My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 254: Exchange attribute


"How come out of the scandal?"

"I didn't think of it."

Su Qinglan has already arrived in the white room, but also a helpless face.

At the beginning, I uploaded a lot of videos and pictures about Su Qingying’s snack street on the Internet. Of course, there is also the description of why Su Qingying appeared in the snack street and everyone’s description of Su Qinglan’s eating a street. It is a very interesting thing.

And Meng Fan, the tower of the tower, made everyone who was quiet, and the iron man really entered the discussion. This discussion, all contributed to his fierce name. According to netizens, the tower is really The man stood there like a turret, whoever dared to enter his range, who can withstand an American pop!

Then, just as Meng Fansu Qinglan left the snack street at the time, some people also raised doubts about whether the two were in love, and it is indeed a bit too idol drama.

Slowly, it has developed into what it is now.

"What do you do with that?"

"Sister Jing is already dealing with it." Su Qingyi was helpless, but it was also very easy. He said: "Those things that are not there, just say it."

"That is, you don't respond yourself, let the studio make a statement."

Concerns are chaotic, and Bai Yu listens to Su Qingying’s saying that it is easy, but then he is staring at Su Qingying with his eyes and eyes, and asks: "You are honest, do you really like Xiaofan? ”

"Like it!"

Su Qingxiao smiled and said: "But it is not the kind you like."

"Oh, what kind of like you like to say and what kind of love I have said is different." Bai Hao can not buy it, said, "I think Xiaofan is very good, people are tall and big, looks absolutely not bad, he now loves Sports, according to this trend, not long, the body is definitely better, the appearance can also be handsome, look at the value of the Cai Wei Yan. I know, personality, not to mention, good temper is also a man, The key is to really respect women, big men but not straight men's cancer. The key is still very talented! I really don't praise this younger brother, I really think he is very good with you."

"White sister, how do I listen to these advantages, are you the point you like?" Su Qingyi immediately turned around, staring at the white, "Sister, you will not like Shangmen boss?"

Bai Yan said very calmly: "Xiao Fan is indeed the type I like, but I am much older than him. If you are a boy, he is five or six years older than him. I am chasing him. I am, I really think that Xiaofan is good, I ask you. You want to like it, I think, really! Xiaofan is not bad in all aspects, absolutely worthy of your national goddess."

Su Qingxiao smiled and shook his head and said: "You don't want to pull the red line. The boss Meng has his favorite girl. Sister, don't say this again later, hey, it is easy to add misunderstanding."


"How to exchange it?"

Meng Fan went back to the room and took a shower. When he was lying on the bed, he studied how to exchange it.

After the new feature of the redemption attribute came out, Meng Fan studied it and then began to wonder how to add it.

The more exchanges are redeemed, the more expensive it is. There are 18,500 points in this body. It is definitely not possible to redeem one of them. It is still the most cost-effective to improve.

Meng Fan counted a few times. So far, the system has rewarded a total of 18 attributes. In addition to the special attributes that cannot be exchanged, if you redeem each time, it is 17,000 points. It is said to be The most cost-effective.

But in terms of practicality, Meng Fan must not be able to redeem each, at least on the premise that the points are not too much, some properties that are not used very much, Meng Fan does not exchange for the time being, there are some useful but It’s enough, like painting, and there’s not much change in the exchange of +1 points.

Follow the exclusion.

The sense of presence, precision of throwing, and sense of the lens are not very useful for Meng Fan. Even if they are used, they are enough for the time being.

Painting skills, charm, and hand speed are useful, but enough, adding 1 point has no effect.

The three items of strength, speed and endurance are currently +6. If you don't say it, you will exchange it once and become +7.

The two items related to the setting and scriptwriting are currently +6, which is definitely to be redeemed and become +7.

The imagination is +9. This stuff is very useful, and there is nothing that is not enough. It must be redeemed and become +10.

Smiles, voice, and ability to stay up all night are also exchanged once and become +5, +9, +4.

The dubbing technique is +8, and the truth is enough, but it is still redeemed and becomes +9.

[Night Tour God] There is also an attribute that is brushed out, that is, observation power, so far only +1, this attribute is still very useful.

Meng Fan looked at it, and there are still 8500 points left. He gave the thousand and 2,000 points, spent 5000 points, and +1 points became +4.

With 3,500 left, Meng Fansi came to think, or ordered a thousand thousand imagination, and reached +11.

Finally, 1500, there is nothing to order, just keep it.

After the overall upgrade, Meng Fan felt that he was awesome, but in this room, it was really a place to play, and after adding 1 day and night ability, not more than two, really sleepy Nothing!

No way, just take out the all-around brush to find some paper, go to the original comics and the scene, and increase the database.

I slept at half past three, and woke up after two hours. I was very excited. I went out to the hotel and ran to the Moon Lake Park. I didn’t run enough. I ran to the window of the world and scraped back half a horse. .

The recording of the show started at 1:00 pm and there was a rehearsal at 10 am.

How about other variety shows, Meng Fan does not understand, but the star guests of this show pay a lot, at least from Meng Fan's point of view, the eight groups of guests at least ten people yawned, estimated last night I didn’t sleep very much. Relatively speaking, Bai Hao is really good.

These star guests will fight back after the rehearsal of the spirit, and strive to have a good mental state when recording in the afternoon.

The rehearsal of both Meng Fan and Bai Yu was very smooth, and they returned to the hotel after the rehearsal.

As for the online anecdote, even if Meng Fan didn't brush it, Bai Hao also said that Su Qingyi's studio has already explained and clarified.

At this time, Su Qingyi and his team have already flew to Nanjing to prepare for the concert.

I went back to the hotel for a while, and the white sang called the meal to the recording scene where I ate together in the room. The makeup costume was once again on the Taiwanese book, and the official recording began soon.

Bai Hao and other big voices appeared early, and began to chat and interact with each other to promote the atmosphere and variety effects. Meng Fan and other guest speakers were waiting in the lounge, and the voice that helped me to turn around was big. The coffee is going to be dubbed before it comes out.

The white cricket is divided into the third group. According to the editing of the program, it is to wait until the second period of the annual big show, that is, the final period of the whole season will broadcast the dubbing clip.


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