My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 191: Keep improving

Bai Hao and others had eaten lunch and went out of the hotel. They had already stunned reporters outside. They went out directly from the underground garage.

Bai Yu poured Zhu Yu's face juice, which is naturally a big news. The reporter smells the wind and does not come to blame.

Who said what happened in the hotel?

There are no impenetrable walls in the world, not to mention that there are not one or two people at the time. Even if you don’t say it, you will definitely say it through other means. This kind of thing belongs to selling people to reporters or some media units, willing to do it. A lot of people.

As for Zhu Yu, he really wants to send a manuscript, at least to send a collar, but it is directly stopped by the agent and the company, and it is strictly forbidden to make a response to the outside world, half a sentence will not work!

In the past, Zhu Yuqi was so hot, the company chose to close one eye with one eye, and even talked to Zhu Yu for Bai Yu. The reason is very simple, but the word of interest.

Zhu Yu signed a long-term contract with their company, and there are still five years. During this period, Zhu Yu’s popularity and popularity increased at any point they are willing to see.

Moreover, the anecdote is just an affair, it is easy to clarify, it will not damage the reputation of the day, and even bring the flow of daylight. Although Bai Hao was very unhappy and repeatedly rebuked, the company was laughing and coping with things.

This time, the company’s attitude is also very simple, and it is also the word of interest.

This matter, in any case, will hurt the reputation of the white, the company is crazy to let Zhu Yu do this!

On the fame, on the ability to make money, Zhu Yu and Bai Yu are incomparable.

Zhu Yu feels wronged, not convinced, the answer given by the company is very simple, endure!

On the other side of the day, the company hoped that the matter would be stopped. Originally, the company also said that Meng Fan, who pushed the person, gave Zhu Yu a private apology. Seeing that Bai Hao’s attitude was very tough, he could only give up.

On the other side of Su Qingying, the company also let Zhu Yu’s agent personally apologize. Although this matter has nothing to do with Su Qingying, Su Qingying was there, and the brokers made money on the grounds of disturbing their meals.

If Su Qingying is also a company, it is a pity that it is not a company. Who knows what the other side thinks.

Why are you so sly?

Nothing else, just can't afford it!

As for the outside world, the news is unstoppable, but there are no pictures and photos. At least there are no photos of white juice. Let them guess, as long as the parties do not respond, no one cares about them in two days.


The rehearsal time before the double eleventh party was fairly generous, and it was basically on the go. After all, some of the stars on the stage were not singing and dancing performances, and there were more than a dozen singing and dancing performances.

After all, every singer who came to power, that is a first-line star, each one is big.

Of course, the final rehearsal time will be strict, unless you are not rehearsed, otherwise, you have to follow the arrangement.

Bai Hao and his party arrived earlier, only after lunch, no other stars came, the director group met, and arranged directly.

Just to make the director group more unexpected is this sand painter, looking too young, this is definitely not graduated from the university. However, seeing Bai Hao and Su Qingying are very familiar with him, and even said that they are willing to cooperate with him, that is to say, how long the adjustment process is willing to give. The director group has ample time and there is no comment on this.

It was this young sand artist who said that the two previous videos were not good and changed two, which made the director group somewhat unhappy.

Also taking two videos is a trivial matter, this attitude is taboo!

Noisy to play!


After some impatient reading, the director group is really delicious.

The grandson who is responsible for the song and dance rehearsal is somewhat puzzled and asked Meng Fan: "The two were recorded before you? It is not a standard!"

If you talk about the previous two videos, Sun Dao, who has a very high vision, thinks that it is just normal. Then the two new ones are finished with a thumbs up, the top level in the industry!

Look up again, not real, so young.

Meng Fan did not say a lie: "The previous two were recorded on the eve of a moment. Later, listening to the big brother of the mountain and the white sister said that they invited me to rehearse, and then carefully thought about it and then carefully recorded two."

This statement, Sun Dao reluctantly accepted, and then curiously asked: "Are you a student? Who is the teacher?"

Meng Fan said truthfully: "I am a student of Huaxia Academy of Fine Arts, and the teacher of sand painting is Wen Wei."

"Warm?! No wonder, the famous teacher is a high-profile!"

Sun Dao not only listened to Wen Hao’s name, but also worked with him on several shows, but he made a mistake in his mouth: “I had a party in the first two months and I needed a sand artist and asked her about the recommendation. She gave the list. There is no such name in Li, it is deep enough!"

It also snorted, after all, I have cooperated with a few shows, and I still don’t want to call a phone call.

"Let's get started."

Sun Dao asked people to arrange, and on his own side, he and Meng Fan had some discussion on the details of the performance, and they also did a good job of coordination. In addition, Meng Fan also introduced the position of the rear projection screen. The back projection of the party is definitely more than one place. The position is different in different directions. The effect of the sand painting will also be different. This is what Meng Fan needs to know.

The white chorus actor has not come yet, the first is the song of Su Qingying.

Once again, Su Qingying's singing and stage performance still did not say that Meng Fan's sand painting performance was also very successful, but there are still angles that need to be adjusted.

After about half an hour, the white chorus actor came and went over. Meng Fan’s sand painting performance was still wonderful, and the director group was nodding.

Yesterday I took a lot of performance experience from Wen Hao, and I practiced it for one Now Meng Fan’s painting technique is less than 18, plus the ability to tell stories brought by imagination and scriptwriter. The speed of the hand is amazing. From the visual point of view, this is already more than gentle.

At this point, Sun Dao was very touched. After two times, he felt that Meng Fan’s performance was better and more attractive than Wen’s.

A superstar in the sand painting world is rising!

After another round of discussion, after the director group discussed, Su Qingyi’s song was assigned directly to the sand painting. The reason was that the director’s group did not say it, but several people in the room could guess that the white chorus singer was dragging his legs.

In terms of fit and effect, Su Qingying is better.

Of course, the director group also considered a factor, that is, the party needs to explode, Su Qingying itself is the potential explosion, naturally want to give her more weight, and now the biggest weight is Meng Fan's sand painting performance.

Bai Hao has regrets about this, but he did not say much. If you say anything, go back and talk about it. Anyway, Meng Fan must cooperate with her once in the future, no, at least seven times!

After a few hours of busy work, the result was not. The male star was very depressed, but his face was still smiling and expressed regret.

To be honest, he also hopes to match this sand painting!

After the determination, two rehearsals were made before leaving.

In the blink of an eye, the first round rehearsal was on the 10th.

Only about two-thirds of the guests participated in this rehearsal, and some will appear in the final round of rehearsal tomorrow.

"What? You have to change again?"

Seeing the turn of Su Qingying, Sun Dao heard Meng Fan’s words and his eyes widened.

Meng Fan is a little embarrassed, but he has at least converted to 20 now. He must say his bold ideas and strive for excellence.

"It's all rehearsed, it's a joke! I can't do the Lord, ask the general director!"

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