After Shi Kuan withdrew the energy of his mother, he left this place.

Maybe it was to save face for Suning, or maybe he didn't like trouble, he didn't pursue Li Muchen.

Li Muchen is still in the state of Jin Chenxi, attached to the chest of the mountain giant who has lost his spirituality, and after this catastrophe, her only remaining head did not show too much discouragement.

"Thank you, Ning Yi, you saved our lives..."Li

Muchen sighed.

"Thank you for your help. Xiao Tianhao bowed in a proper manner.

The white-haired Huangquan clan took a deep look at Su Ningyi, and the arrogance in his eyes almost disappeared, but it turned to another emotion, which disappeared quickly and did not attract attention.

"Let's get out first, you're going to be wanted by the Dao Alliance.

Suning Yi said.

Li Muchen smiled, and Jin Chenxi's body was wrapped around Xiao Tianhao. The white-haired Huangquan clan next to him grabbed one of Xiao Tianhao's arms and took him into the ground.

At this time, when the major demon kings saw Shi Kuan leaving, they didn't have much to do, and turned around and evacuated the place as well.

Ji Ye and King Satsuma and other demon kings who were familiar with Suning Yi nodded their heads from afar, which could be regarded as saying hello.

Similarly, when they looked at Suning Yi, their eyes revealed a trace of awe.

A second aunt before, although it was also respectful and gave Suningyi the status it deserved, it was because of Tu Shan's prestige and Suningyi's potential.

Now that Suning Yi has shown his strong strength, the demon kings dare not despise it anymore.

The fifth-order cultivators with the dual sword intent are simply perverted

! Great Steward Fei and other great cultivators also landed from the air, they surrounded Suning Yi, their faces were very pale, and they had not yet diluted the consumption of being manipulated, but their eyes were all very bright! The Blood Sword Ancestor laughed and praised

: "Sect Master Su will definitely be famous! One sword to block the Beishan Demon Emperor, this record is still the first in the Dao Alliance!"

That's right, the Demon Emperor is undefeated, and he should be the first person below the sixth order!" Yang Taisu raised his voice and praised.

"Sect Master Su's strength is amazing, it's really true


great cultivators touted one after another, everyone knew that Su Ningyi, who had shown such combat power in the fifth order, would definitely be a decisive figure even if he could not become the leader

of the alliance in the future! The worst was also the current old master of the East!

In the face of everyone's praise, Suning Yi's expression was very flat, and after a few perfunctory words, he looked at the big butler Fei in the crowd.

Butler Fei was looked at by Suning Yi like this, and he chuckled in his heart.

When he was separated from Suning Yi, Suning Yi said that he was going to chase the young master and others, but now that Suning Yi came back suddenly, he just thought that he had not caught up and returned in vain.

But now the regret in Suning Yi's eyes shows that it seems to be in another direction...

The young master was caught up, and the situation was not good.

"Sect Master Su, please speak up!" Steward Fei was eager, and his address to Suning Yi changed.

Suning Yi was silent for a while, and said frankly: "After Brother Baye came out of the circle, he met a creature outside the circle, was bewitched by his mind, fought a lot, and was seriously injured..."

Need for the top doctors of the Daomeng.

Suning Yi sighed.

Butler Fei's face was anxious, he grabbed Su Ningyi's arm, and said eagerly: "What about the young master? How is the young master's injury? And Miss, tell me..."

Seeing this, the joy on the faces of the other great monks disappeared.

Looking at the gaffe Fei Da butler, they all realized what was about to happen.

Those masked Tianjiao monks may have encountered an accident...

Suning Yi said in a deep voice: "Brother Baye's body is not seriously injured, but his soul has been seriously hit, and the realm... Fell, lost Kenshin. And Miss

Wang Quan...""Lost both arms, the lumbar vertebrae were cut off, and the vitality was destroyed by the sword intent of Wang Quan.

Suning Yi turned his head, unwilling to look at the red eyes of Butler Fei.

Butler Fei let go of Suning Yi's arm, and after taking a few steps back, he sat on the ground with his butt, revealing an unprecedented hesitation.

Losing Kenshin... This is a fatal blow

to the monk! Not to mention the difficulty of recovering the sword heart, it is comparable to ascending to the sky, even if he has the sword heart again, but the young master's strength may not be much better than the original!

Listening to Su Ningyi's description of Wang Quan's drunkenness, Steward Fei was so heartbroken that he just wanted to cry.

What a blow that eccentric young lady must have befallen in such a tragic situation!

' "They are now—" Butler Fei asked again.

Su Ningyi replied: "Yaya took them to continue to the Dao League. I'll catch up with them now and take them with me. At the same time, Yaya sent a message to Rong Rong and invited the King of Leeches to come

...""Thank you, Ning Yi, thank you..."

The great monks looked at his back with different expressions.

"Outside the circle... Could it be that those Tianjiao have gone outside the circle

...""Losing the sword heart, that amazing genius, I'm afraid it's going to fall...""

The future of the Dao Alliance is really going to change. The

great monks had their own thoughts, and after listening to Su Ningyi's story, they knew that the young lord of royal power who could compete with Suning Yi was no longer a threat.

The next leader of the Dao Alliance has most likely been decided.

As long as the old alliance leader can live a few more years.


At the same time, the capital of the Dao League, the royal power of the mansion.

In the quiet courtyard, under a willow tree, Wang Quan Shou was playing against Tu Shan Rongrong.

"Smack!" Wang

Quan Shou fell down and said with a smile: "What do the three masters think of me in this house? Compared to the excitement of Wang Quan Villa, I prefer to be an idler here."

"The house that can make Mr. Wang Quan happy will be excellent. Tu Shan said with a smile, and also left a son.

The white son she held had already killed the black man and lost his armor.

Win or lose at a glance....

Wang Quan was clumsy but refused to admit defeat, and after thinking about it, he pressed a black chess piece on it again, and said with a smile: "It's a pity that the three masters don't even want to leave this quiet to the old man."

"It's just a little noise, Mr. Wang Quan doesn't have to mind. Tu Shan Rongrong answered.

The "noise" that the two of them talked about was the battle between the Jin Renfeng faction and the demon extermination faction, under Tu Shan Rongrong's arrangement, the demon exterminator faction was already a trapped beast.

The more moments like this go, the more likely it is that conflicts will erupt.

In the past three days, quite a few monks have died... Wang Quan Shou looked distressed, no matter what, both sides are the foundation of the Dao Alliance, so he wants to talk to Tu Shan Rongrong.

As for the leader Jin Renfeng on the bright side, hehe...

Tu Shan Rongrong suddenly frowned, lowered his head slightly, received the message from the clone, and when he raised his head, his eyes opened, and said, "Mr. Wang Quan, I'm afraid I'm going to tell you bad news..."

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