The second senior brother is a chubby man with a very round and bulging belly, named Zhu Wuneng, and he is very warm-hearted.

On the way back, he was the one who talked the most.

"After the senior brothers fled in all directions, they all gathered in Xiaoheshan according to the original plan, because I didn't see Ning Yi and the senior brother, so I came out to look for it.

"Hey, Ning Yi is lucky! This rock sheep is enough for you to eat for a month

!" "Haha, it seems that Ning Yi is going to get rich!" The

second senior brother laughed continuously.

The senior brother had a gloomy face, especially when he heard the second senior brother mention the rock sheep, he was even more angry.

If it weren't for the sudden arrival of the second senior brother, he would have gotten rid of Su Ningyi and goat the rock

!"Shut up!" The senior brother said coldly.

"Well... Good. "

Second Senior Brother didn't dare to say more.

Just said so many things, in fact, he also wanted to help Suning Yi transfer his firepower, he was afraid that the senior brother would find fault again.

Su Ningyi glanced at the second senior brother gratefully.

"It's really good, can't all brothers be like this?" Su Ningyi sighed lightly in his heart.

It's all to blame on the senior brother, who ruined the brotherhood.

He had to bother learning how to kill.

Alas, it's too hard.


Rendezvous at Xiaoheshan with the brothers.

The senior brothers were in full swing of discussions, celebrating the great calamity from the hands of the fourth-order demon.

Wait for Suning Yi and the three to return.

The eyes of the senior brothers were focused on the rock sheep in the hands of the senior brother.

Disciples of small sects like them.

Even the spirit beasts have never seen them alive, and they can only eat one meatball per month.

"This is Ning Yi's prey..."The

second senior brother was the first to exit.

The elder brother's face darkened a little.

Suning Yi glanced around, and suddenly said with a smile: "You brothers usually take care of me a lot, today I was lucky to get this rock sheep, so I thought about boiling a pot of whole sheep feast, let's eat together." "

Suning Yi is very generous.

Anyway, according to his plan, every day there is a little fox demon to send spirit beast meat, and it is just right to use this rock sheep to make a favor.

When the brothers heard this, they were all stunned for a few seconds.

Some people reacted and swallowed their saliva and couldn't help but move, while others waved their hands to persuade.

"Ning Yi, you may not know the value of spirit beasts, they are too precious, we can't take advantage of you. "

That's right, after digesting this entire spirit beast, maybe Ning Yi will be able to reach the middle of the second order. "

If it doesn't work, it won't work..."

The senior brothers led by the second senior brother hurriedly refused.

The elder brother's gloomy face, as if he could wring out water, secretly scolded them for being a group of fools.

He often loses the spirit beast meatballs every month, and now he can eat rock sheep, but he doesn't want to miss it.

Just as he opened his mouth to make a decision.

Su Ningyi's voice sounded again in time.

"You brothers don't need to be persuaded, of course I know the preciousness of the rock sheep, but compared to the friendship with the brothers, I think it is far inferior..."

The temptation of spirit beast meat was too great, and when the brothers saw this, they no longer shirked, and happily hugged Suning Yi and rushed to the sect together.

The second senior brother smiled and took the rock sheep from the senior brother.

Intentionally or unintentionally, the senior brothers vaguely rejected the senior brother, and the senior brother always had a cold face.


After returning to the sect.

Suning Yi came to the back kitchen with the second senior brother.

There is a special guy in the back kitchen.

The second senior brother asked: "Ning Yi, but you regret it?" It's okay, after all, Yan Yang..."

Su Ningyi shook his head and said

, "No, second senior brother, I haven't killed a demon since I joined the sect, so now I want to try it myself." "

Second Senior Brother Yile," it's simple to kill demons, but it's not easy to pick up spirit beasts, which is exquisite. Come, there is a knife method at my brother's house, which is specialized in slaughtering livestock, and I will teach you now, otherwise it will affect the quality of the meat if you make a mistake.

"It turned out to be a family heirloom of my

senior brother, I..." "Hey! Ning Yi, aren't you just sharing with your senior brother? You can even take out the rock sheep, and the senior brother will pass you on the ox knife technique, isn't it a courtesy exchange? Besides, it's just a mundane butcher's knife technique, and it's not worth anything." "

It's... All right. The

second senior brother smiled with satisfaction, took out a kitchen knife from the back kitchen, took Suningyi to the open space outside the kitchen, and began to practice for Suningyi, while telling the formula.

Suning Yi listened very carefully.

It's a formula, but it's actually more like understanding the meridians of animals, how to cut it, where to cut it, it will be more convenient, something like this.

But listening to it, Suning Yi found that something was wrong.

The clumsy body of the second senior brother, combined with the mantra, actually has a wonderful sense of harmony.

It seems to follow the nature of heaven and earth.

"It won't be a skill, right?!" Suning Yi was shocked and called up the system panel.

Sure enough, there was an extra column.

"Knife Solving Method: 1/150 (First Order)"

Suning Yi smiled in surprise.

He deliberately came to the back kitchen to slaughter the rock sheep, in fact, it was to train his courage, but he didn't expect an unexpected gain.

The Ox Knife Technique sounds crude, but it seems to have high potential, and he has found a treasure!

His system, he doesn't need to know too much.

As long as this exercise is recorded and continues to be carried out, you will be able to improve your proficiency and reach the highest level.

"Thank you so much, Second Senior Brother!" Su Ning Yi saw that the second senior brother was sweating profusely and stopped, and hurriedly clapped his hands and praised.

The second senior brother scratched his head and smiled innocently.

"Laughing, laughing. "

Second Senior Brother, I don't understand these places, can you teach me again?"


the second senior brother was very happy.

This kind of secular butcher's knife technique, he only thinks of Bo Yile, he didn't expect Suning Yi to be so supportive, of course, he is willing to teach it.

This point is half an hour smaller.

When Suning Yi completely mastered it, only liver experience was missing, Suning Yi said that it was not too early, and he wanted to get started.

The second senior brother was watching over him.

The rock sheep is still dizzy, and Suning Yi pulled the hair on its neck and measured it with a large kitchen knife.

The kitchen guy watched the excitement at the door.

"It's from here, right, Second Senior Brother?" Suning Yi found the right position.


"There's another thing, Ning Yi, in the future... Try not to be alone with the elder brother. The

second senior brother said thoughtlessly.

"What's wrong?" asked Suningyi.

"It's nothing, I'm just afraid that you will be bullied by Senior Brother. The second senior brother scratched his head and said.

"Senior brother is very good, he won't bully me. When the

words fell, the smile on Suning Yi's face was still there, but the knife fell, making a cut in Yanyang's neck.

Blood poured in.


Tu Shan.

Riding the white rabbit and hurrying back, Tu Shan Yaya came to a study lightly.

I glanced left and right and wanted to sneak in.

She is still very young and needs to take classes.

But the class was too annoying, so she sneaked out to play while the teacher wasn't paying attention.

Now that I'm back, I'm afraid that the teacher will sue my sister.

"Yaya, are you out?" a

pleasant voice sounded out of thin air.

Tu Shan Yaya had just walked to the door, and when she heard the voice, her ears were pricked up with fright.

"Sister... Sister

?" "Yaya, if you go out to play, you must stay away from humans, you know?" Tu Shan Honghong didn't blame her.

"Got it, sister!" Tu

Shan Yaya hurriedly nodded her little head.

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