My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 248: gourmet Show


Meng Fan's live "business" was completely over after the double eleventh party. The average number of online users reached 100,000 or more easily, not to mention the painting area. It was the main anchor in the entire eight stations.

On the other side of the 8th station, he also proposed a contract with Meng Fan to sign a big anchor, but they were ignored by Meng Fan. After signing the big anchor, I will definitely be able to get more resources to lean, get more gifts, and get a lot of annual salary, but I will lose some freedom, even if there is not much freedom. It can even be said that it will not affect the current live broadcast of Meng Fan, but Meng Fan always feels bound.

The most important thing is that Meng Fan doesn't care so much about the money, and the live mission is also seen to be finished.

Since the hitting of the Hanxing incident, Meng Fan’s live broadcast has reached its peak, and the average number of online users is close to 500,000. Sometimes it can be 800,000 or even millions of regular. It can be said that it is very good at 8 stations. Prominent.

The first anchor can't say it, but there must be no one who can say that he can press him 100%. After all, no one knows what kind of terrible traffic Meng Meng will broadcast in the next moment. For several consecutive days, Meng Fan has occupied the top spot in popularity and gifts.

8 stations of water friends, like the second yuan content, naturally also includes the dubbing, plus the recent "sound big coffee" second season hit, many people read the "sound big coffee" will go online to search for some wonderful dubbing clips, naturally also The search for Meng Fan's live broadcast room and his voice clips, this is a large audience for his live broadcast.

Is Meng Fan’s dubbing wonderful?

Needless to say!

The most important thing is to have fun. The type of "Sound Big Coffee" does not appear in the program. It can even be said that the type that does not dare to play, Meng Fan has played in the live broadcast, and played out the flowers.

Many classic clips and interesting clips, Meng Fan has a lot to say, and let a lot of classic sounds and many classic film and television dramas come out, for example, using Conan's voice to match Zorro, let Usopp go Shining, let the big words version of Tang Yin and Bai Niangzi go to "Roman Holiday" to fall in love, let Superman and Sun Wukong go to "Spirited Away", bring Fulian to the world of the Ring of the Rings, let Xiao Dang, a break, silver Time, Crayon Shinchan to learn....

What's more, Meng Fan can sing with all kinds of classic characters, but he doesn't say anything else. Just by singing a certain sound of "Desert Camel", he is almost a gift from the water friend. died.

Oh, and every time the lottery is imitated, the dragon in "Dragon Ball" makes you wish!

Yesterday, Meng Fan did not broadcast live, but some of the water friends could be anxious, especially the new ones. In the comment area, you can’t say anything about it.

The old water friends said that they were very calm, and that Meng Fan would not be on the move and they were used to it.

Tonight, I saw Meng Fan’s message, and immediately a large number of people came.

"Well? This is not in the studio!"

"Is it live outdoors? Am I wrong?"

“Meng fat outdoor broadcast is not very normal?”

"It’s just that the outdoor live broadcast is less recently. In the past, hehe took you to Xizi Lake every night and asked if you are afraid!"

"Eat night snacks? My grass, this is poisoning late at night!"

"Children, is nightlife just getting started?"

"Get up! Let's see the chubby Meng anchor again!"

"Hahaha, when you see Meng Fat, this more and more handsome face is coming!"

"Don't broadcast live, I want to listen to the voice!"

After Meng Fan’s mobile phone was connected to the live broadcast equipment in Su Qing’s hand, after talking about the live broadcast, he thought about it and took a mobile phone to find a BGM to play in the live room. Then the voice changed, and the opening was thick and deep. The voice said: "Guangxi thousand, sleep only six feet; night wealth, eclipse but three meals! This is a huge change in China, people and food, faster than any time. No matter how rushed their footsteps Regardless of the distraction and joys and sorrows, there is always a sense of involuntaryness. In its own unique way, three times a day, reminding us on the tip of the tongue, recognizing the whereabouts of tomorrow, not forgetting the place of yesterday."

When the sound came out, the live room was lively.

"Ah, ah, this is the narration of the tip of the tongue and the flavor of the human world!"

"Come out, the sound of the best meal in history!"

"I know how to get out of the snack street and how can it be less whispering!"

"I have been waiting for the food to eat Meng Meng to imitate the voice of Li Lihong, and finally waited!"

"When I think about watching the list, I still wonder, how can I be hungry when the voice of Emperor Liang comes out, and later I know that it is the voice of Li Lihong!"

"Don't be idle, hurry and take out the takeaway!"

Meng Fan’s voice is still going on. As a singer, Su Qingying, who is behind the camera, with a camera, is holding on to the snack street. He can also stroll through the documentary. It is estimated that this guy can do it.

"Huaxia people from different regions use their own wisdom to use natural and moderately and skillfully to obtain simple and delicious food. They can love the land and admire the heavens, so close to the single-minded farming nation. A writer This describes the Chinese people's simple view of life: when they bury their heads and eat down, they will never forget to look up and see the Meng Fan side by side, while walking towards a street specializing in selling stinky tofu The small shop, the store is lined up at the door, Meng Fan is not anxious, slowly said: "In today's China, each city is very close. Only eating habits can become labels that are different from other places. Xiangxiang cuisine is spicy and the fragrance is mainly from fat..."

Although it can be perfectly sent to the live room with the live broadcast aid, Meng Fan’s voice is still not small. The people in front of the team immediately turned around, but it’s not so smart to know Meng Fan, but a curious look. I looked at Meng Fan and looked at Su Qingying, who was holding the photographic equipment. He asked, "Man, are you shooting a series of tongues? I listen to how familiar you are with this voice? You...will not be The voice of the tongue?"

The other queues have long been seen, and they are lined up, and this is even more hungry.

"Let's let, let!"

The owner of the store is a woman in her thirties. She came out of the store directly, and married Meng Meng: "Little brother, are you really a food show?"

Then I pointed to a sign hanging on the small shop, and smiled enthusiastically: "This shop is the most famous selling street in this street. You see it, it is almost selected for the tip of the tongue. You can take the store and you will come. Come, eat while shooting, ask me if you want to know."

When Meng Fan saw the brand, he was also convinced. He really had the slogan of "should be selected into the tip of the food series". He thought it was a piece of it.

"We are not a food show, it is a live broadcast."

"So how is your voice so delicious?"


"Then you can give the smelly scorpion of our family a pattern like that in the tip of the tongue? I want you to eat the stinky scorpion, just eat it!"


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