My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 193 Has the harassment succeeded?

After getting the sound transmission in Wu Fu's hand, Ye Huan couldn't help but admire the technology of the rune system.

The sound transmission can not only locate the approximate location, but even preset a distance warning.

With this function, Ye Huan avoided the roundup of the attribute martial artist for many times.

It was a very enjoyable and enjoyable practice for a period of time.

Happy days are always short, and then Ye Huan saw the message of Lin Huo on the sound transmission.

Ye Huan was silent for a while, and continued to practice with all his strength.

In less than half an hour, Ye Huan transformed fifty orifice stars, and the number of orifice stars in the galaxy reached seven hundred.

Ye Huan opened her eyes again, took out the sound transmission and looked at it, her eyes flashing coldly.

Since you want to play the attribute martial artist, then play a big one.

Holding the sound transmission to sense the location of the nearby attribute martial artist, Ye Huan leaned towards the nearest attribute martial artist.


Nearly half an hour later, one by one, the people of the attribute martial artist took out the sound transmission and waited for the latest news.

On Xue Changqing and Ning Xiaodie's side, there are people from the attribute martial artist type from time to time.

Once the latest order is issued, they will harass Xue Changqing and Ning Xiaodie as soon as possible.


Fan Xiaobing flew aimlessly, looking for Ye Huan's figure.

Vitality fluctuates.

Fan Xiaobing saw the swirling vitality not far ahead.

Fan Xiaobing flew over there calmly, not too excited.

With so many people entering the secret realm, Ye Huan was not necessarily the one who cultivated.

After flying for a distance, Fan Xiaobing felt a little familiar when he saw the figure from a distance.

After looking at it, Fan Xiaobing suddenly became excited.

Ye Huan is Ye Huan.

I searched for him thousands of times in the crowd, and it took no time to find him.

Fan Xiaobing blasted out with a punch, and his vitality shook.

Ye Huan, who was immersed in "cultivation", woke up, and when he saw Fan Xiaobing, he turned into a golden light and flew forward quickly.

Fan Xiaobing did not go after Ye Huan, but took out the sound transmission.

Fan Xiaobing: "I found Ye Huan and went in the direction of Qin Yang."

The sound transmission system, which had been silent for a long time, became lively again because of the news of Fan Xiaobing.


Wu Fu looked at the message on the sound transmission and fell silent for a while.

Wu Fu clearly understood in his heart that with the sound transmission he gave to Ye Huan, it was easy for Ye Huan to avoid people who belonged to the attribute martial artist.

But Ye Huan was still discovered by someone with the attribute martial artist.

Then there is only one possibility, Ye Huan blew himself up.

Wu Fu stopped reading the sound transmission, swallowed a Blue Star Pill and began to practice, it was Ye Huan's own choice anyway.


The sound transmission system that had been silent for a period of time became extremely lively, and Ye Huan was frequently discovered by people of the attribute martial artist.


When Ye Huan went to a certain place in the secret realm,

Accidentally met the group of ten people from the Tang Empire.

Tang Tianjie did not cultivate among the ten people, and obviously noticed Ye Huan's arrival early on.

"How about it, are you interested in joining the Great Tang Empire? I'll guarantee you to practice safely in the Secret Realm of Peering the Sky."

Tang Tianjie looked behind Ye Huan and said.

"Thank you, Your Highness Tang, for your kindness."

After Ye Huan finished speaking, he turned into a golden light and continued to fly forward, without any intention of staying any longer.

"I don't know how to lift."

"His Royal Highness refused to help him, and he deserved to be surrounded by the attribute martial artist."


Two people of the martial artist type flew over, and when they saw Tang Tianjie's ten people, they showed a look of fear, and flew away in a detour.

"That Ye Huan really didn't wink. If he had just promised Your Highness, the matter would have been resolved."

Someone spoke.

Tang Tianjie glanced at the man, smiled and said nothing.

Ye Huan really wanted to agree so quickly, but he really wanted to hesitate whether to agree.

And the attribute martial artist system is not so easy to deal with.

Those two people would detour and walk away, not because they were afraid of them, but because there was no conflict of interest between the two parties, and they didn't want to cause trouble.

Ye Huan really wanted to take refuge with them, but it was another matter.


"Need help?"

Wu Changqing glanced at the person of the attribute martial artist in the distance.

"Or if you practice near me, if you want to come to the attribute martial artist department, you have the guts to even affect me."

"Need not."

Ye Huan refused simply and neatly, and practiced with Wu Changqing, I am afraid that the old bottom will be stolen by Wu Changqing, and he really doesn't need help.

Lan Ling, Wang Xiaolan, Leng Bing and Gu Xuance.

Ye Huan met many acquaintances, Lan Ling and Wang Xiaolan wanted to help Ye Huan, but Ye Huan refused.

Ye Huan has her own plans and doesn't want to involve too many people.


Somewhere in secret.

Lin Huo flew to the vicinity of Xue Changqing, with a smile on his face and a very good mood.

Xue Changqing stopped practicing and looked at the forest fire vigilantly.

"You are really incompetent to be a senior brother. The junior brother was chased around by us, but you are cultivating here with peace of mind."

Lin Huo said with a smile, and then inspired the sound transmission in his hand, projecting the content on the transmission.

"The sound transmission system."

Looking at the dense content, Xue Changqing said in shock, his heart began to sink.

The attribute martial artist is really worth the cost, and a sound transmission system starts with at least 500 drops of vitality.

Xue Changqing looked at the content projected by the forest fire, and the more he looked, the more gloomy his face became.

Judging from the content of the sound transmission system, Ye Huan has hardly practiced since entering the secret realm of the sky, and has been harassed by the attribute martial artist.

"Lin Huo, don't take things too far, you are not afraid that I will harass other people of the attribute martial artist."

Xue Changqing was furious.

"Okay, whatever, please."

The forest fire didn't care at all.

"How many attribute martial artist students can you harass by yourself?"

"I can stare at you."

Xue Changqing looked at the forest fire.

Lin Huo's expression changed slightly, then he smiled and glanced at Ning Xiaodie beside him.

"Xue Changqing, you should want to go to Xinghe Yuandi to find Xingbingcao. Your current cultivation level may not be able to get a place. Are you sure you want to do that?"

Lin Huo looked at Xue Changqing fearlessly.

Xue Changqing hesitated, this is where he hesitated.

"Senior brother, let's go to the junior brother. If they want to harass the junior brother again, you keep staring at the forest fire. I will harass other people. I can pull as many people into the water as I can."

Ning Xiaodie stopped practicing and walked beside Xue Changqing.

"It's stubborn, and this trip to the secret realm of the sky will let you all gain nothing from the vitality martial artist."

Lin Huo said coldly.

Without the help of the sound transmission system, it would not be so easy for Xue Changqing to stare at him.


Somewhere in secret.

Ye Huan held the sound transmission and watched the people of the attribute martial artist celebrate.

"People of the attribute martial artist must think that I have nothing in the secret realm."

Ye Huan said softly.

Looking at the star river with 800 acupoints and stars in the Heaven-devouring Tiger Pot, Ye Huan's mouth showed an inexplicable smile.

One hundred and fifty acupoints and stars.

Yes, under the harassment of the attribute martial artist who thought it was extremely successful, Ye Huan actually transformed one hundred and fifty acupoints and stars.

(Ask for a monthly ticket, a recommended ticket!)


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