My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 152 Arrive, fierce

When the other guards heard Ye Shoucheng's words, they immediately threw out the jade bottle they were holding, which was nowhere to be placed.

There were a total of eleven people including the guard and Ye Shoucheng, and a total of thirteen jade bottles flew towards the team of demon tigers.

Ye Shoucheng felt unsafe, so he threw two more.

Looking at the jade bottle flying in the sky, the Demon Tiger Clan stretched out their palms and slapped the tiger's face with disdain.

bang, bang...

The jade bottle was not strong at first, and when it was slammed by the tiger's palm, the jade bottles burst open immediately.

The jade bottle burst, and the black evil pill contained in the jade bottle was released like a devil.

A trail of black smoke flew out, entangling the demon tiger clan.

The sudden change made some of the demon tiger clan stunned for a moment, and then they were stunned for a moment, and the demon tiger clan was enveloped in the black smoke that the black evil pill turned into.

The screaming tiger roar sounded, and the few demon tigers were quickly corroded by the black smoke into a pile of dead bones.

In the blink of an eye, it was just a face-to-face time, five demon tiger clan died, and the other demon tiger clan were also struggling in the black smoke.

You must know that when they fought against the elites of Zhou Ming just now, the team of the Demon Tiger Clan only lost three Demon Tiger Clan.

Zhou Ming, who came in a hurry, could not help but be stunned when he saw this scene from a distance.

Zhou Ming couldn't help remembering what the city lord had said to him before, saying that the alchemist had refined a poisonous pill with good power, and asked him if he needed it.

Zhou Ming declined out of confidence in the team's strength.

Zhou Ming quietly took a sip of water. If he asked for this poison pill, the team would probably not have killed so many people.


The guards were stunned and gulped.

They could feel the power of those Demon Tiger Clan, and I'm afraid they could easily kill them.

But even such a powerful demon tiger clan was easily corroded by that poison pill and turned into dead bones.

Thinking that what he was holding just now was such a terrifying thing, those guards were afraid for a while,

If the jade bottle was broken at that time... those guards would not dare to think about it any longer.

puff, puff, puff...

The poisonous smoke that the black evil pill turned into crazily corrodes the vitality of the demon tiger clan.

If there is no external intervention, I am afraid that several demon tiger clan will die under the poisonous smoke of black evil pill.

At this moment, a khaki galaxy flew over, shuttled in the black poisonous smoke, and directly refined the black poisonous smoke.

Hu Chen held a piece of talisman paper in his hand and walked from a distance step by step. The talisman paper in his hand was surprisingly bright, and he kept struggling, trying to get rid of Hu Chen's tiger palm.

The further you go, the brighter the talisman paper.

Hu Chen's aggressive gaze swept over the eleven guards and finally stopped at Ye Shoucheng.

The thing that caused the Talisman to react so violently was on that person.

Hu Chen couldn't help thinking of what happened before the war broke out.

Hu Chen was going to make great contributions in the war and earn a lot of merits.

But before the war, the ancestor found him personally, handed him a talisman paper, and asked him to bring a team of demon tiger clan elites to attack the city lord's mansion, find something that could make the talisman paper react violently, and put that thing. Bringing back the Demon Tiger Clan, the biggest credit for this war is his.

Thinking of the benefits that the ancestor promised him, Hu Chen's eyes burst into an amazing brilliance.

It takes no effort to get it.

"Come here for me."

Hu Chen shouted, and a huge tiger palm grabbed Ye Shoucheng.

Under the palm of the khaki tiger, Ye Shoucheng found that he couldn't move. At this moment, Ye Shoucheng was full of annoyance and did not listen to his son's advice to stay at home.

"Xiaoyun, I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you for the rest of my life."

Ye Shoucheng didn't have much fear of death, but regretted that he could no longer be by Liu Yun's side and accompany her for the rest of his life.


Ye Huan rushed back to the city lord's mansion from outside the city, and pushed it all the way like a road roller, just in time to see such a scene.

"Give me a break."

Ye Huan was still nearly a thousand meters away from there, his vitality and star energy exploded, and he threw the knife and sword in his hand.

The air shook, and the knife and sword disappeared as soon as they left Ye Huan's hand, and when they reappeared, they were already in front of the khaki-yellow star's hand.

A knife and a sword slammed into the khaki-colored hand like two meteors.

Boom, boom.

The khaki-colored tiger palm fluctuated violently, the star energy overflowed, and then exploded with a bang, turning into a cloud of khaki-colored star energy.

One sword and one sword hit the building behind, directly knocking down two buildings.

Hu Chen turned around immediately, he never felt a threat from someone.

Ye Huan's body was opened with caves, his vitality lingered, and a white galaxy shuttled between his vitality, like a steed white dragon.


The air around Ye Huan's body shook, and at this moment, Ye Huan's strength exploded in full force, rushing forward like a human-shaped savage beast.

click, click, click...

The ground where Ye Huan passed quickly cracked, and there were cracks with the thickness of his arms.


An exquisite pavilion in front of Ye Huan was torn apart instantly and burst into pieces.

Ye Huan pushed the past in a straight line.

Deterred by Ye Huan's ferocious aura, even the always ferocious Demon Tiger Clan did not dare to move at this time.

No demon tiger clan dared to rush up to intercept Ye Huan at this time.

"You get out of the way."

Hu Chen said to those subordinates.


A roar filled with ferocious aura sounded, and Hu Chen threw off his arms and ran wildly.

Wherever Hu Chen passed, the earth seemed to be lifted up with a layer of skin.


The two figures, one white and one red, collided halfway like shooting stars.

The ground was fragile like tofu, and it collapsed in an instant. Several nearby buildings were completely in ruins, and some demon tigers who couldn't dodge immediately exploded.

Yes, it exploded, without even a trace of resistance, it exploded.

In the white-and-yellow star storm, Ye Huan staggered back. Every time he took a step back, he would sink into the ground below his knees. The ground that was originally hard was now as fragile as tofu.

Hu Chen took advantage of the situation to spin up, and the golden giant hammer wheel in the tiger's palm rounded and smashed towards Ye Huan.

"Galaxy, gravity."

The khaki-yellow galaxy on the golden hammer shone, and Ye Huan suddenly felt a huge gravity hit, and the whole body seemed to be imprisoned.

Body law.

A head and two arms quickly grew out, and at the same time a green light appeared around Ye Huan, burning like a flame.

Green burning.

Chunyuan big mudra, fangs thorns, tiger roar, at this moment Ye Huan used all the means at his disposal.

All the attacks hit the golden giant hammer, and a dazzling white brilliance lit up, blocking the hammer.

The air in the air, churned by the aftermath of the shock, burst, and a gust of wind blew up.

Hu Chen glanced at Ye Huan unexpectedly, the star river realm, which had not transformed much in one orifice, could actually block his attack with almost all his strength.

It has to be fought quickly.

Hu Chen glanced at Zhou Ming who was sneaking in the distance, and he had to bring things out of East Seoul as soon as possible.

After all, Donghancheng is the base camp of the human race. Once the war is over, he will not be able to leave if he wants to.

"The Cage of the Galaxy."

The khaki-yellow galaxy rushed out of the golden giant hammer, 1,600 orifice stars lit up, the stars shone down, and a khaki-yellow beam of light stabbed down.

"Be careful."

Zhou Ming in the distance watched this scene, remembered his painful experience, and reminded aloud.

But, it's too late!

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