My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 221 Is this data serious?

"Your master used to like to stay here for a while, and the formation was laid out at that time."

Tie Shan seemed to know what Ye Huan was thinking, and continued to operate while speaking.

Afterwards, several large formations rose up and merged into the disappearing transparent mask.

The breath of those big formations made people palpitate. Ye Huan felt chills all over as soon as the big formations started.

Ye Huan had a feeling that with his current cultivation level, the last few great formations would probably shatter him with a single touch.

Controlling the big formation also seems to be a big burden for Tieshan.

Sweat quickly appeared on Tieshan's forehead.

Ning Xiaodie came out of the back room with a bowl of herbal tea in her hand.

"Okay, you can talk with confidence."

Tieshan wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to Ye Huan and Xue Changqing.

After speaking, Tieshan picked up the bowl of herbal tea in Ning Xiaodie's hand.

Goo-dong, goo-dong, goo-dong.

Quickly poured down.

"Junior Brother, how many acupoints and stars have you transformed in the Secret Realm of Peering into the Sky?"

As soon as Tie Shan said he could speak with confidence, Xue Changqing couldn't wait to ask.

Xue Changqing was really curious about how many acupoints and stars had been transformed with the enchanting talent of his junior brother in the secret realm of Peeping the Sky, which was more suitable for cultivation.


As soon as Xue Changqing finished speaking, he heard a strange noise from the side.

Tieshan, who was drinking herbal tea very happily, spit out the herbal tea in one gulp.

"cough cough cough"

While coughing violently, he looked at Ye Huan in disbelief.

"You have already entered the galaxy realm?"

"Uncle Shi, I didn't mean to hide it from you, I just wanted to take advantage of the attribute martial artist."

Ye Huan was a little embarrassed to Tieshan Road.

Tie Shan waved his hand and didn't care at all, instead he said to Ye Huan a little excitedly.

"How was the result?"

"The attribute martial artist has lost a lot this time, and a large number of people may have entered the secret realm for nothing this time."

Xue Changqing said excitedly on the side.

"Come on, talk."

Tieshan walked to the stone table and sat down, and Ning Xiaodie brought a few cups of hot tea.

The four happily chatted about what happened in the secret realm.


At the same time, the attribute martial artist type.


The entire attribute martial artist system was dead silent.

Back to the attribute martial artist department, Lin Honghai and other attribute martial artist types knew what happened in the secret realm.

There are actually more than half of the people in the attribute martial artist department. This trip to the secret realm of the sky is equivalent to nothing.

This loss is not small.

The faces of Lin Honghai, Jin Changan and other bigwigs were extremely ugly.

"what happened?"

Lin Honghai said in a low voice.

Lin Huo and Jin Yuan both recounted what happened in the secret realm.

Lin Honghai and the others couldn't help but think of a name.

Ye Huan.

Nine times out of ten, this matter has nothing to do with Ye Huan.

Ye Huan is really haunted.

The attribute warriors were tied together for a long time to discuss before they dispersed.

Lin Honghai left the forest fire behind.

"Do you blame Master for being too cruel? In order to deal with Ye Huan, even you have to search for souls together."

Lin Honghai looked into the distance and said faintly.

"Don't dare."

Lin Huo lowered his head, unable to see the expression on his face.

"If you don't dare, I'm helping you, see what this is."

Lin Honghai said, a fist-sized blood-red fruit appeared on his hand, with bumps all over the fruit, like a human brain.

"Blood brain fruit."

Lin Huo raised his head and exclaimed in surprise when he saw the fruit.

The blood brain fruit, the top-grade spiritual fruit, has a miraculous effect on brain damage.

For example, Ling Danyang after the soul search, if he takes this blood brain fruit, not only the sequelae after the soul search will be eliminated, but also the spirit will be strengthened.

"I wanted to use you and Jin Yuan to take Tieshan's army and force Ye Huan to conduct a soul search. After the soul search, if you take the blood brain fruit, the credit for dealing with Ye Huan can be counted on your head."

Lin Honghai looked at the forest fire sincerely.

Lin Huo looked guilty, flushed with shame, and said to Lin Honghai.

"It's my fault, Master."

"It's okay, but Ye Huan couldn't be fooled and escaped."

"Ye Huan has now attracted the attention of the two great empires, and will surely become a serious problem for the attribute martial artist."

Lin Honghai said with a hint of worry.

"Master, don't worry, I will find a way to get rid of Ye Huan."

Lin Huo vowed and said that the trace of resentment against Lin Honghai in his heart had long since disappeared.


Yajing Courtyard.

Three people, six eyes are looking at Ye Huan without blinking.

The three of them were very curious about how many acupoints and stars Ye Huan had transformed in the secret realm.

Originally, it was only Xue Changqing and Ning Xiaodie who were curious, but after learning that Ye Huan had transformed 650 acupoints and stars outside the secret, Tieshan's curiosity was also aroused.

Hence the above scene.

"Senior brother, do you really want to know?"

Ye Huan looked at Xue Changqing and asked.

"Nonsense, I don't want to know, why did I ask you, it's not just the transformation of the acupuncture stars, there is nothing to hide."

Xue Changqing said angrily.

"No, I'm afraid of hitting you, Senior Brother."

Ye Huan said sincerely, he was really afraid of hitting Xue Changqing.

"Joke, I will be hit by you, Junior Brother, tell you, I transformed another 300 Acupoints and Stars in the Secret Realm of Peering the Sky, and there are a total of 1,900 Acupoints and Stars in the Xinghe, although I dare to say it. "

Xue Changqing doesn't care, anyway, I am a genius, and I still have the endurance.

Xue Changqing said while calculating silently in his heart.

When entering the secret realm, there are a total of 650 orifice acupoints and stars. Even if the junior and junior brothers are extremely qualified, it is enough to transform 500 orifice acupoints and stars in the secret realm. .

In this way, there are about 1,300 orifice points and stars.

Xue Changqing felt that this amount was acceptable to him.

"Nine hundred and fifty acupoints and stars."

Ye Huan reported the number of acupoints and stars he transformed in the secret realm.

Ning Xiaodie blinked frantically.

Nine hundred and fifty acupoints and stars.

Is this data serious?

Tieshan also took a long, deep breath, put his right hand down quietly, and twisted it hard on his thigh.

The piercing pain made Tieshan awake a little bit, it wasn't a dream.

But nine hundred and fifty acupoints and stars, is this data serious?

"Nine hundred and fifty acupoints and stars, this data is okay..."

Xue Changqing was in the process of psychological construction, and suddenly heard the data reported by Ye Huan, and found that the data he predicted had not yet reached, so he said subconsciously.

But just after saying two words, Xue Changqing reacted.

The data reported by Ye Huan is the number of stars in the acupoints transformed in the secret realm, not the total number of stars in the acupoints.

Nine hundred and fifty orifice acupoint stars have been transformed, plus the original six hundred and fifty orifice acupoint stars of Junior Brother, that is a total of sixteen hundred orifice acupoint stars.

Xue Changqing quickly calculated an account.

One thousand six hundred acupoints and stars.

When this result came out, Xue Changqing felt that his brain was a little down.

Is this data really serious?

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