My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 433 are all smart people

Hu Jinhua moved his limbs and walked towards the area where Xingbingcao was located.

At the beginning, Hu Jinhua was still a little cautious, paying attention to the expressions of Xuan Cheng et al. After realizing that Xuan Cheng et al didn't care, he trotted to the Xingbingcao area.

After running over there, Hu Jinhua shook the golden fur, then found a comfortable position to lie down, with the huge tiger head lying on a pair of fore palms, staring at the star ice grass.

After Xuancheng saw this scene, the last suspicion of Hu Jinhua disappeared in his heart.

That garuda was really aimed at the star ice grass.

If Hu Jinhua moved towards the area where the human race was located, Xuan Cheng would definitely be a little wary.


Xuan Cheng looked at the huge star-ice grass projection in the sky.

Since the projection can attract a golden-winged tiger, it proves that this method is useful, and it is only a matter of time before Ye Huan takes the bait.

Wu Changqing's cough finally calmed down, and his face was solemn.

Ye Huan had better not show up, otherwise there is little chance of surviving.

At this moment, a young man walked up to Wu Changqing.

"His Royal Highness, I have seen Ye Huan before, and he was riding on the back of that golden-winged tiger."

A thin mosquito-like voice sounded in Wu Changqing's ears.

The sound was not loud, but it sounded like thunder in Wu Changqing's mind.

Wu Changqing took a lot of energy to keep himself calm, Xuan Cheng might have been watching him all the time, but he couldn't let Xuan Cheng see the flaws.



Wu Changqing resisted not allowing himself to look at the golden-winged tiger, but a shocking wave was set off in his mind.

Is this golden-winged tiger Ye Huan rides?

If so, where is Ye Huan now? Are you here already?

If he is here, where is Ye Huan?


Wu Changqing has a lot of thoughts for a while,

I wanted to contact the golden-winged tiger to ask about the situation, but I didn't dare.

If this golden-winged tiger is not Ye Huan's, it would be exposed.

"Someone has seen Ye Huan riding a golden-winged tiger."

Wu Changqing thought about it, and finally told Tang Tianjie the news.

It's better to have someone discuss it than to think about it alone.

"Are you sure it's the same one?"

After a long time, Tang Tianjie replied, obviously shocked by the news.

"I'm not sure, but I have a hunch that the guy is coming in nine out of ten."

Wu Changqing's tone was full of helplessness, that guy's actions would always be unexpected.

"Keep an eye out for changes in the situation. Once Ye Huan appears, create opportunities for him to escape."

Tang Tianjie said to Wu Changqing cautiously, if Ye Huan really entered this area, this is probably the best way.

"That's all it takes."

Wu Changqing is also quite helpless, there is really no better way.


Ye Huan did come in. He used the talent of the grass people to transform grass into a piece of grass and attached to Hu Jinhua's fur, and he came in so openly.

When Hu Jinhua was shaking the fur on his body, the grass that Ye Huan incarnated into fell into the ice grass without attracting any attention.

Incarnated as a weed, Ye Huan lay among the Xingbing grass, thinking about how to maximize the benefits.

When it was attached to Hu Jinhua, he saw that there were a lot of benefits here.

Especially the star tree.

Star fruit, that is star fruit.

When Ye Huan saw it, he was so excited that he was almost unable to maintain the grass, revealing his body.

Not only the benefits such as the star fruit, but the ten thousand races gathered here are a huge temptation for him.

He really wants to kill Wanzu, and then monopolize the benefits here.

But the phantom of the immortal race that he saw before made Ye Huan understand that although he has cultivated to the second level of the star liquid realm, he may not be able to sweep it, and it is better to be careful, he does not want to capsize.

Ye Huan was lying in the Xingbing Grass, thinking about how to count the ten thousand clans.

At this moment, Wu Changqing and Xuan Cheng quarreled.

Ye Huan didn't care much at first. Wu Changqing was the grandson of King Wu of the Han Dynasty. Since he entered the Xinghe Yuan Mansion, he would definitely have some life-saving cards on his body, but it was not so easy to deal with.

But listening to it, he noticed something strange.

He gained a lot of information from the quarrel between Wu Changqing and Xuancheng.

For example, news came in from outside the Xinghe Yuan Mansion. He killed more than 500 Wanzu people. Wanzu suspected that he did all of this.

He Ye Huan, at this moment, is almost equivalent to the existence of the public enemy of ten thousand races.

Wanzu gathered in this area, of course, the main thing is to go to those treasures. Of course, if he appeared, Wanzu would definitely not mind killing him first.

Hearing this information, Ye Huan, who turned into grass, couldn't help laughing and looked at Wu Changqing.

A bit quick-witted.

He understood that Wu Changqing seemed to be quarreling with Xuancheng of the Immortal Race, but he was actually telling him some information in disguise.

As for how Wu Changqing knew that he had come to this area, Ye Huan's figure in the blade of grass glanced at Hu Jinhua, who was lying there.

This may have something to do with Hu Jinhua. He has encountered some human races while riding on Hu Jinhua. It is not surprising that Wu Changqing can deduce these.

The information revealed by Wu Changqing gave Ye Huan a clearer understanding of his own situation.

He began to lay out more cautiously, striving to do nothing but a thunderous strike, quickly reducing the number of his enemies.


After arguing with Xuancheng, Wu Changqing only felt very comfortable and secretly proud of himself.

As long as Ye Huan is in this area, he will definitely know the news and understand his own situation.

As long as Ye Huan wasn't a fool, he probably wouldn't show up easily, or just run away after showing up.

Wu Changqing felt that his own operation was simply too perfect, and he felt that he should give himself full marks.

Xuan Cheng looked at Wu Changqing who was refreshed over there, and suddenly smiled, with a very bright smile on his face.

"Xuancheng, what are you laughing at, shouldn't you be a masochist?"

Seeing the smile on Xuan Cheng's face, Wu Changqing suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Wu Changqing, is there a saying in your human race that you are clever but you are mistaken by cleverness? You deliberately quarreled with me, I am afraid it is to tell Ye Huan some information."

Xuan Cheng looked at Wu Changqing with a smile.

"In this way, Ye Huan should already be here."

Wu Changqing was startled, he didn't expect Xuan Cheng to react so quickly, barely controlling the muscles on his face, looking at Xuan Cheng with an idiot-like expression.

"You have a big brain."

Regardless of whether Xuan Cheng guessed it or not, it was right that he couldn't admit it.

Xuan Cheng ignored Wu Changqing and looked at Xing Luo, Wen Chen and the others.

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