My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 237: Sold out again



When Meng Fan was assigned to the 15th role, the system finally determined that 11 had been successful, and together with the 100 voice-over characters required by the [Sparrow] mission, completed the process of [Spest].

"Hey! The dubbing role reaches 100, complete the [Spest] process three; reward: points +100, dubbing skills +1."

There are 20 characters in the basket, and the remaining 5 are naturally finished.

"Niu batch!"

After all was completed, the basket habitually looked at the time, habitually shouted 666 than a thumb: "Iron God, you are really no one in this efficiency!"

"Working hard."

Meng Fan was out of the shed and said to the basket: "The "Nine Days" will be officially prepared tomorrow. I and the guide have said that you are responsible for my recording."

The basket is happy to say: "Okay, it is guaranteed."

Meng Fan reminded: "You have a good rest tonight, to raise your spirits, my process may be very fast."

The basket patted the chest: "There are counts."

Meng Fan thought about it and said with a smile: "I hope you really have a number."


At nine o'clock in the evening, Meng Fan was broadcast.

As early as the afternoon, Meng Fan wrote in the announcement.

Before Meng Fan’s broadcast, many people were waiting. After 9:00, he quickly refreshed. After the refresh, he saw Meng Fan in the live room and saw the number of online users at the live broadcast.

"so many people?"

Meng Fan saw that the number of online users exceeded 100,000, and it is still growing rapidly. Of course, I know why.

This is the first live broadcast of Meng Fan’s brutality against Han Xing and the first public appearance.

In the announcement of Meng Fan’s live broadcast, he said that at 9 o'clock in the evening, many people will be obsessed. The previous live broadcasts of the water friends are needless to say, including many of the beatings of the Han Xing incident, which were Mengfu’s powder and pure Look at the lively passers-by.

There are still no media outlets for Meng Fan.

"Meng Boss cattle batch!"


"Meng fat mighty!"

"Iron is driving, not very hard and far away!"

"Is the nickname of Iron God Hahaha a bit too new!"

"The strongest star in the anchoring world is coming!!"

"Italian Man of the Iron Tower, Meng Fat Man! I have done what I want to do in my life but I dare not do!"

"Meng Boss really respects women and protects women. This is a real man!"

"What is my god's luck, because the painting powder is such a man!"

"Meng anchor, what do you say about the fight against Han Xing?"

"Meng anchor, can you tell us what was in mind at the time?"

"Meng anchor, do you know the fans who were beaten at the time?"

"Meng anchor, after the fight incident, so many people on the Internet are jealous of you, why not stand up and clarify?"

"Meng anchor, did you know Park in the sea?"

"Meng anchor, can you tell us specifically what happened at the time?"

"Meng anchor, what happened after you hit Park in the sea?"

"Meng anchor, it is said that you were with Bai Yu and Su Qingying at the time, is this true?"

"Meng anchor, can we have an exclusive interview with you?"

"Meng anchor, please..."

The water curtains of the water friends are mainly cheers, while the passers-by and the media are mainly questions.

These barrages, of course, Meng Fan saw it. However, there are too many barrages, and they certainly cannot be complete. Moreover, he did not think about answering these people’s questions, whether they are media reporters or passers-by or even water friends.

"Please allow me to play a wave of ads before the live broadcast today."

I took out two copies of the book "Campus Love Men" and put them in front of the camera. I said, "The second book of "Campus Love Men" was published, and the first volume was also reprinted. It has been on the DD book online. The link is here... You can also search for "Campus Love Men" or Meng Fan."

Putting the book down, Meng Fan said: "The "Campus Love refers to the man" is already finished, and the third book will be published soon. In addition, the second book of "Underground Spirit" will soon be listed..."

After 扒拉扒拉 did a good job, Meng Fan said this: "I know that many people are waiting for me to say that the day before yesterday, there is really nothing to say, all the details are displayed in the online exposure video."

Adjusted the camera, put two copies of the book into the mirror, and then took out the paper, saying: "The next time I want to draw a comic, I will not make any response, the scattered are scattered."

When I was ready to write, Meng Fan saw several bullets about the sale of the "Campus Love Men" book.

"sold out?"

Meng Fan opened the DD book network and looked at it. It was really a warning. Looking at the sales experience of [Professional Cartoonist] has become more than 68,000. Among them, "Campus Love Men" added up to 10,000 copies, "Underground Spirit" more than 48,000 - there are more than 1,000 stores in the store channel.

Called Qin Qin.

Qin Lan: "Well, it is sold out. Are you on the live broadcast? It seems that it was sold out at 8 o'clock in the evening. The publisher and the dealer called and I haven't had time to tell you."

"Ah? I am still advertising!"

"The DD book network seems to be a slogan of 'Italian Man Hanzi's delicate love', so it will soon be sold out. Not to mention, your name is quite valuable. I have already printed the publisher, each A total of 5,000 copies were printed, and the first print of the third volume was directly added to eight thousand."

Meng Fan understands the situation and explains the live broadcast. The lucky draw will be promoted to the first volume of the second volume of each of the signatures plus the outside illustrations to send out ~ ~ and then began to draw comics.

In the process of drawing comics, Meng Fan is still the same as before, and sometimes sings and chats. The difference is that the way of chatting is occasionally changed from the original sound to some interesting or well-known sounds.

Many passers-by who have come in because of the fight have stayed. I really think that Meng Fan’s live broadcast is very good. The speed of drawing and the good looks are not to be said. The key is that it is very interesting. Who doesn’t know the next minute? Who is coming from Meng Fan’s mouth?

As for the media reporters, see Meng Fanguo really did not respond to the fight, and it was withdrawn.

At 23 o'clock, as soon as the broadcast was started for ten minutes, the number of online users exceeded one million. Later, when Meng Fan did not respond, he quickly fell. Later, he stayed to see more than 400,000 live broadcasts. A lot of passers-by.

Counting the live broadcast tonight, Meng Fan’s total number of viewers has reached more than 88 million, and the distance from the 100 million target is more than 11 million.

After the broadcast, I continued to paint. I went out to run back the next day and drew an hour before going to the chocolate factory.

At half past eight, I began to officially voice the "Nine Days" cartoon man Luo Yi.

Meng Fan and the guide and the dubbing guide agreed to set the voice for the male master to be "early morning sunshine". The sound setting is in line with the original and also meets the comic setting, giving the impression of comfort. Of course, in a particular episode, the affection, the overbearing, the fierceness, the... these are the colors of the voice actors.

The sound shape character, in addition to giving the character life, it should also give it the name, so that people can think of this character as soon as they hear this voice.

I have cultivated a spiritual basket and quickly understood what Meng Fan said yesterday, "I hope you really have a number."


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