My Eyes Are Mutated

Four hundred and thirtieth eight chapters hole through

As long as the masked grass-human race can be taken down, everything will be clear.

Wen Chen looked towards Ye Huan and found that the masked grass-human was still alive, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, it is enough to be depressing enough.

"Fairy Qingxuan, you must stay alive, all this is definitely not done by my Demon Race."

Wen Chen said, and at the same time swept towards the side where Ye Huan and Fairy Qingxuan were facing each other.

"Stop Wenchen."

Fairy Qingxuan looked at Wenchen Road coldly.

Several immortals stopped in front of Wen Chen, and Wen Chen wanted to bypass those immortals as soon as he moved.

"Wenchen, after killing the other grass people, now I want to kill the last grass people."

Fairy Qingxuan looked at Wenchen coldly.

Wen Chen's face changed, and Fairy Qingxuan was misunderstood, so she had to stop for the time being.

"Fairy Qingxuan, don't get me wrong, I'm afraid that the grass people will be attacked and killed by some people with ulterior motives. All this has nothing to do with my demons."

Wen Chen sincerely said to Fairy Qingxuan, now is not the time for conflict with the immortal clan, and he does not want the god clan to take advantage of the fisherman.

Fairy Qingxuan didn't speak, just looked at Wenchen sarcastically.

She winked at several immortals and asked them to look at Wen Chen, the green star flashed, and Fairy Qingxuan came to Ye Huan, stretched out her hand and grabbed Ye Huan.

Ye Huan's body also lit up with green light, and the green light converged on the blade-shaped sword, and the sword qi suddenly whistled.

call out.

Ye Huan stabbed at Fairy Qingxuan with a sword.

It's just that the angle of this sword is not right, it is aimed at the sensitive part of Fairy Qingxuan's chest.

call out.

The long sword broke through the air, and the two quickly approached.


Fairy Qingxuan's beautiful face turned red as she scolded loudly, avoiding the sword dangerously and dangerously.

Her chest rose and fell sharply, and Fairy Qingxuan stared at Ye Huan angrily. If she hadn't hid quickly, she might have been hit by a sword in her chest.



"It actually attacked that part."


Some ethnic groups have a lot of discussion.

"No matter how despicable I can be, the demons are shameless, and I don't believe in my words. My family has suffered heavy losses. I just want to live."

Ye Huan roared sternly, and again brought the demons into his words.

Wen Chen looked at Ye Huan coldly, and after the matter was completely clarified, he must know the consequences of offending the Demon Race.

try{mad1('gad2');} catch(ex){} It's so special that the magic word of the devil is called for nothing.

After Ye Huan's roar, the grass-human clan fought with Fairy Qingxuan again.

The previous unintentional sword opened a door, and in the next battle, Ye Huan's sword did not leave Fairy Qingxuan's chest.

Since he wanted to pretend to be a grass-human race, Ye Huan naturally couldn't reveal his strong strength. He found that this shameless fighting method just restrained Fairy Qingxuan.

Fairy Qingxuan seemed to have never experienced such a shameless way of fighting, and was forced by Ye Huan into a frenzy for a while.

However, if Fairy Qingxuan could be favored by Xuancheng, it would naturally not be a vase, and she quickly adapted to Ye Huan's shameless fighting method.

call out.

Ye Huan stabbed Fairy Qingxuan in the chest again. Fairy Qingxuan was not embarrassed this time, but leaned back calmly.

The blade-like blade of the sword and Fairy Qingxuan's towering chest are both moving fast.

Then at a certain moment the two suddenly stood still.

The grass-leaf-shaped long sword on Ye Huan's right hand can no longer be stabbed. After all, the length of a person's arm is limited.

At this moment, the tip of the long sword was only one garment away from Fairy Qingxuan's chest.

But the gap between the clothes seems to be eternity.

Fairy Qingxuan's Binghan's face was full of sarcasm, and a green immortal essence hand quietly reached the back of Ye Huan's neck and grabbed towards Ye Huan's neck.

She's going to grab that shameless, shameless guy like a chick.

Seeing such a scene, Wen Chen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as the culprit is taken down by Fairy Qingxuan, the truth will soon be revealed.

Humans, Protoss, and some other races couldn't help being slightly disappointed when they watched this scene.

This is not in their interests, and some guys even blinked, it would be great if they could kill that grass figurine.

It was at this moment that Wen Chen looked towards the Protoss and the Humans, his eyes full of vigilance.

At this critical moment, no accidents can be allowed.

In this case, some guys can only give up some very tempting ideas.

It's not worth it to trap yourself at this time.

The hand of the green immortal essence has already touched the skin on the back of Ye Huan's neck.

"Wenchen, it's too late to say what you want to say."

Fairy Qingxuan looked at Wenchen.

"My Demon Race has a clear conscience, I haven't done it, I haven't done it."

Wen Chen is quite righteous and awe-inspiring.

try{mad1('gad2');} catch(ex){} Fairy Qingxuan sneered, without anyone's instructions, how could the grass people dare to take action against the Xuancheng of the fairy people?

She didn't say more, no matter what Wen Chen said, as long as she took down the masked grass-human, everything would be clear.

Fairy Qingxuan's envoy's hand of immortal essence wanted to hold the grass human.

At this moment, Fairy Qingxuan suddenly felt a piercing pain in her chest. Huan's Xianyuan hand collapsed.

Fairy Qingxuan lowered her head and looked at her chest.

The blade of grass pierced into her towering chest, and the sensitive parts were pierced by the sword, no wonder it was so painful just now.

how is this possible!

Fairy Qingxuan's eyes were full of disbelief. She had already figured it out a long time ago. At this distance, it was impossible for that despicable guy's sword to pierce her.

She kept this distance just to mock the shameless guy.

But what's the situation now?

How did the blade of grass pierce her chest?

As soon as such a question flashed through her mind, Fairy Qingxuan's eyes widened.

She knows why.

The distance she calculated wasn't wrong, the mean guy's arms didn't get longer, but her chest got bigger.

Yes, her chest got bigger.

The reason why she was stabbed was that she took the initiative to send her to the door in her own chest.

Fairy Qingxuan's mind was in chaos for a while, how could her chest suddenly become bigger.

If this change is left at other times, Fairy Qingxuan will definitely be very happy, but she has always hoped that her chest can be even greater.

But not at this time.

"Ah, ah, ah, crazy woman, I want you to die."

Just when Fairy Qingxuan was stunned, Ye Huan's incarnation of the grass people suddenly screamed wildly, and the whole person suddenly rushed forward.


Blood splattered.

The grass-leaf-shaped long sword suddenly advanced a great distance, directly piercing the side of Fairy Qingxuan's chest.

Wen Chen and the immortal clan who stopped Wen Chen were stunned at this time, what's the situation?

Fairy Qingxuan didn't have the upper hand before, how could she be pierced through her chest now.

That sword light was painful to see them all.

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