My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 407 Ice and snow, branding

Chapter 407 of the text volume mutated my eyes, and the imprinted tiger Jinhua couldn't help shivering. The balanced flight that he had been maintaining was broken.

Hu Jinhua looked at it intently, the whole tiger was dumbfounded.

Snow and ice.

In front of it is a piece of ice and snow, and at a glance, from the front to the distant sky is all white.

Hu Jinhua glanced at the front half of his body, and a layer of frost on the golden hair was condensed on it at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A sneeze.

Hu Jinhua couldn't help but let out a big sneeze, then turned his head and looked behind him.

The greenery behind him, all kinds of grass, leaves and trees grow, and the front is like two worlds.

Hu Jinhua looked at his butt, the front half of his body was covered with frost, but the back half did not change.

Hu Jinhua looked forward again, except for white, there was no other color in front of him, just like the desert of life.

Hu Jinhua slowly stepped back, he hates cold, he hates it too much.

"Don't stop, keep flying forward."

Just as Hu Jinhua stepped back, he heard a familiar voice on his back.

Hu Jinhua's body suspended in the air suddenly sank, almost not hitting the snow.


Hu Jinhua stammered, the words just now scared him enough.

While re-stabilizing his body and flying towards the ice and snow, Hu Jinhua turned his head and looked back.

It must have been an illusion just now, right?

When he looked at it before, there was no one on his back, so how could Ye Huan appear if he turned around.

It can't be that fast.

It can't be true.

Hu Jinhua didn't want to believe that this was true. If it was true, it would be too scary.

The tiger's head turned back, and the tiger's body froze.

Hu Jinhua only had one thought at this moment, that is, how difficult it is to be a tiger.

Looking at Ye Huan who was smiling at him on the back of the tiger, Hu Jinhua's huge body shivered several times.

Although the weather outside was extremely cold, Hu Jinhua felt that he couldn't compare to his heart.

So terrifyingly frightening.

Fortunately, his tiger still has some brains, otherwise it would have turned into a tiger's skin at this moment.

try{mad1('gad2');} catch(ex){} "It's icy and snowy ahead, and there are not many tribes. What are we going to do there?"

Hu Jin Hua Hu showed a pleasing smile on his face.

"Not necessarily, the environment here is special, and it should be suitable for some martial artists who practice special exercises."

Ye Huan said with a smile.

"Keep flying forward, don't stop if I don't let you stop."

Looking at Ye Huan with a smile on his back, Hu Jinhua couldn't help shivering.

That smile is simply terrifying.

Hu Jinhua continued to fly forward again, and the stars circulated all over his body, resisting the ubiquitous cold air.

Hu Jinhua even wanted to use Xing Yuan to protect Ye Huan from the cold, but was stopped by Ye Huan.

To Hu Jinhua, that cold air was extremely annoying, but to Ye Huan, that cold air might be a treasure.

The moment Hu Jinhua flew into the ice and snow area, Ye Huan, who was transformed into grass, also felt the freezing cold.

As a grass, Ye Huant hates that cold air, and Ye Huan doesn't want to stay in that amazingly cold area for a long time, after all, it makes people uncomfortable.

So Ye Huan took advantage of the moment when Hu Jinhua turned his head,

Changed back from a grass, ready to let Hu Jinhua leave here.

But at the moment when Ye Huan turned from a grass into an adult, Ye Huan felt the endless cold rushing towards his body from the outside world.

Under the attack of the cold air, Ye Huan felt that his body was slowly becoming dull. If he left it alone, he would become an ice sculpture in a short time.

Just when Ye Huan was about to use Xing Yuan to dispel the cold in his body, Ye Huan found that some of the cold disappeared in his body, Ye Huan sensed it a little, and the part of the cold that disappeared finally went to the Dantian space. .

Ye Huan had some guesses in his heart, and probably knew where the cold air had gone.

However, it will take a closer look to determine the specifics.

This was the main reason why Ye Huan let Hu Jinhua continue to fly in this icy world.

Ye Huan wanted to find out the specific whereabouts of the cold air, but Hu Jinhua wanted to defend him against the cold air. Of course, Ye Huan would not be happy.

As Hu Jinhua continued to fly forward, Ye Huan let the cold air around him invade his body, and part of his body soon became dull and numb.

Ye Huan didn't care, but carefully watched the situation in the Dantian space.

try{mad1('gad2');} catch(ex){} Then Ye Huan saw a very thin blue cold air entering the Dantian space, and the cold air that entered the Dantian space was given to some orifices by the stars devoured.

Ye Huan looked at the past, and it was clear at a glance that the few acupoints and stars that absorbed the cold air were all involved in Tianbing Fist or Shenbing Leg Martial Arts, but the other acupoints and stars did not want to swallow the cold air at all. the meaning of.

After figuring out why the coldness disappeared, Ye Huan couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then Ye Huan became excited.

He is now in the Star Liquid Realm, and can already start practicing Star River combat skills.

The environment of this side of the heaven and earth space should be extremely suitable for cultivating some galactic warfare skills, just imprinting Tianbing Fist and Shenbing Legs on the acupoints and stars involved in the two martial arts.

Star Wars.

It's actually very simple to say, that is, branding the martial arts on the acupoints and stars, but it is actually very difficult to operate.

If you want to imprint that martial skill on the acupoints and stars, the first point is that you must cultivate that martial art to the perfect state, otherwise it will not be possible to imprint it at all.

And after cultivating to Consummation, you can only rely on your mind when branding, and accidents can easily happen during this process.

In the process of branding, it can only be successful one time, as long as it fails, it will have to start all over again.

Ye Huan quickly went through the things that need to be paid attention to in the cultivation of Star River combat skills.

He has already cultivated the two martial arts of Tianbing Fist and Shenbing Legs to the perfect state, and the prerequisites for cultivating the Star River combat skills have been satisfied.

After confirming that there was no problem, Ye Huan sat on Hu Jinhua's back and was ready to try to practice the Star River combat skills of Tianbing Fist.

When the Star River combat skills of Tian Bing Fist are cultivated, when the galaxy emerges, it will be the fist of thousands of Tian Bing Fist, and I am afraid that a large area will be frozen in an instant.

Just thinking about that wonderful scene made Ye Huan a little impatient.

As soon as he said it, Ye Huan quickly probed a ray of thought into the dantian space, selected a star related to Tianbing Fist, and began to imprint the martial skill Tianbing Fist on that star.

It was smooth at the beginning, but after about one-tenth of the branding, Ye Huan froze, and then the branding in front collapsed.

Ye Huan pondered for a while, and then continued to imprint the Tianbing Fist into the acupoint star.

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