My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 496: Harvest, Cultivation

After lighting the seventh fire, Ye Huan did not stop.

The vitality continued to surge forward.

The eighth fire and the ninth fire were lit one after another.

In such an instant, almost three million drops of vitality liquid entered.

The huge vitality lake was instantly lost.

Looking at the shrinking vitality lake, Ye Huan's heart was aching.

However, when the ninth fire was lit, I felt that the bronze vessel became stronger, and the dull pain was much lighter.

The nine fires were lit, and Ye Huan glanced at the nine fires.

He frowned, obsessive-compulsive disorder committed.

The shapes of the nine fires are almost the same, but the crimson flames above are of different sizes.

The first fire that was lit first had the largest flame, and the flame was more than eight inches long, while the flame of the ninth fire that was just lit was a little like a soybean.

Ye Huan looked extremely awkward.

Looking at the remaining vitality lake, Ye Huan bit his teeth and controlled the vitality liquid to pour towards the nine fires that had already been lit.

With the influx of vitality liquid, the flames on the nine fires are getting bigger.

When the flames on the fire grew to nine inches, the first fire stopped absorbing the vitality liquid.

Ye Huan turned the remaining vitality liquid to the remaining eight fires.


About a quarter of an hour passed.

Looking at the flames of the same size on the nine fires, Ye Huan looked satisfied.

They are all flames, they just need to be consistent to look good.

However, when Ye Huan turned his eyes to the vitality lake, the flesh on his cheeks started to twitch.

That vitality lake—no, it is no longer appropriate to call it a vitality lake. To be more precise, it should be called a vitality pond.

When the last three fires were lit, there were still about six million drops of vitality liquid left in the vitality lake.

But at this moment, there are only hundreds of thousands of drops of vitality liquid left in the vitality pond.

In order to make the flames on the nine fires unanimous, Ye Huan almost put all the remaining vitality into it.

Ye Huan's heart twitched when he saw that the vitality lake was thinned into a vitality pond, but Ye Huan could clearly feel that the bronze vessel became stronger.

This made Ye Huan feel a little comforted.

Ye Huan didn't know how powerful the bronze vessel was, but he felt that if he let the bronze vessel tamper with the secret, the bronze vessel would not be weak and even extinguish all nine fires.

The vitality liquid has been consumed, so Ye Huan did not pay too much attention to it. Anyway, there is a bronze vessel. As long as he is willing to work hard, he will not be short of vitality liquid.

Ye Huan turned his eyes to the other two smaller pools.

A pool is divided into countless small cells, and in that small cell is filled with the blood of all races.

Ye Huan didn't pay much attention to it before, but at this moment, he found that the color of the blood of all ethnic groups was not all red, and there were many other colors mixed in during the period.

Looking at the blood of all races, Ye Huan couldn't help showing a smile on his face. With these blood and blood of all races, he cultivated in the Astral Liquid Realm and needed to copy the blood of the exercises.

After reading the blood essence, Ye Huan's eyes turned to the last pool.

A pool of starlight in that pool is like putting all the stars in the sky into that pool.

Star Profound Liquid.

The last pool is filled with the important resources needed for the cultivation of Star Liquid Realm warriors, Star Profound Liquid.

The mysterious liquid of the stars gathered together, at first glance, it was as gorgeous as a pool of starlight, but if you look closely, you can find that it is wisps of matter like starlight.

Even in a pool, there are still strands.

There were originally about 40,000 strands of star mysterious liquid left in the pool. At this time, more than 800 thousand people were refined, and many of them were very powerful races.

This caused the number of star mysterious liquid in the pool to increase sharply, increasing by more than 110,000 strands.

So at this moment, there are 150,000 strands of star mysterious liquid in the pool full of stars.

150,000 strands of star mysterious liquid.

This is a huge number. To know that five thousand strands of star liquid is enough for ordinary warriors to cultivate in the star liquid realm.

Ye Huan now has 150,000 strands of star mysterious liquid.

At first glance, this number is a lot, and it is even a number that ordinary warriors can't imagine.

But to Ye Huan, these star liquids are just a drop in the bucket. He wants to complete the cultivation of the star liquid realm. According to the current situation, the amount of star liquids required will definitely be an astronomical figure.

Even Ye Huan didn't dare to think about it at all. He was afraid that if he thought about it too much, he didn't have the confidence to continue his cultivation in the Astral Liquid Realm.

For Ye Huan, the more Xingchen Xuanye, the better. As for the cultivation of Xingchen, it is natural to take a step by step.

Thinking of the cultivation in the star liquid realm, Ye Huan couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile. It was a bottomless pit that could not be seen from afar.

Compared with the cultivation of Daluo Xingchen Gong Star Liquid Realm, Ye Huan felt that the cultivation of Eighth and Nine Mysterious Arts was relatively easier.

Thinking of the Eight Nine Mysteries, Ye Huan couldn't help but turn to another place in the bronze vessel space.

There are all the elements that are needed to cultivate the third rank of the eighty-nine mysterious arts, but there are not many elements there.

It's not that Ye Huan didn't collect enough materials for the third rank of Eighty-Nine Mysterious Art, but the prime materials needed to reach the third rank of Eighty-Nine Mysterious Arts, most of which have been refined by Ye Huan. .

What was left in the space of the bronze vessel was the elemental material that Ye Huan needed to continue refining. As long as the remaining elemental material was refined, the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Art would be able to break through to the third rank.

Ye Huan looked at the remaining primeval materials, only six were left.

Maybe we can take advantage of this gap to transfer the third to the first breakthrough.

The physical body is strong enough to allow him to perform the Primordial Body Technique more calmly.

As soon as he thought about it, he did it. Ye Huan thought, and a copy of the eight-nine Xuan Gong exercises that had been copied for a long time appeared in Ye Huan's hand, and Ye Huan took the secret book and read it seriously.

After reading it once, the secret book entered the bronze vessel space, and then turned into fly ash. At the same time, a kind of elemental material appeared in Ye Huan's hand.

An inexplicable power appeared in Ye Huan's body, and that power was greedily refining that kind of material.

With that kind of power refining that kind of elemental material, Ye Huan could feel that his body was changing little by little, and when it reached a certain critical point, his body would become stronger.

Ye Huan knew that the critical point was the breakthrough from the second rank to the third rank of the Eight Nine Mysteries.

Hu Jinhua flew along the junction, looking for a similar place that Ye Huan explained, while Ye Huan was sitting on Hu Jinhua's back and practising eighty-nine profound arts.

One, two, three...

The elements needed for the third turn of the Eighty Nine Mysteries were refined by Ye Huan.

Soon the last elemental material was left in the bronze vessel space.

Flint lotus.

This is also the main material needed for the third rank of the Eighty-Nine Profound Art. As long as the flint lotus is refined, the Eighty-Nine Profound Art can successfully break through to the third rank.

Ye Huan thought to reach the flint lotus, preparing to take the flint lotus out of the bronze vessel space to practice.

(One more update today.)

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