My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 230: Dubbing program


Su Qingying's tour concert was third in Nanjing. The success of the first two stations made her and her team relieved and confident.

After the 20th stop, there is no need for rehearsal and rehearsal at the moment. However, after completing the second stop, there is no idle time. The itinerary is very full. There is at least one notice every day, either program or activity. During the exposure, even if Su Qingying is a powerful idol, after all, he still has to eat traffic, and can't escape this compact arrangement.

Su Qinglan is willing to say that the company will definitely fill the itinerary. For the flow star, the performing company has always been ugly. Su Qinglan is even better, has a certain right to speak, at least on the itinerary can refuse some dislike arrangements - although the company will be replaced with other arrangements.

This time, Su Qingyi directly requested a two-day trip by shooting the MV. In addition to shooting, it was considered a small vacation.

White 芷 is much more free than Su Qing ,, the company's big plan is to do half a year, the small itinerary is basically Bai Hao himself has the final say.

Like she has returned from the double eleventh party to the present, she has been on a variety show in ten days, and then she is a very comfortable artist who picks up the script, reads the script, and invites songs and songs.

Bai Hao went to the appointment site in advance, and then let Sun Jie pick up Meng Fan. After a while, Su Qingyan also came. The two went to see the team responsible for the filming, and then chatted in a separate room.

"Munior's video, have you seen it?"

Chatting and chatting, the two also talked about Meng Fan, Bai Yan asked a sentence, see Su Qingying shaking his head, immediately took a mobile phone to play a good video.

This video is about the editing of Meng Fan’s live-action simulation of the ghost star all-star last night. It edited all the 30 characters that Meng Fan imitated, including the later one of Meng Fan’s ten-person personal sing. That song.

The star imitates the form of this show. It was a decade ago when it smashed the street, especially imitating singing, but it is really not much to imitate the characters. It is indeed more difficult to speak than to sing. There is no music. Of course, imitation is not without words. However, the character attributes that Meng Fan imitated are all self-contained, which is more novel and interesting.

This video was uploaded at 12 o'clock last night. Many people forwarded and commented. Although it didn't form a hot spot, it was a small fire, especially in the audience of ghosts.

At 8 stations, Meng Fan's imitation has been made into multiple ghost video and audio.

Su Qingying read it all with a smile. After reading it, he read it again and then forwarded it with his mobile phone: "Mr. Meng, I didn't expect you to have so many faces!"

After the transfer is over, I still laughed and said, "I didn't expect him to imitate the voice of so many people, and it is so fun to imitate."

"This guy is really going to do something." The mobile phone turned over again and said, "Let’s give it an interesting one."

Turned out is an audio clip, the time is up to five or six minutes, one sentence after another, not one person said, and the content is not related at all.

Su Qingying heard a little embarrassed: "What is this?"

Bai Yu said: "Dubbing clips."

Su Qingyan looked at the question mark: "You mean these dubbing, are... Meng Fan with? How is this possible! There are dozens of characters in it? There are men, women and children, the difference is so big!"

Bai Hao spread his hand: "I didn't believe it at first, but it was all Meng Fan's match." Then he flipped it over the phone and found a short video.

"At the beginning, I saw this in a group. It is said that a voice actor has a dozen characters in a short period of time. The density is very high. It is more difficult than Han Xiaoxue. I am not in the near future. Participate in the dubbing program. In the previous season, Han Xiaoxue’s brainstorming team was very good. I was curious to see that the name of the voice actor was Meng Fan. I thought it was the same name. Later I saw Meng Fan selling books. After the video, I believe it. Then I found it and found the source of this short video, and then asked someone to find a collection of Meng Fan dubbing."

"I have a long voice in Meng Fan's line, you feel it!"

Bai Hao also found out that all the videos are saved. This is an animated character played by Meng Fan. This line is similar to the lines of speech. There are many words and the content is very complicated, but Meng Fan’s interpretation Very in place, the expression of emotions is very shocking!

After listening to Su Qingying, the emotions did not slow down for a while, and it was a line that brought her emotions. Long breath: "The talent of their family is a bit too strong!"

Imitation is tricky, and this paragraph really shows the basics and dubbing ability.

Bai Hao once again spread his hand, saying that some things really can't be done by common "Meng Fan had specially asked Cai Wei to help the teacher to learn the voice, but I didn't expect his voice to be so powerful. I listened to the people in the studio and said that before that, he did not officially match the sound. Maybe, it is really the talent you said!"

Su Qingying's expression management failed: "This sister and brother are both enchanting!"

Bai Yan thought, it’s more than a sister and a brother, but the whole family!

However, this did not say anything.

Meng Fan is the brother of Meng Caiwei. Before that, only Bai Hao knew it, and Meng Caiwei’s family affairs were rarely known in this circle.

"Oh, yes." Su Qingyi asked, "Bai Jie, are you not saying that the program that participated in the final year is the big show? Before that, I still said that I would like to find someone to be a guest. You should go directly to Meng Fanyu."

When he heard it, he smiled and said: "I really thought about it. The group said that they are too busy or they can't say their own words, and there is another saying that they and Mango Taiwan hit the rush. I also asked Cai. After all, with her current tonnage, it must have been crushed in the past. Later, when she said the time, her crew could not coordinate with it. Hey, this is not a ready-made one! I will wait and ask."

Su Qinglan thought about it and said a sentence, saying: "I think it is better to say something to the program group first. If Meng Fan promises to come down, the program team will not agree on it."

Bai Hao nodded and understood the meaning of Su Qingying. Although the program group let her choose freely, there must be certain popularity requirements. Meng Fan’s words are still not counted as people in this entertainment industry.

After more than half an hour, Bai Hao’s assistant Sun sister called and said something in a hurry: “The accident happened! Meng Fan hit the person! At the door! It’s still a foreign star!”


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