My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 145 Killing, killing intent

Outside the city, somewhere.

Ding Fang opened his eyes and disappeared in a flash.

The war has begun, and perhaps the opportunity will follow.


Lu Wen, who had been waiting for this day, also acted.

Ye Huan has already been killed once, and Lu Wen doesn't mind killing him again.


After leaving the Eastern Han Dynasty Star Residence, Ye Huan galloped around the city.

There are many people like Ye Huan in the city, some are retired soldiers, some are lone warriors.

The war between the human race and the ten thousand races has been going on for many years, and each city has its own mechanism to deal with the war.

Ye Huan went straight to the west city wall. The west city wall was facing the Demon Tiger Clan, which was the area with the most defensive pressure in this war.

The strength of the demon tiger clan is not weak.

After checking his identity, Ye Huan came to the city wall and saw Dongyangtian, the city lord in full armor. This time, there was no Wangfu Chief by Dongyangtian's side, and Wangfufu should be in other defense areas.

"Ye Huan has never experienced a war, right?"

Ye Huan nodded, East Seoul was the first war he experienced.

"See you."

Dong Yangtian said and led Ye Huan to the city wall.

Ye Huan's eyes lit up as soon as he went up to the city wall. In addition to the chilling soldiers, there were also huge cannons on the city wall.

"The Yuanjing Cannon?"

Ye Huan said in surprise, with the Yuanjing cannon, why should Donghan City be afraid of this war.

Yuanjing cannon, that is a weapon that can kill the Xinghe realm.

"The Yuan liquid cannon, the Yuanjing giant cannon consumes too much, and Donghan City can't use it."

Dongyangtian said with a wry smile.

At this moment, the sound outside the city became louder and louder, and Ye Huan couldn't help but look over.

A huge team consisting only of colorful giant tigers rushed towards East Seoul like a flood, and wherever the huge team passed, no grass grew.

Those immature crops outside Donghan City disappeared in pieces.

"Everything that can be grabbed has been taken back, and there is nothing else that can be done."

Dongyangtian said indifferently on the side, war is a price to pay.


A general ordered that the soldiers next to the Yuan Liquid Cannon poured Yuan Liquid into the cannon.


With an order, a group of dazzling light groups fell into the team of giant tigers under the city.


Amidst the loud noise, the colorful giant tigers shattered into pieces.

At the same time, huge cannons sounded on the other three walls.

The sound of the cannon continued for an hour, and by the end the barrels were all red.

Outside the city, corpses were scattered everywhere, and the blood color spread to the earth.

Ye Huan thought he could face the war calmly, but when he saw this scene, his face turned pale.

At this moment, another group of colorful giant tigers rushed out quickly. Among the group of colorful giant tigers, there were tiger monsters with tiger heads and human bodies.

"The tiger demon clan is here, let's go out of the city to fight."

Dongyang ordered the world to say that the Primordial Liquid Cannon can kill monsters, but it is useless to the wise monster tiger clan.

"Ye Huan, you act cheap."

The city gate opened, and the heavily armed soldiers walked out of the city gate with a chilling air.

Ye Huan went out of the city with the team of retired soldiers and lone warriors.

The smell of blood outside the city was stronger, Ye Huan took a deep breath, feeling a little excited while her heart palpitated.

Boom, boom, boom.

One by one battle formations collided on the battlefield full of blood, and every moment human warriors and demon tigers died.

And those retired soldiers and lone warriors also fought against the demon tiger clan.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Huan rushed into the battle group.

A demon tiger clan greeted Ye Huan.


Ye Huan directly punched the demon tiger clan.

The violent power erupted, and a punch smashed the demon tiger clan into a cloud of blood.

A red light spot swept towards Ye Huan in the blood mist, Ye Huan did not dodge or avoid, and let the red light spot fly towards him, merging into the ID card around his waist.

This is how meritorious feats are counted on the battlefield.

A demon tiger clan pounced from the side, and Ye Huan kicked the demon tiger clan with his legs like lightning.

The ferocity of the six thousand orifices acupoints exploded unreservedly, the vitality of the demon tiger clan exploded, and the huge body exploded into a cloud of blood.

As soon as Ye Huan entered the battle group, he powerfully killed the two demon tiger clans, making no secret of his strength.

Ye Huan unscrupulously slaughtered the demon tiger clan.

But in most places on the battlefield, the human race is at a disadvantage.

roar, roar, roar.

A loud noise like thunder sounded, and the demon tiger clan roared.

In the human race, dozens of soldiers burst into blood mist on the spot, and the soldiers of the demon tiger tribe took the opportunity to charge, and dozens of human soldiers died.

Seeing that the human soldiers' battle formation was about to be washed away, the pitch-black pills were thrown out one by one, and the black pills turned into clouds of black mist, shrouding the soldiers of the demon tiger clan, the soldiers of the demon tiger clan who were shrouded in the black mist, It quickly turned into a pile of bones.

Poison pill, black evil pill.

With the help of the medicinal pill, the human soldiers were barely able to draw a tie with the demon tiger soldiers.

Almost every moment, many Terran soldiers died.

"Dongyangtian, let me see if you have improved over the years."

Hu Datian appeared on the battlefield, suspended in the air.

Dongyangtian appeared in front of Hu Datian, and the two powerhouses in the Star Liquid Realm instantly fought together in the air.

A few more star-liquid warriors from the Demon Tiger Clan and Donghan City appeared, fighting in the air.

Star liquid realm powerhouses enter the field, and the war tends to intensify almost from the beginning.



The white sound waves spread, and the three demon tiger figures in front of them paused slightly.

A pure white palm quickly slapped the heads of the three demon tigers, and the three tiger heads exploded like watermelons.

Ye Huan slaughtered the demon tiger clan while thinking about the current situation.

The powerhouses on both sides are fighting against each other at high altitudes. Once the results of the high-altitude fights come to fruition, I am afraid it will determine the direction of the war.

Ye Huan looked at the sky, the sky was surging, the stars collided violently, and it was impossible to decide the winner in a short period of time.

Looking at those human soldiers who are not afraid of death, they are guarding the city behind them with their own flesh and blood.

Ye Huan was in awe of those soldiers, thinking about how to end the war as soon as possible.

The sooner the war is over, the fewer casualties those soldiers will suffer.

Ye Huan knew that there was a powerhouse at the peak of the star liquid realm protecting him.

"Senior brother, let's take action with that senior. If you don't move, the hand in the dark won't move either. Don't worry about me, I can protect myself."

Ye Huan transmits a voice to Xue Changqing.

dark place.

Xue Changqing directly showed Ye Huan's voice transmission to Liu Sheng.

"Be optimistic about Ye Huan."

Liu Sheng disappeared immediately.

A golden galaxy suddenly appeared in the sky, slamming into a star-liquid warrior of the Demon Tiger Clan.

The Demon Tiger Clan did not expect that there would be a strong star in the liquid state hiding in the dark. Seeing that the Demon Tiger Clan strong man was about to be swept in by the golden galaxy, a red galaxy appeared, blocking the golden galaxy.

The demon tiger clan powerhouse escaped the catastrophe.


Ye Huan has been paying attention to the situation in the air, looking at the hazy figure in the red galaxy.

Ye Huan's eyes flashed with a cold gleam.

That person in the dark actually made a move, damn it!

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