My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 167: Having a child is like Ye Huan

Yang Biao was shocked to the point of numbness.

Maybe he will never be able to teach a student like Ye Huan again in his life.

The other tutors all looked at Yang Biao with envy, and they didn't know what Yang Biao was thinking at this time, otherwise they would definitely temper Yang Biao's face.

Shameless, what a good thing to think about, for a student like Ye Huan, it is enough to teach one in a lifetime.

There are so many students like Ye Huan, wouldn't it be good to let them go?


Fatty Garment Factory.

Where Liu Yun used to work, the garment factory started production just after the war ended. After all, many people have to live.

After the Liu Yun incident, the fat boss has changed a lot, and he is no longer as harsh on his employees as before.

At the moment, employees are being organized to watch the pension conference.

When I heard the words of the city owner Dong Yangtian, I looked at Ye Huan who was walking up to the thunderous applause.

The entire garment factory was dead silent, only the applause from the Yuanjing TV was left.

The female workers and the fat boss of the garment factory all opened their mouths, and their faces were filled with disbelief.

They all knew that Liu Yun's son was admitted to the Hanwu Intermediate Martial Arts Academy, but they didn't expect Liu Yun's son to be so powerful.

He even won the first feat of this war.

"Liu Yun's life is really good."

After the garment factory was quiet for a long time, a female worker spoke quietly.

"It would be great if my son could have one-thousandth of Liu Yun's son."

"If I want to have such a son, I won't come to work in a garment factory."

A female worker said in a turbulent mood. After speaking, she realized that the fat boss was there, and immediately looked at the fat boss worriedly.

"Boss, I..."

It is not easy for ordinary women like them to find a job.

"What's this,

I want to have a son like Ye Huan, and I still haven't opened the garment factory. "

The fat boss smiled.

The female worker breathed a sigh of relief, and the other female workers laughed and joked.

"Okay, everyone hurry up with the work at hand. After these few days, everyone will have to rest for a few days."

The fat boss said, his brows could not help wrinkling.

Wars are all damn wars. After a war, the economy is depressed, and the orders of garment factories are much less.

When they heard that they could rest for a few days, no one of those female employees was happy, and they all kept silent. They came to work in the garment factory, and there was no wealth in the family, and rest meant no income.

"Liu Yun's son is so powerful, we might as well go to Liu Yun, maybe she can help us."

A female employee suddenly spoke up.

This proposal made the eyes of many female employees lit up. Liu Yun's son was so powerful that Liu Yun could help them.

The female employees looked at the fat boss expectantly, but didn't say anything.

They all know the grudges between the fat boss and Liu Yun.

"I'll go to Liu Yun to see if she can find us some orders."

The fat boss gritted his teeth and said, it's a big deal to be ridiculed by Liu Yun, he can't fire these people, they all have a family to support.


Chen Shan family.

A group of old brothers gathered together and watched Yuanjing TV.

Ye Shoucheng originally invited Chen Shan and others to go to the Eastern Han Dynasty Star Residence, but Chen Shan declined.

Chen Shan knew that the two alchemists were both in Ye Shoucheng's house, and it was impossible for Donghancheng to say that they were a little inappropriate.

"Dad, your son is not bad, the city lord has praised me by name."

Chen Tong slipped to Chen Shan's side again, and said with a naive smile.

Chen Shanchong shook his head and smiled wryly at the old brothers. Chen Tong has already slipped a dozen times.

"Lao Ye gave birth to a good son. If it wasn't for what Lao Ye gave this time, our old brothers would probably have had a few more this time."

Yuan sensitively said.

The others all nodded in agreement. Some of them survived, thanks to the things that Ye Shoucheng gave.

"It's just a pity Lao Qin."

Chen Shandao, the others were silent for a while.

"Okay, don't be sad anymore. When you become a soldier, that's where you belong. We won, and we all made a lot of contributions, so be happy."

Yuan Min said from the side, life still has to be lived, not always sad.

At this moment, the words of the city owner Dong Yangtian sounded on Yuanjing TV.

The old soldiers opened their mouths and watched the Yuanjing TV silently.

As veteran soldiers, they naturally know how difficult it is to get the first credit in a war.

But this also just proved Ye Huan's evildoer from the side.

A boy under seventeen took the first credit in this war.

"Old Chen, your Yuanjing TV won't be broken, right?"

Someone whispered, Chen Shan glared at the man angrily.

"This is the slap from the back waves."

Someone sighed.

"A little self-knowledge, okay? This is called the crushing from Houlang, the kind that leaves nothing."

As soon as the emotion was over, someone immediately dismantled the platform.

"Having a child is like Ye Huan."

Chen Shan glanced at his son and said.

"Dad, Ye Huan is my boss, not your son, I am."

Chen Tong immediately said by the side.

"As expected of the boss, he is amazing."

Chen Shan: "..."

Chen Shan expressed that he did not want to talk to his stupid son.


Eastern Han Dynasty Star Residence, a single-family villa.

Listen to the voice of the city lord coming from the Yuanjing TV.

Ye Shoucheng's mouth opened unconsciously, opening wider and wider.

The city lord mentioned this matter, but Ye Shoucheng didn't take it seriously at that time, he just thought it was the city lord's polite words and praise for his son.

But at this moment, Ye Shoucheng knew that everything was true.

Seeing Ye Huan stepping forward amid countless applause on Yuanjing TV.

Ye Shoucheng was filled with endless pride.

This is my Ye Shoucheng's son, great!

Liu Yun looked at Ye Huan who was arrogant on Yuanjing TV, and her heart was quite complicated.

Before her husband asked her to introduce her niece to Ye Huan, she was not very happy.

Now she has this thought, but she can't speak.

Liu Yun quietly glanced at Wang Xiaolan and Lan Ling.

Two impenetrable mountains.

Liu Yun looked at her son on Yuanjing TV with a proud face. Just like in the garment factory a few months ago, her son will always be her pride.


"First, this will push Ye Huan to the forefront."

Liu Sheng looked at the direction of the single-family villa, a little worried, Ye Huan was too pushy.

"Master, just get used to it."

Xue Changqing persuaded Liu Sheng from the side.

"Furthermore, uncle, it's not called being on the cusp of the storm. Junior and brother have never come down on the cusp."

Liu Sheng thought for a while, then smiled helplessly, Xue Changqing said something quite reasonable.

"Dongyangtian said that Ye Huan blew up Xinghe, is there any problem?"

"Senior, if I think it's worth your concern, Junior Brother forget it. With the speed of Junior Brother's fast shooter, it would be a big deal to re-enter the galaxy realm."

Xue Changqing is full of confidence in Ye Huan.

Thinking of the fear of being dominated by one hundred acupoints and stars in one night, Liu Sheng didn't say anything more.

Having a child is like Ye Huan.

The conference ended with the words of Dongyangtian, which was full of infinite emotion.

(Ask for a monthly ticket, a recommended ticket.)

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