My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 124 Killing the Cyclops

In the distance, the head quickly grew to a normal size, and the head that was caught by the one-eyed eagle's claw also quickly grew out.

Body law.

Ye Huan looked at the one-eyed eagle in shock.

If he hadn't sensed something was wrong just now, he immediately cast the Primordial Body Technique while dodging, and at this moment he was dead.

The appearance of the one-eyed middle-aged man made Ye Huan secretly alert.

The power of the basic acupoints reached 6,000. Ye Huan believed that apart from some geniuses and high-level warriors in the galaxy, other warriors in the galaxy would not pose a threat to him at all.

But the appearance of the one-eyed middle-aged man made Ye Huan clear that he underestimated the world's warriors.

The strength of the one-eyed middle-aged man is actually not particularly strong, and Ye Huan is sure to win the one-eyed man with all his strength.

The premise is that the one-eyed middle-aged man is willing to confront him head-on.

The one-eyed middle-aged man would never give up the advantage of speed.

"Original body method."

The one-eyed eagle glanced at Ye Huan, put the bloody arm to his mouth and licked it, and threw the arm out, the one-eyed flickering with scarlet bloodlust.

"I see how long your Primordial Body Technique can last."

Before he finished speaking, the one-eyed eagle disappeared again.


The body protection vitality was torn, and a piece of flesh and blood was torn off from the body, dripping with blood.

Ye Huan glanced at the two galaxies that were in a fierce confrontation in the distance, stirring the boundless situation, and secretly thought about the countermeasures.

Xue Changqing may not be able to help him for the time being.

If he wants to live, he can only rely on himself.



After dodging a few times, another arm was ripped off by the Cyclops.

"I see how many arms you can grow."

The blood in the one-eyed eagle's one eye became more and more intense, and the whole person became ruthless.

He couldn't drag it any longer, it would be dangerous for him to drag it any further.

Ye Huan must be killed as soon as possible, and then he must escape.


The golden galaxy that surrounded the one-eyed eagle trembled slightly, the golden stars in the galaxy burned, and a layer of golden flame shrouded above.

The golden light of the golden galaxy suddenly flourished, and there was a vast expanse of gold everywhere. Ye Huan completely lost the trace of the one-eyed eagle.

Crisis, a strong sense of crisis made Ye Huan tense up.

The brain is spinning at an unprecedented speed.


The idea was immediately rejected.

At the speed of a one-eyed eagle, he couldn't dodge at all.

If you can't dodge, then don't dodge.

Ye Huan was ruthless, and the fierce light flashed in his eyes.

With the feeling, Ye Huan's vitality exploded under his feet, and the whole person just bumped into it.


The one-eyed eagle's left hand, which shone with dark gold, easily penetrated Ye Huan's body, and blood shot from the wound.

The one-eyed eagle was stunned,

Unexpectedly, Ye Huan would take the initiative to deliver it to the door.

With a wicked smile, he wanted to grab Ye Huan's head with his right hand, and his one eye was full of bloodthirsty hideousness.

Sly boy, this time you're dead.

When the right arm moved, the one-eyed eagle found that the right arm was as if it was not his.

The one-eyed eagle looked at his right arm and was stunned to see two hands tightly grasping his right arm.

Ye Huan spat out the blood in his mouth, and both heads grinned at the one-eyed eagle.

"Finally caught you."

The one-eyed eagle's face changed suddenly, and he instantly understood Ye Huan's purpose.

Boom, boom, boom.

The galaxy vibrated violently on the one-eyed eagle, trying to shake Ye Huan away.

Cyclops knew very well in his heart that speed was his advantage. Without speed, he might not necessarily have an advantage by simply competing for strength.

After paying such a huge price to trap the one-eyed eagle, how could Ye Huan let the one-eyed eagle escape.

This method can only be used once. Once the one-eyed eagle escapes, it will be him who is in crisis.

The vitality in the acupuncture point erupted without reservation, and the white vitality and the illusory red galaxy on the one-eyed eagle clashed violently.

The sound like muffled thunder kept ringing.

roar, roar.

Tiger howl.

The two heads sounded directly beside the Cyclops' ears, and the violent sound waves shook the eardrums of the Cyclops. Even though the Milky Way weakened the power of the tiger's roar, the Cyclops was still dizzy for a while.

"Break me."

The 3,600 orifices in the body exploded, the Daluo Xingchen Gong worked, plus the power of the thousand orifices in the flesh.

Ye Huan's hands gripping the right arm of the one-eyed eagle suddenly exerted force, and the power of Liuqianqiao acupoint exploded like a flood.

An illusory golden galaxy flickered on the one-eyed eagle's right arm, but as soon as the galaxy flickered, it broke under the violent force.


One-eyed eagle's arm was forcibly torn off by Ye Huan.

The huge pain deep into the bone marrow made Cyclops awake.

Looking at his bald right arm, the one-eyed eagle was completely crazy, and the one-eyed was completely covered with blood.

"Ye Huan, you die for me."

The one-eyed eagle roared, and in the illusory golden galaxy, the golden stars exploded directly.

The golden galaxy swelled, and a heart-pounding energy was quickly nurtured in the golden galaxy.

Bang, bang, bang, bang.

Ye Huan's four palms slammed desperately on the chest of the one-eyed eagle.

The six thousand orifices acupoints burst out with all their strength, causing the expanding golden galaxy in Cyclops' chest to tremble. In the end, it exploded. Four palms fell on Cyclops' chest, and Cyclops's chest sank in immediately.

The one-eyed eagle was hit by Ye Huan's four palms, and the turbulent and violent force made the one-eyed eagle fly out.

The one-eyed eagle pierced Ye Huan's chest with his left arm and pulled out from Ye Huan's body arrogantly, blood and flesh splashing.

Ye Huan snorted, ignoring the injuries on his body, the vitality in his body exploded desperately, the ground burst, and Ye Huan rushed in the opposite direction desperately.

In the air, the hideous expression on the one-eyed eagle's face quickly turned into panic, trying to control the almost runaway golden galaxy.

Self-exploding galaxy.

The ultimate move of the Star River Realm warriors perishing together.

In fact, the one-eyed eagle didn't really want to explode Xinghe, just to scare Ye Huan and get rid of Ye Huan's restraint.

The effect is good. After all, Ye Huan has few life-and-death fights, and he lacks the combat experience with Xinghe realm warriors, so he was deceived by the one-eyed eagle.

But the one-eyed eagle missed a point, that is, Ye Huan's attack was so powerful that it exceeded the limit of his Xinghe's endurance and smashed his Xinghe.

Although the one-eyed eagle is a fake self-destruction, it is only a thin line from the real self-destruction, otherwise, how can it deceive Ye Huan.

That weak balance was shattered when Ye Huan blasted Xinghe.

The one-eyed eagle's Galaxy was completely out of control, and the fake self-destruction turned into a real self-destruction.

Under the terrified eyes of the one-eyed eagle, the golden galaxy swelled more and more, and the golden light completely illuminated this side of the sky.

A golden galaxy swung across the sky, and the golden stars inside exploded, and then exploded.

The moment the golden galaxy exploded, the one-eyed eagle's body instantly vaporized and disappeared.

Circles of golden ripples spread in all directions in the air, the nearby air was shaking violently, and some tall trees that touched the golden ripples disappeared instantly.

A huge shock wave hit Ye Huan, and Ye Huan flew out without any resistance.

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