My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 116 War

"Who dares to trespass the territory of the Black Scales."

Below, the black-scaled pig demon guard with long fangs yelled loudly.

Some of the guards had strong bows and arrows, and they were ready to shoot at Hu Datian in the air.

But at this moment, time seemed to freeze, and the black-scaled pig monsters were all motionless, looking at the figure in the sky in horror.

"Hu Datian, what are you bullying the juniors? Since you're here, come in and sit."

A voice sounded from an unusually wide building.

As the voice sounded, the black-scaled pig demon clan found that they could all move.

One by one, they looked at Hu Datian in horror, but no one made another move. They knew that the voice just now was their ancestor.

Hu Datian disappeared as soon as he moved.


In that wide and rough building, Hu Datian sat opposite an old man in black with two fangs.

The old man in black is the ancestor of the black-scaled pig demon clan.

"Black Thorn, I want to attack Donghan City, are you interested in joining forces?"

As soon as Hu Datian came up, he said bluntly.

Hei Thorn Tian looked at Hu Da Tian silently like that.


About an hour later, Hu Datian walked out of the building, flew into the air, and quickly turned into a black spot.

Hei Thorn Tian walked out and smiled at the direction Hu Datian had left.

He doesn't care why Hu Datian wants to attack Donghancheng, he just needs to get the benefits.

Hei Thorn Tian promised Hu Datian.


three days later.

East Seoul City Lord's Mansion.

The palace chief stood in front of Dongyang Tian with a solemn expression.

"The city lord, the demon tiger clan and the black-scaled pig demon clan have all changed, and it is very likely that they will launch a monster attack on the city."

Hearing this, Dong Yangtian nodded slightly, but he was thinking about whether this matter was related to that matter some time ago.

The Monster Tiger Clan first kidnapped some people, and now they have launched a monster siege.

There is nothing in Donghan City that is worthy of such a huge price for the Yaohu clan.

"Pay close attention to the movements of the two ethnic groups, notify the Eastern Han Army and the City Guard Army, and prepare for war."

The cold light in Dongyangtian's eyes flickered, there was no possibility of any compromise with those two clans, and they could only be honest by hurting them.


East Seoul may be at war with the demon clan.

This information, although hidden, is transparent to some people.

For example, Ding Tianming, such as Lin Honghai, they each received news not long after Dongyangtian received the report.

After receiving the news, both of them looked a little different.


Ding's residence.

Ding Tianming looked weird. He went to Ding Xusui before, and Ding Xusui told him to wait. Ding Tianming thought Ding Xusui was perfunctory.

I want to kill him by the backlash of Huoyun's arm, so as to give his grandson Ding Jia revenge.

But now Ding Tianming is puzzled.

Is all this a coincidence or is Ding Xusui known for a long time, or even arranged in advance by Ding Xusui?

If this is the case, then his ninth grandfather, Ding Xusui, would be too scary.

Whatever the truth is, one thing is certain.

If a war really broke out between East Seoul and those two clans, Ye Huan would most likely leave the Wuyuan to help East Seoul.

This is the chance, the chance to kill Ye Huan.

A bright light flashed in Ding Tianming's eyes.


Attribute martial artist.

Lin Honghai looked at the information in front of him and was silent for a long time.


In Lin Honghai's position, he didn't believe in any coincidence at all, and he even believed that all this was the work of his junior brother Ding Xusui.

Ding Xusui colluded with the Black Scaled Pig Monster Clan and the Monster Tiger Clan?

This thought popped into Lin Honghai's mind, and then he shook his head.

Some things are the bottom line. Once you touch them, you will die. Ding Xusui will not be so stupid.

"It seems that junior brother also has a lot of secrets."

Lin Honghai said softly, and then a smile appeared on his face.

No matter what means Ding Xusui used to get the Black Scaled Pig Monster Clan and the Monster Tiger Clan to take action, this was indeed a very good opportunity.

dong dong dong dong.

Lin Honghai tapped the table with his hands, making a dull sound.

Lin Honghai took out the sound transmission and sent a message to Lin Huo, telling Lin Huo to come over.

This news should tell Lin Huo, as for whether Lin Huo can grasp it, that is Lin Huo's own business.

At the same time, many people have received the news.

It is very likely that East Hancheng will have a war with the Black Scaled Pig Monster Clan and the Monster Tiger Clan.

After receiving this news, many people were moved.


In the small courtyard of Tieshan, Tieshan looked at the information for a long time and was silent, Xue Changqing was also silent.

"Uncle Shi, will this be the trap of the attribute martial artist?"

Xue Changqing frowned and asked aloud.

"There is no movement between the attribute martial artist and the Ding family. In fact, whether there is any difference or not, those people will never miss this opportunity."

Tieshan said bluntly.

Xue Changqing's face was full of worry.

"Would you like to tell my junior brother about this?"

Tieshan stared at Xue Changqing angrily.

"If there was a war in your home city, would you go back?"

"Go back, definitely go back."

Xue Changqing replied without hesitation.

After listening to Xue Changqing's answer, Tie Shan didn't speak, just looked at Xue Changqing quietly.

"That uncle, I'm also worried about the safety of junior brother!"

Xue Changqing was a little embarrassed to see Tieshan, and muttered.

"Martialists pay attention to the mastery of their minds. This matter cannot be hidden from Ye Huan, otherwise, it may become his inner demon in the future, which will actually harm him."

Tieshan looked at Xue Changqing and said.

"Tell your junior brother about this. We can't decide for him what choice to make."

Xue Changqing nodded, took out the sound transmission and sent a message to Ye Huan.


Vitality martial artist.

In Ye Huan's left eye, the martial skill of the Luye tribe appeared, burning green, and a mannequin in his right eye kept showing green movement routes.

Ye Huan is transforming the martial arts of the Luye tribe, burning green.

Ye Huan has been trying for a few days.

I saw that the mannequin in the right eye was running the transformed martial arts green burning.

With the green burning of martial arts, a layer of green light appeared on the mannequin in his right eye, and then the green light burned like a flame.

Seeing what happened on the mannequin in his right eye, a joy appeared on Ye Huan's face.


After several days of hard work, I finally transformed the green-burning martial arts of the Luye tribe into human martial arts.

The eyes disappeared, Ye Huan stopped, ready to try the green burning power of martial arts.

Green burning is also an eternal martial skill, but what Ye Huan can get is only the galaxy realm.

Ye Huan was eager to try the green burning power of martial arts.

At this moment, Ye Huan's voice transmission sounded.

"Senior brother asked me to go to my uncle's place."

Ye Huan said softly, got up and walked out. Generally, there is nothing to do, and Xue Changqing will not disturb his practice.

Ye Huan had to temporarily suppress the idea of ​​experimenting with the green burning power of martial arts.

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