My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 265: Change personal brush

"Ah? Oh, good!"

Meng Fan reacted and stopped to stay, and the handle was released.

"A rest for a while!"

Yang Feng slammed his teeth carefully, how powerful this guy is, and the skills of rumors are not used at all!

Meng Fan was a little embarrassed. After handing a bottle of water to Yang Feng, he also looked at the task of this new touch.

"Finally touched!"

After waiting for a long time, I finally waited.

When the task touches, it means that there is a certain return, and it is many times!

I am here to study, but not for this.

However, Meng Fan is still a bit puzzled.

How did you fall and practice for so long without touching?

Of course, the time for practicing skills is not short.

Is the system really without the title of achievement related to wrestling or even wrestling?

Look carefully at the task of this new touch. Avalokitesvara... No, it’s a thousand hands, the task is to subdue the opponent a thousand times with the technique of picking up... What, uniforming a thousand times is a thousand hands, if the uniform is 10,000 Is it still possible to advance to the hands of 10,000?

Of course, Meng Fan also spit a slot, he still knows how many martial arts masters are called this nickname. It is estimated that the system will take the nickname of others as a title in order to save trouble. The slogan in the otter of the gods.

After the completion of the task, the title attribute is still very good. Take the technology +1o. After almost finishing, you should have the top level.

No process.

This reward, how to say it, is a bit like practicing and learning.

Is it difficult to subdue a thousand opponents?

The difficulty is not small, but it is not difficult to use Meng Fan’s current physical fitness and added attributes.

The key is... Meng Fan saw that the experience has been 1o/1ooo, which means that Meng Fan used the task of substituting Yang Feng for ten times before using it.

In addition, this experience article also reveals one of the most important information, that is, repeated uniforms can also increase experience.

This can be too important!

If you ask Meng Fan to use a uniform technique to subdue a thousand people, then you will be finished. Where to find so many people's uniforms, can you take a set of picks when you take one on the street?

and many more!

Meng Fan suddenly thought, is it that the reason why the skill is not successful in hitting the task is related to not subduing the opponent?

However, as Yang Feng said, it is very difficult to subdue opponents by throwing skills, unless the slamming directly stuns or falls to the ground.

Whether it is practice or actual combat, Meng Fan is a person who falls and then ends.

Yes, even if you know that this way is very likely to touch the task, it is not good to try.

Zhen Nima!

Forget it, greed is not bad, even if you touch the achievement task at this time, it is estimated that it can not be completed. Now, just go to the Lion City and brush this [hands-up] to your own hands. ——This title attribute also has a hand +3 reward – plus other attributes and black technology, there should be no problem dealing with this “day robbery”.

Yes, Tian Fan, Meng Fan really took this trip to the Lion City as a catastrophe. He must face the catastrophe. Although he can avoid it, Meng Fan is really worried that he will have a "mind" in his life.

Brush it up!

With this task, Meng Fan is more energetic!

However, Yang Feng soon did not do it.

"Today's class is here. You learn very well, make rapid progress, and take a break. Tomorrow... Come back to class tomorrow afternoon."

Yang Feng is really a bit dry, teaching for so long, has never been so "fighting", even if there are big players to practice the practice needs to cooperate with themselves, there is no such way to shoot the land, the key is not to shoot still not!

Especially in the back, Yang Feng always felt that this guy had begun to let himself take the fun of the land, and the start was fast and embarrassing, and even a lot of times even the fall skills were saved.

Meng Fan saw the experience, 84/1ooo, one tenth is not enough... Well, this progress is quite fast, according to this progress, basically one hour is able to brush 1oo, that is to say ten The hour is over.

Of course, this kind of thing, the sooner the better, if there is more time, he also hopes to contact us again.

"That, coach Yang."

Meng Fan took a look at Yang Feng and almost got on a habitual technique. He said, "I think, this technique is really suitable for me. I think I should concentrate on practicing skills first. Ok, try another one."

Yang Feng nodded, still very much recognized the attitude of Meng Fan: "Yes, no problem, if you come tomorrow, I will teach you some more difficult skills. You are indeed suitable for practicing this technology, hand-to-hand Fast, great strength, a lot of fresh food, and a few people can hide from you."

Meng Fan said: "I mean, I still want to practice for a while today. Of course, I don't have to be with you. The martial arts hall has the kind of special training. I have another money."

"You still have to practice? Isn't it tired?" Seeing Meng Fan shaking his head said that he is not tired, Yang Feng is also convinced, thinking, said: "The money is not the main, you are a novice, if you are serious, you should pay attention. I will give you a coach who has some anti-techniques."

Meng Fan nodded and said that he must pay attention. He also said: "I doubled the money according to the private lessons."

He also knows that it is really a tiring job for people to shoot the floor at such a high frequency. It is really necessary to follow the price of the general private lessons. It is estimated that there are no hundreds of experiences and no one is willing to brush their own experience~www OK, come with me, I will find you a hard-working. ”

Yang Feng took Meng Fan out of this special practice room - waiting for him to have private lessons - not long after he found a large practice room, many people inside, also divided into several site.

"Old black."

Yang Feng found a circle, quickly locked the target, shouted, and called a strong man whose skin color was worthy of his name.

It’s a very awkward character, if you don’t have a smile on his face.

Yang Feng asked: "Specially accompanying skills. Powerful, fast, training intensity, double private tuition, no problem?"


The old black eyes are lit up. If you don’t see the person standing next to Yang Feng, you should be the one who wants to train. I almost asked which fool is so arrogant, and nodded quickly: “Of course no problem.” Then I rushed to Meng Whenever you smile, pat your chest, "Cust safe!"

Not everyone recognizes Meng Fan's, for example, this old black is not recognized, but I don't know the name of Meng Fan's real tower. As for the height of Meng Fan, this old tonnage, the old black really did not look in the eyes.

The students who come here are not fatter than Meng Fangao. Moreover, the old black eyes are also poisonous. Although they have not opened the GI, they can see that Meng Fan is tall and strong, but he has muscles. Very general, at most there is fitness habits, do not feel how difficult it is to engage.

In addition, he is the oldest, but the whole peak of the martial arts fighting hall is the most resistant to fight, even if Yang Feng wants to drop him is not so easy, a student practicing the skills is nothing.

Severe, how can I practice the skills of the squad, and the ground technology such as sleeping skills!


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