My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 260: Substitution and return


"Do it?"

Meng Fan suddenly heard a big head and smiled bitterly: "I went out with Shan Jin’s big brother to go out and go out to go to the scandal. You are going to visit again..."

"Why, can we still have an affair?" Bai Fan took a look at Meng Fan and laughed. "Moreover, isn't this the best way to respond to anecdotes? This way, everyone knows that you are a full-time bodyguard. ”

Meng Fan is speechless: "Can it still be like this?"

It’s very terrible to be spoiled, like a little girl, shaking Meng Fan’s hand: “I haven’t been to the snack street for a long time! Also, I’m not happy with the championship, I’m delicious. It’s always necessary to eliminate the gas."

"Why didn't I see that you were not happy at all?" Meng Fan said with a smile, seeing the white eyes and eyes, and nodded quickly. "When you do, go."

The two men went out of the Mango Building. The work of the staff of the program group is not over yet. The director group is also in a hot and ironic meeting, allowing the staff to check quickly. What content needs to be re-recorded quickly, and these guests have not yet gone.

"Xu Gui, Teacher Di."

After the opening of the small meeting, Xu and Mr. Di are discussing some details that need to be changed. One person opened the door and walked in, a person in charge of the production center, and also a deputy in the advertising department of the TV station.

Xu Dao stood up and greeted: "How is the gold supervisor used here today?"

The deputy director of the gold surname haha ​​smiled and sneered a few words, then explained the intention and said: "I heard that your program invited Meng Fan, who beat Han Xing, to be a guest of the show?"

Teacher Di got up and thought that they had something to talk about internally. After hearing Meng Fan’s name, they would not move.

Xu guided nodded: "Yes, how, what's the problem?"

Jin’s deputy director Zheng Zheng said: “Xu Gui, you have to consider this matter. This Meng Fan said that there is a cause for the fight. Everyone, including myself, also gave him a thumbs up, but after all, it’s a fight, not a positive thing. If he is on the show, the impact will not be good. Therefore, I suggest that you still invite another guest to make another supplement. The results of the show, I also saw it, not a white crown, when it is time to reproduce the classic voice and cooperation show. That's it, the lens can be edited separately and it won't affect the show."

Xu Xun heard that the brow wrinkled. At this time, Teacher Di stood up and inserted a sentence and asked him: "Is the gold supervisor watching his recording effect?"

Kim executive said: "I heard that the effect is very good, but I haven't seen it yet."

Teacher Di said, "In this case, Kim executives have seen it before."

Kim executives laughed and said, "Mr. Di, even if the effect is good, what will it do? It will not affect the program? This will not eliminate the impact of the fight! At that time, others will say, see , Mango TV will hit the show, this effect is not good. Besides, the beating is still a star, the star always has fans, and, you also know that Han Xing fans can make the most trouble. We are also all aspects Considering."

"Gold supervisor!"

When Xu Xun heard this, his voice was almost three minutes cold: "There is no influence on the program. Our program group is very clear!" I sneered a little. "What you call the comprehensive consideration is that your advertising department is related to Hanxing’s endorsement. What?"

Seeing that it was broken, Kim’s supervisor did not deny it. He said: “There are signs of loosening now. In this respect, we have to consider it. After the Meng Fan fight, we cannot be the first platform to invite him to perform. Have you said that it will increase the difficulty of inviting Han Xing to perform in the future?"

Xu Xun Shen Sheng asked: "We have invited him to the news. The outside world already knows that the promo has also been broadcast. The program has also been recorded. You are now let me change. Then I will ask you, how do you and the outside world? Explain? Because Meng Fan hit Han Xing, I am worried that it will be trouble to ask Han Xing to come to the show in the future? This is not to find fault!"

Kim’s supervisor saw that he had said so clearly that Xu’s guidance did not agree, and he was somewhat unhappy: “Is the excuse still not easy to find? It’s not effective, it’s not in line with the program requirements, it’s OK! He’s not the artist. This is the best reason!"

When Xu Xun listened, he directly took the sample and sent a piece of Meng Fan’s voice to the gold supervisor and said, “You still have to read it first.”

After watching it for a while, Kim’s supervisor’s face was a bit ugly. Of course, good or bad can be seen. It’s just a matter of interest, which is so easy to compromise.

When you say a word to me, the two argued.

This gold executive does have the right to speak in this respect, but Xu also has autonomy in the production of his own programs, not to mention the reluctance to give way to the quality of the program.

"Then I called and said in white, she agreed to re-record, you have no opinion?"

I didn't wait for the nod to lead, and I called the white phone directly, but I didn't even have a dispute with Bai Hao.

"Change? Can you change me too!"

Simply clarify, just hang up the phone.

The gold supervisor was holding the phone and looked very ugly.

"I still don't believe in evil. This is within my powers. I can't control it if I don't believe it!" Kim executives came to the air, and the two men were arguing, and they were ready to go to the production center to find someone who could make the decision. .

It’s going to be, and it’s a coincidence. The person in the production center didn’t come. The channel director came. He was originally because the “Sound Big Coffee” was recorded and the effect was taken to give the guide. He also invited Zhang Guoshi and others. I had a light meal and I didn't expect to encounter a gold supervisor and a director.

"Meng Fan? You all talk about your own opinion."

The channel director listened to the words of the two and sent a WeChat to the mobile phone.

"Old Tao, the person you said last time is called Meng Fan?"

"Yeah. This kid won't be a trouble?"

"No. I heard that there was a guy on this show who performed very well. Listening to the name like Meng Fan, who you said last time, I curiously asked."

"You must leave this kid alone, or I will be embarrassed!"

After the channel director sent out WeChat, they also listened to their respective statements and put away the mobile phone.

Lang smiled and said to Kim’s supervisor: “Old gold, Xu Dao has requirements for the quality of his program. Let’s support it. Your consideration, careful and thoughtful, but as a Chinese TV, there is always a Chinese TV. People's pride, pride, sense of honor can not be lost, can not blindly believe outsiders, or trust more people. Of course, I also measured your difficulties, you have recently been busy, I am approved, Give you a long vacation and take a rest."

After all, regardless of Kim’s supervisor, he smiled and said to Xu and Mr. Di: “Xudao, Teacher Di, Zhang is still in the lounge? Let’s go together.”

A few people left, leaving only the gold supervisor a face like wax.

Pride of pride can not be lost, so the gold executive knows that he is completely cold!


"what happened?"

Meng Fan was curious to see the white singer who took the call with anger.

"Nothing, just a broken notice."

Bai Hao received anger, but I don't want to affect Meng Fan, and I don't want to affect the atmosphere of shopping at this time. It is really a pleasure to eat and drink under the **** of Meng Fan. I don't worry about any problems at all.

In addition, it may be that there is a sense of security. Bailu can greet and even talk with fans or passers-by who recognize themselves, and fans and passers-by will also maintain the right distance because of Meng Fan’s existence. There will be no excessive behavior besides greetings with Bai Hao.

This picture is a bit like a resident of this snack street, and these fans and passers-by are neighbors.

White 芷 enjoys this atmosphere, fans also like it, of course, white 芷 can also enjoy the food.

If the oil is not oily and fat is not fat, then it will not be taken care of.

When you are tired, you can find a small shop to sit down and eat and drink.

Happy time is always short-lived. If you don’t give up, you should have eaten after eating a whole street. It’s time to go back.

"Xiaofan, or else, let's go back. Take a walk, there is you there anyway."

Bai Hao wanted to take a call to Sun Sister and hit it. When she thought about it, she let go and went back.

Meng Fan did not agree very far.


"that's nice!"

Bai Hao tightened Meng Fan's coat off his Although it was a little shaken, it was still beautiful: "I haven’t been walking outside for a long time."

"That's not easy, let's go out and walk."

"Which is so simple."

"If you own your home, you can't be an excuse for fans. Is it true that most of your circles are housewives?"

"It's quite a lot, except for work, it's generally home."

"It’s a good house, it’s comfortable, why do you have to go outside, you go hard, and you still feel that you are going home to play games and watch the phone more comfortable than anything. And, without washing your hair, This is very important for girls."

"It's really, don't say it. Look at a girl who doesn't pay much attention to you. See if she wants to wash her head and see you."


The two chatted about the sky and went to the hotel without knowing it. After Bai Hao returned to his room, he took down Meng Fan’s jacket that had been draped on his body and carefully folded it. Then he took out his mobile phone and gave it to Xu. In the past, the face was completely different.

"Xu, can you tell me what is going on now?"


When I got up the next morning, Meng Fan went out for a lap, then waited for the white to get together and went to the airport after eating breakfast.

Bai Hao was not flying in Shanghai, but flew to the province. The film crew of Meng Caiwei’s film was there, and she was able to get one of the supporting roles. Although it is a supporting role, the weight is not better than some. The film and television drama of the big production is poor.

Meng Fan flew back to Hangzhou alone. The landing was more than ten o'clock. He did not tell anyone to come back. He took a taxi from the airport and went straight to the martial arts hall near Huanglong Stadium.


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