My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 190: Mystery effect, interrupted

"Senior brother, it's not me who is under the most pressure, it's you, brother, hurry up and don't be surpassed by your brother."

Ning Xiaodie made a face at Xue Changqing and said with a smile.

Xue Changqing: "..."

I'm worried.

With Ye Huan's cultivation speed, I'm afraid it won't be long before he can surpass his senior brother.

"Senior brother, what is given by junior brother, it is said that it can improve the efficiency of absorbing vitality by a small realm."

Ning Xiaodie stretched her hand forward, and Xue Changqing noticed that Ning Xiaodie was holding a lot of medicinal pills.

Raise a small realm?

Xue Changqing's heart moved, it seems that there is no medicinal pill with this effect in the martial arts institute!

Could it be that this is a new medicinal pill optimized by the younger brother?

"Take a pill and practice quickly."

Xue Changqing said to Ning Xiaodie, Xue Changqing was still a little skeptical about the effect of the medicine pill.

"Senior brother, you take me as a guinea pig."

Ning Xiaodie muttered, but her hands were not slow, she took out a small blue pill and threw it into her mouth.

After swallowing the Blue Star Pill, Ning Xiaodie started to practice.

The vitality that was thick like mist suddenly surged and gathered towards Ning Xiaodie.

Xue Changqing has been paying attention to the changes in the surrounding vitality.

As soon as his vitality moved, Xue Changqing's face became a little strange.

Ning Xiaodie was at the first stage of the Galaxy Realm, and the range of absorbing vitality was only about 100 meters.

But at this moment, the fluctuation range of vitality has exceeded 100 meters.

This is not something that can be achieved at the first stage of the Galaxy Realm.

Ning Xiaodie's ability to absorb vitality has been improved, reaching the intermediate level of the Galaxy Realm.

Xue Changqing looked at the small blue pill in his hand.

If this elixir is also effective for him, Xue Changqing, the peak of the Xinghe Realm, dare not say it, but when he went out from the secret realm of Peeping the Sky, Xue Changqing was sure to enter the advanced stage of the Xinghe Realm.

Xue Changqing's figure moved and instantly appeared a thousand meters away.

He is a middle-level star in the galaxy, and if he really wants to improve the first-order vitality absorption ability, the high-level galaxy is only within a kilometer range, and it will not affect Ning Xiaodie.

After swallowing the small blue pill, Xue Changqing began to practice.

As soon as he practiced, Xue Changqing was shocked.

The range of vitality he felt increased, reaching the kilometer range easily, and Xue Changqing felt that the kilometer range was not the limit.

However, Xue Changqing did not rashly expand the scope of vitality absorption. The secret realm of Peeping Heaven is rich in vitality, and the vitality within a kilometer range should be enough for him to practice.

Xue Changqing started to practice, but still kept a bit of vigilance.


And while Xue Changqing and Ning Xiaodie were practicing, Ye Huan was also practicing.

A copy of Daluo Xingchen Gong's secret book rotted and shattered in Ye Huan's hand, and the acupoints vibrated and fell off, moving into the Dantian space.

Ye Huan stirred up the vitality in the kilometer range, and the misty vitality poured down toward Ye Huan like a funnel.

The pure vitality entered the body, and the acupoints began to transform towards the stars of the acupoints.

Ye Huan had a look of joy on his face, and the secret realm of the sky is indeed the secret realm of the sky.

The rich vitality can easily meet the needs of the acupoints to transform the acupoints and stars.

There is no need for Ye Huan to worry about the transformation of the acupoints and stars, he only needs to provide enough vitality.

Ye Huan felt that he still had enough energy, so he set his eyes on the galaxy in the tiger pot.

The Heaven-devouring Tiger Pot was full of fire, and the flames filled the sky, frantically burning the galaxy.

That galaxy is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ye Huan's firepower was full, and he devoured his vitality crazily. In addition to ensuring the transformation of the acupoints and stars, the rest of the vitality was all supplied to the galaxy.

Peeping the secret realm is really right.

This feeling of getting stronger every moment is really cool.

Ye Huan enjoyed the feeling of being able to practice unscrupulously.


So cool!

One orifice star, two orifice stars, three orifice stars...

The transformation of twenty acupoints and stars was soon completed, and Ye Huan's face was a little strange.

No wonder it is said that the secret realm of the sky is a holy place for cultivation. It is easier to cultivate in the secret realm than to practice outside.

Just when Ye Huan was immersed in the pleasure of practicing, he suddenly felt that the originally calm vitality fluctuated violently.

Ye Huan opened his eyes, slightly restrained the speed of absorbing vitality, and looked in the direction of the fluctuation of vitality.

The two students from the metal branch over there looked at Ye Huan with a sneer, and while they flew towards Ye Huan, they waved their palms and attacked from the air, shaking their vitality.

"Ye Huan, you don't want to practice in the secret realm."

One of them said coldly, and then punched out.

The surging punching power even caused a storm of vitality in a small area. In this case, it was impossible to absorb vitality.

Ye Huan tried his best to absorb his vitality and maintained the transformation of the acupoints and stars, and looked at the two students in the metal branch with cold eyes.

The two students from the Metal Sex Branch sneered and looked at Ye Huan, not afraid of Ye Huan at all.

Ye Huan is very powerful, even if the realm returns to the enlightenment realm, they may not be Ye Huan's opponents.

But it is strictly forbidden to do anything in the secret realm of Peeping Heaven. Once Ye Huan does it, he will die.

In fact, they were looking forward to Ye Huan's action, so the two of them would have overfulfilled the task.

Ye Huan didn't do anything, they just needed to keep shaking his vitality so that Ye Huan couldn't cultivate.

The two continued to approach Ye Huan, and the closer they were to Ye Huan, the better the effect of shaking their vitality.

Ye Huan wrote down the appearances of the two students in the metallic branch. The vitality in the one hundred and ninety-eight acupoints exploded, and Ye Huan turned into a golden light and quickly swept forward.

Seeing that Ye Huan was about to avoid them, the two students from the Metal Sex Branch chased after Ye Huan. Since they met Ye Huan, they harassed Ye Huan for an hour as agreed in advance.

But the two chased after a while, and found that not only did they fail to catch up with Ye Huan, but they got farther and farther away from Ye Huan, and finally even lost Ye Huan's trail.

The two students from the Metal Branch looked at each other and stopped helplessly.

"Ye Huan didn't master the movement technique before, it took so long for him to master a movement technique that is at least the top grade on the ground. This talent is really terrible."

One of the students from the Metal Branch said to his companions.

"The talent is strong, but unfortunately he joined the vitality martial artist department. This trip to the secret realm of the sky is destined to be nothing, and it ended sadly."

The metal branch student who spoke first thought about the layout of the attribute martial artist department, and nodded in agreement.

Those who entered the secret realm of the peeping sky have already formed a big net. Ye Huan is the big fish. Once he enters the net, he will never break free.

Ye Huan has just entered the Internet.

"Looking into the secret realm of the sky has nothing to gain. If you miss the opportunity of Xinghe Yuandi, you will be completely separated by the same level of genius. At that time, Ye Huan would be useless even if he was a genius."

The student said with emotion.

"Report Ye Huan's whereabouts."

"Yellow Ye, Liu San found Ye Huan's whereabouts. Ye Huan suspected that he had mastered the upper-level body technique and went to Liu Nan in your direction."

The two students of the Metals Branch took out the sound transmission and uploaded the message.

At this moment, everyone in the attribute martial artist type received this message.

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