My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 448 Rejection

The dazzling colorful rays of light lit up, the soil on the ground was lifted up layer after layer, and even a colorful mushroom cloud rose directly into the air.

The intense colorful shock wave spread all around, and the golden light that Ye Huan turned into swept forward, almost being affected by the colorful shock wave several times.

Before there was a Heaven and Earth Primordial Fruit, some human races and other races were fighting over there, and then they saw the colorful rays of light pouring in like a sea tide.噺⒏⑴The fastest full text of 祌文んττρs:/м.χ8㈠zщ.còм/

All those people's faces changed wildly, they couldn't care about the fight anymore, they fled wildly, but they were caught up by the colorful frenzy in the next instant.

That primordial fruit, including those human races and other races, all disappeared in that colorful frenzy.

Xing Luo, Wen Chen and others couldn't help but look over, looking at the dazzling colorful light, all of them were solemn.

The dragon clan is one of the strong clans anyway, but now the dragon clan in the Xinghe realm was almost wiped out by a human clan.

If this is said, no one may believe it, but now it has actually happened, and they have seen it with their own eyes.

The colorful frenzy is still raging, and a dragon-shaped white electric light quickly flies forward in the colorful frenzy.

The white dragon-shaped electric light was hidden under a colorful dragon scale, but the raging colorful frenzy avoided the colorful scale.

The white dragon-shaped electric light is exactly Long Baixin, but Long Baixin looks very miserable at the moment, with cracks all over his body, the whole dragon is like a broken porcelain doll, as if it will shatter when touched.

Imagining the scene not long ago, Long Bai Xinlong's eyes were still full of palpitations.

If he hadn't seen the opportunity quickly and decisively exploded the colorful dragon body, he might have fallen into Ye Huan's hands at this moment.

At this moment, Long Baixin has no thoughts of revenge at all, and just wants to escape from here as soon as possible.

Ye Huan was so scary.

As for revenge, I'll talk about it after he leaves here alive, and there's no way for him to seek revenge for Ye Huan alone.

Just as Long Baixin rode the colorful dragon scale out of the colorful frenzy, the pupils of a pair of dragon eyes shrank.

On the edge of the colorful frenzy, Ye Huan was looking at him with a smile, just like a child returning home.

"Ye Huan, do you have to kill them all? My father is the White Dragon King."

Looking at Ye Huan who was blocking the road, Long Bai said in a deep voice, but he wasn't really panicking.

Ordinary people would know how to choose in this situation. After all, killing him would offend the White Dragon King, who is a powerful master star realm. If there is no deep hatred, or in an extremely secretive environment, ordinary people They would choose to let him go.

Now that so many races are watching, as long as Ye Huan is not crazy, he should not do anything to him.

This is also an unspoken rule on the battlefield of the starry sky, so over the years, the descendants of the main star realms of various races have actually died not many.

"The White Dragon King..."

Ye Huan was extremely emotional. He did not forget the scene on Xingyuan, but the White Dragon King was very keen on targeting the human race.

"As long as you let me go, I promise not to trouble you."

Long Baixin looked at Ye Huan and said, there was a hint of pride in his eyes. I am the descendant of the master star realm. No matter how powerful you are, Ye Huan, you are not the descendant of the master star realm powerhouse.

Looking at Ye Huan who didn't speak for a while, a smile appeared on Long Bai Xinlong's face.

He felt that this matter should be settled.

As for the promise of not looking for trouble with Ye Huan, he can not look for it, but he can't control the other dragon clan looking for trouble with Ye Huan.

Just when Long Bai was complacent, he suddenly found that the sky seemed to be dark, and when he looked up, he found a huge big hand grabbing towards him.

Long Bai's heart was stunned for a moment, what the hell, who did it to him at this time.

Then, Long Baixin saw that the master who did it was Ye Huan.

"Ye Huan, you..."

Long Baixin's face changed drastically, and he wanted to say something, but the big hand was tightly wrapped in the palm of his hand. The big hand quickly tightened, and the sudden increase of pressure made Long Baixin's body almost shatter, and Long Baixin's body almost shattered. Immediately, he couldn't care about talking anymore, but stabilized the dragon's body over there.

The pure white hand of Xingyuan was taken back, and Long Baixin was holding it in his hand.

"Ye Huan, my father, the White Dragon King..."

Long Baixin also stabilized his body at this moment, and the dragon face looked at Ye Huan gloomily, he felt that Ye Huan was simply too ignorant of praise. First release www.(x81zw) m./x81zw/

"I know, the White Dragon King, the master of the main star realm, but that is also a matter between me and him after leaving the Xinghe Yuan Mansion, and now it is a matter between me and you."

Long Baixin was interrupted by Ye Huan before he could finish speaking.

Ye Huan said the above words with a gentle smile, but after hearing this, Long Baixin only felt a chill rise.

He felt that Ye Huan really wanted to kill him.

And at this time, he also remembered that Ye Huan killed the fairy Xuancheng and Qingxuan of the immortal clan as soon as they came. These two are related to the main star realm powerhouse, but Ye Huan has nothing to do with it. He hesitated to kill those two.

Thinking of this, Long Baixin is even more frightened. He doesn't want to die. With a father like the White Dragon King, he has a very bright future after leaving the Xinghe Yuan Mansion.

"His Royal Highness Xingluo, help me once, and my Dragon Clan will definitely be grateful when I go out."

After realizing Ye Huan's intentions, Long Baixin suddenly couldn't care less about losing face. The most important thing was to save the dragon's life, so Long Baixin asked Xingluo for help without hesitation.

Ye Huan has the power to slaughter the dragon race here by one person. At this moment, there are not many people who can help him and dare to help him, and Xingluo happens to be one of them.

Xingluo's heart was moved by Long Baixin's request for help. There are a lot of good things from the dragon family.

"Ye Huan, it's wrong for Long Baixin to take the initiative to deal with you, but you've killed so many dragons, so it's out of breath. It's better for me to spare Long Baixin this time."

Xingluo stopped fighting and looked at Ye Huandao with a trace of confidence on his face.

Even Tang Tianjie or Wu Changqing would not dare to underestimate his words, let alone Ye Huan who had no foundation at all.

"Who do you think you are, I want to give you face."

Ye Huan looked at Xing Luo and said lightly, as if she was talking about a very ordinary thing.

The smile on Xingluo's face disappeared, and he looked at Ye Huan calmly.

"My lord, Xingluo, the Protoss is in the Xinghe Yuandi Xinghe realm area, I wonder if this status is enough for Brother Ye to save face?"

Although Xingluo was calling Ye Huan brother Ye, almost everyone could feel the suppressed anger in Xingluo's heart.

To be honest, Xing Luo did not erupt at this time, which is actually quite surprising.


Ye Huan looked at Xing Luo and answered very seriously.

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