My Eyes Are Mutated

Four hundred and eighty second plan

In the inner space of the Demon Face of Destruction.

That violent and destructive force is everywhere and in every way.

As soon as the Battle of the Stars came out.

From the azure blue galaxy, a large number of blue villains, Ye Huan, were transformed.

The little blue people look cute, but they are devastating when they are shot.

One by one, Ye Huan punched or swept his calf, and his fist strength and leg strength brought a large azure blue.

Where the fist strength and leg strength pass, the destruction strength in the black space annihilates and cancels each other out, making the dark space a lot lighter.

But it only lasted for a moment, and the next moment it returned to its original state.

A blue villain, Ye Huan, only throws two punches or kicks two legs, and will be annihilated by the ubiquitous force of destruction.

When a blue villain is annihilated, the blue galaxy will quickly add a blue villain, Ye Huan.

Ye Huan could feel the huge consumption of Star River's combat skills that was far more than usual.

Ye Huan looked at the dark space of destruction around him, and the attack just now made him understand a little.

Unless the attack power is strong enough to break through this space in one fell swoop, no amount of attacks will be useless.

The trauma to the space will be quickly dispelled.

If you can't break out the super attack power, you will definitely be trapped in this space.

I have to say that Wen Chen's demon face is quite good.

It's a pity that he met Ye Huan.

Ye Huan looked at the azure blue galaxy outside him and smiled unkindly.

For other warriors, it is not an easy task to suddenly explode the attack power several times that of one's own body.

But to Ye Huan, it was just a matter of thinking!

With a single thought, it only needs to detonate the azure blue galaxy outside the body, and the violent ice-cold power will instantly destroy this space.

Detonating the galaxy is a matter of caution for other warriors.

After all, if one does not get it right, it is either serious injury or death.

But to Ye Huan, this is nothing!

With Xingying Puppet in his presence, he can be so self-willed.

The part of Xinghe that detonated Xinghe's combat skills could be recovered instantly under the action of Xingying Puppet's body.

For other warriors, something that might cost her life was just a trump card for Ye Huan.

Feeling the remaining stars in the galaxy to ensure that the dark space can be blasted open in one fell swoop, Ye Huan was ready to detonate the galaxy with a thought.

Just when Ye Huan was about to act, he suddenly felt that the dark space suddenly became much stronger.

Ye Huan's movements couldn't help but he couldn't blow up that space at one time, and it would be a waste of time to blow up, and it would consume the energy of Xingying Puppet's body in vain.

Ye Huan added the star element of the azure blue galaxy, ready to slam the space away.

I don't know if it's because of the self-exploding Galaxy is addictive or what is the reason.

Ye Huan found that he liked this more and more, and with a bang, everything was instantly destroyed.

cool, very cool.

Ye Huan is replenishing the star element of the blue star river,

Then I accidentally discovered that there were some other forces in the space filled with destructive forces.

At the beginning, Ye Huan thought he was wrong.

But as those forces formed an energy cloud in the space, Ye Huan knew it was true.

That part of the power was obviously not Wen Chen's, and it gave Ye Huan a sense of familiarity.

Ye Huan changed his mind and understood what was going on.

Obviously, Wen Chen felt that he couldn't kill him quickly with his current strength, so he was looking for help.

Decisive enough, shameless enough!

If you want to be an ordinary person, you may not be able to pull down your face to ask for help again.

To be honest, Ye Huan still admires Wen Chen quite a bit. If it weren't for his trump card being a bit beyond the norm, maybe he would have been killed by Wen Chen.

That force formed a cloud of energy, and another force entered this space during the period, forming a cloud of energy.

One, two, three...

He roughly felt the number of strange powers injected into this space, which gave Ye Huan a new understanding of Wen Chen's shamelessness.

In order to kill him, Wen Chen was completely shameless.

Ye Huan's heart froze, there is such an enemy, so he should break open this space as soon as possible, so as not to have many dreams at night.

But looking at the floating energy clouds in this space, Ye Huan's heart moved.

Since the bronze vessel can refine even the demons, I wonder if it can refine these energy clouds?

As soon as this idea appeared, Ye Huan felt like grass growing in his heart, it was an itch.


It won't take much time to try it anyway.

While Ye Huan continued to instill Xingyuan into the azure blue galaxy, he summoned the bronze vessel in his body.

Anyway, he was preparing with both hands. Once the bronze vessel could not absorb and refine those demon essences, Ye Huan was ready to immediately detonate the galaxy and completely blast away the space.

As soon as his mind moved, a bronze vessel like a bronze lump was aimed at one of the energy clouds.


Ye Huan's heart moved.

An invisible wave flashed, and the energy cloud just disappeared.

Ye Huan was overjoyed, and hurriedly plunged his mind into the inner space of the bronze vessel. Whether the disappearing energy cloud was put into the bronze vessel, he had to look at it to find out.

in the bronze vessel space.

The crimson flames burned on the simple fires, giving people a warm and warm feeling.

Ye Huan's eyes quickly swept across the piles of simple fires, and then stopped on one of the fires.

The cloud of energy that had just disappeared was above the fire.

The flame that was burning warmly on the fire was like being doused with gasoline, and it instantly soared, enveloping the cloud of energy in it.

Under the refining of the crimson flame, the energy cloud transformed by the magic essence quickly turned into a pure vitality liquid, which was replenished in the vitality lake that had been shrunk to its limit.

Seeing this scene, Ye Huan instantly withdrew from the bronze vessel space, the corners of his mouth cracked to the limit, and he smiled brilliantly.

Looking at the energy clouds that were constantly appearing in that space, Ye Huan felt as if he had seen extremely delicious food.

Ye Huan had the urge to swallow all the energy clouds in the space with the bronze vessel.

Those energy clouds are so tempting.

Ye Huan pinched her thigh vigorously, suppressing the urge in her heart.

If the energy clouds in the space were swallowed up all at once, as the owner of the demon face, Wen Chen would definitely have noticed something was wrong, and there would be no follow-up.

Flowing water!

Now that there is such an opportunity, Ye Huan intends to take this opportunity to drain all the demons outside and extract the maximum residual value.

For this great goal, it is necessary to endure for a while.

Ye Huan controlled the bronze vessel and swallowed another energy cloud.

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