan clan sneered, if the time flow rate of Huangquan Road was more beneficial than disadvantageous, the Dao Alliance would have contacted them a long time ago to make a strong man in batches in a short time.

It seems like a shortcut here, but in reality, it's not very useful.

Suning Yi smiled, his own family knew his own affairs, his phoenix characteristics could greatly reduce the negative impact of Huangquan Road, and the existence of the liver experience system also allowed his mana to grow steadily.

"Thank you for your concern. Suning Yi hugged his fists, and then began to operate Wang Quangong.

The pale red soul body gradually flowed with golden light.

"Stubborn. The white-haired Huangquan clan shook his head, no longer looked at Suning Yi, and stood on the edge of the scroll, looking down at the turbulent yellow river below, there were countless wandering spirits running towards it.

Suning Yi's spiritual sense was empty, and when he was experiencing the liver, he was also distracted by the surrounding scene.

The geists above the yellow river walked with Suning Yi for some distance, and some of the geists touched the river and immediately lost their lightness and sank into the river.

Seeing this scene, Suning Yi tried to invade the river with his spiritual sense.

The moment the spiritual consciousness touched the river, the connection was lost...

"???" Suning Yi no longer explores, but concentrates on the operation of royal power.

This royal family's mental method is masterful, and every time it is run, the mana can increase... Now the environment is quiet, there are no foreign objects to disturb, Suningyi is like a machine running over and over again.

In the outside world, he still needed three or four months to reach the fifth order of cultivation.

But here, without other intervention, his time would have been drastically reduced, by no means twenty times less.

About six days passed in this place.

The white-haired Huangquan clan suddenly turned his head, looked at Suning Yi's soul body, and saw that his body surface spread to the golden light, his face was shocked, and he said to himself in his heart: "This person is so talented..."


No wonder he can be valued by that being..."The

white-haired Huangquan clan had a complicated expression, he had brought Xiao Tianhao and Li Muchen here before to shield the two of them from negative influences, but the progress of the two of them in cultivation was very slow.

Now that he is Suning Yi, he didn't bother to help and bless him, but the other party's cultivation is improving rapidly.

"Is this the Tianjiao of the Terran Race?" the white-haired Huangquan Clan sighed faintly.

At this time, Su Ningyi was mentally exhausted, and he ran the exercises for six consecutive days, even if he emptied his mind, he would inevitably be in an unstable mood, so he began to delve into the mastery of the mask members.

The peerless quality of the mask group is extremely high, which improves Suningyi's strength.

In the same way, they need time to gain experience and increase proficiency, with Suning Yi's current realm, they will get started quickly, and they can promote existing stunts.

The combination of the small thousand sword array and the indefinite flying knife and the spirit of the king's drunkenness, the shattered sky sword intent attracted the black sword of the Zhang family and the sword of heaven and earth.

About a day later, Suning Yi was interrupted from the liver experience.

"Now it's almost dawn, I'll send you back. The white-haired Huangquan clan looked at Suning Yi in surprise, after staying here for more than seven days, he, the Huangquan clan, couldn't stand it anymore, but Suning Yi still had no abnormality.

This endurance is ashamed of the white-haired Huangquan clan.

"Your soul body needs to be removed...", the white-haired Huangquan said again.

Suning Yi's pale red soul body was attached with some black-brown impurities, like mayflies, covering his color.

"It doesn't matter. "Suning Yi's soul body emitted red flames, burning away the impurities.

The white-haired Huangquan clan nodded, and drove the scroll under his feet to return to the direction he had been incoming.

On the way, Suning Yi was still paying attention to the wandering spirits around him, he was silent for a while, and said: "My spirit is a little tired, and the next time I come here, it is estimated that it will take two or three days."

"You're not afraid of this loneliness. Okay, I can promise you. The

white-haired Huangquan clan chuckled.

"Thank you. Suning Yi said gratefully.

For others, it is not an effective way to promote the cultivation of cultivation, but he can avoid those negative influences.

Except for the loneliness of the heart, nothing else is to worry about.

At this time, Su Ningyi asked the confusion in his heart again, "Why is none of these wandering souls a fifth-order creature?"

After a pause, he said lightly: "There are hundreds of millions of creatures that have entered reincarnation, and the creatures of the fifth order cultivation are rare, how can you easily see them?"

After answering this sentence, the white-haired Huangquan clan lost interest and no longer talked to Suning Yi.

Suning Yi fell silent, in fact, in the past few days, he had been distracted by the surrounding spirits, the highest strength had a fourth-order, but there was no fifth-order...

This made Suning Yi have a guess, could it be that the fifth-order powerhouses did not enter Huangquan Road?

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