My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter four hundred and fiftieth IX twist, spoil the situation

"Ye Huan withdraw."

"Ye Huan, the situation is not right, let's withdraw first."

Wu Changqing and Tang Tianjie, who were leading the warriors to kill, both wanted to transmit a voice transmission to Ye Huan.

But when the two looked at the area where Ye Huan was before, they didn't see Ye Huan.

Squeeze squeak. Ye Huan wasn't there anymore.

Tang Tianjie and Wu Changqing immediately became a little anxious. Sound transmission must have a goal.

They can't see Ye Huan anymore, so how can they transmit Ye Huan's voice.

The eyes of the two of them quickly roamed the area.

Quickly find Ye Huan and let Ye Huan withdraw.

Ye Huan is indeed powerful, but once the immortals and the demons join forces, together with the remaining races, the race will suffer heavy losses.

The eyes of the two were like radar, and they quickly searched a large area.

But Ye Huan didn't even see the shadow.

"you see……"

Wu Changqing and Tang Tianjie voiced each other and stopped after only three words.

They already knew what each other wanted to say, and the other party obviously didn't find Ye Huan.

What the hell is Ye Huan doing, and where did he run away at this time?

Wu Changqing and Tang Tianjie were a little helpless at this time.

Just when the two didn't know what to do, they suddenly heard an angry voice from the immortal clan.

"Bold, dare to attack the Immortal Race."

"Looking for death, dare to attack the immortals."


Wu Changqing and Tang Tianjie looked at each other for a while, who was so courageous to attack the immortal clan when the immortal clan and the demon clan were about to reach a cooperation.

Once the cooperation between the immortals and the demons is reached, they will definitely kill that person as soon as possible.

With this strong curiosity, Wu Changqing and Tang Tianjie both looked over there.

With just one glance, the two of them opened their mouths wide, and their eyes widened even more.

Ye Huan.

That daring guy is Ye Huan who they never found before.

At this moment, Ye Huan was slaughtering the immortal clan wantonly. In such a short period of time, there were already twelve or three immortal clan corpses lying on the ground, and the death was tragic, and the number was still increasing rapidly.

The two understood why the voice they heard earlier was so angry.

If such a situation was placed on them, they would probably be even more angry than the immortal race.

Tang Tianjie and Wu Changqing smiled bitterly. They didn't understand why Ye Huan wanted to attack the immortal clan at this time. Ye Huan might be hard to escape.

Both of their brains were running at high speed, thinking about how to save Ye Huan from getting out.

"Go on, surround and kill Ye Huan."

"Kill Ye Huan first, and then deal with the human race."

try{mad1('gad2');} catch(ex){}  …

The little leaders of the immortal clan said angrily, they didn't expect that they didn't go to Ye Huan's trouble, Ye Huan dared to attack them deeply.


Since Ye Huan has already taken the initiative to deliver to the door, of course they have to seize the opportunity and take advantage of this opportunity to win Ye Huan.

"Everyone from the Immortal Race, you kill Ye Huan, and my Demon Race will deal with the Human Race."

Looking at the immortal clan who were besieging Ye Huan, Wen Chen said.

Demons and Immortals should not stay together to avoid conflicts.

The little leaders of the immortals nodded one by one. They didn't want the demons to stay here. It would be better if the demons attacked the humans, lest they had to be careful to guard against the demons when they surrounded and killed Ye Huan.

厺厽 Reading pen interest 厺厽. The demons left to attack the humans,

All are happy.



At this moment, Ye Huan, who had always been calm in the siege of the immortals, suddenly changed his face and roared loudly, with endless anger and grievances and a trace of fear in his voice.

I am interested in reading the pen. Wen Chen glanced at Ye Huan, frowned, didn't answer, and led the Demon Race towards the Human Race in the fierce battle.

However, Wen Chen vaguely felt that he seemed to have overlooked something.

"Wenchen, your words are nothing. Since you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unrighteous. All the immortals, Wenchen asked me to kill the immortals."

Ye Huan's sad and angry voice sounded, with endless anger and grievance in his voice, as if he had been trapped.

Wen Chen was stunned for a moment, and then he knew what he was ignoring. Ye Huan actually wanted to frame him.

Wen Chen immediately stopped, and he had to clear the relationship with this matter, otherwise, let alone join forces to deal with the human race, the immortal race and the demon race who had just stopped fighting would be able to do it again.

As soon as Wen Chen stopped, he saw the little heads of the immortal race looking at him one after another. He knew that this matter could not be delayed, and it had to be resolved as soon as possible. The longer it was delayed, the worse it would be.

"Everyone from the immortal race, this is just a simple means of differentiation. You won't be fooled so easily, that Ye Huan is a human race."

Wen Chen said in a deep voice.

Some of the immortal clan leaders nodded thoughtfully, thinking that what Wen Chen said was quite reasonable.

This high probability is Ye Huan's method to differentiate the immortal clan and the demon clan, so that the two clans will continue to fight, and the human clan will benefit.

"Ah, it hurts."

try{mad1('gad2');} catch(ex){} "Ye Huan, my boss won't let you go."


At this moment, the desperate roars of the immortals before they died entered the ears of the little heads of the immortals.

The faces of the little leaders of the immortal race changed greatly, and they couldn't help but look towards Ye Huan.

Ye Huan cast an approving gaze in a certain direction, looking at the little heads of the immortal clan, his face suddenly changed, and he fiercely killed an immortal clan.

The little leaders of the immortal clan followed Ye Huan's gaze and happened to see Wen Chen.

The faces of the little leaders of the Immortal Race couldn't help but turn gloomy.

Is it all just a coincidence, or is Wen Chen really colluding with Ye Huan?

If Ye Huan really colluded with Wen Chen, then their immortal clan might be in danger.

The human race will first get rid of those races, and then join forces with the demon race to deal with the immortal race. At that time, the immortal race will probably be wiped out.

At this moment, the little leaders of the Immortal Race came up with a lot of drama.

Looking at the gloomy faces of the little heads of the immortal race, Wen Chen's face was also not very good-looking, he knew that he was tricked by Ye Huan again.

Although the little leaders of the Immortal Race would not be foolish enough to believe in Ye Huan, but at this time, there will always be some small lumps in their hearts.

Those little bumps may be nothing in normal times, but at this moment they are enough to affect the cooperation between the immortals and the demons.

After all, not long ago, there was still a fierce battle between the immortals and the demons, and even during the strike, the demons took the opportunity to kill several immortals.

In this case, the little pimples may be magnified to the greatest extent.

"Everyone from the immortal race, let's kill Ye Huan together, and then we will deal with the human race."

Wen Chen said in a deep voice, wanting to use practical actions to dispel the doubts in the little heads of the immortal race.

Ye Huan didn't speak this time either, but just stood up with a thumb up, and he didn't know who he was complimenting.

The little leaders of the immortal race all made up pictures in their minds one by one.

Wen Chen said that he was besieging Ye Huan, but at the end he fought back and attacked the immortals together with Ye Huan.

This possibility still exists.

Some immortal leaders nodded and agreed with Wenchen's idea, but most of the leaders shook their heads.

This is the disadvantage of losing a leader, and it is difficult to reach an agreement at a critical moment.

Wen Chen looked at the little leaders of the immortal clan, and was really angry.

Wen Chen glanced at Ye Huan, his eyes suddenly condensed and became ruthless.

Ye Huan, you want to play, right? I'll kill you.

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