My Eyes Are Mutated

Four hundred and ninetieth eight chapters master filial piety

Eyes are getting hotter.

Through his eyes, Ye Huan could feel that the dream dragon fruit was absorbing a mysterious power in the steep canyon.

Seeing this scene, Ye Huan understood that the fact that there are so many aged dragon fruit in the canyon has a lot to do with that mysterious energy.

Staring at the dream dragon fruit with both eyes, Ye Huan could feel the speed at which the dream dragon fruit absorbed the mysterious power was getting faster.

The mysterious power in the canyon should be the nutrients of the dragon fruit. The more that mysterious power is absorbed, the age of the dragon fruit should increase.

Ye Huan thought so, and just thinking about it, his eyelids jumped suddenly.

The dream dragon fruit he was staring at, the dream pattern on the fruit changed.

One of the dream patterns added an extremely tiny trace.

The dream pattern has not increased much, but the meaning it represents is huge.

The eyes are really useful for the dragon fruit, and the effect is to increase the age of the dragon fruit.

This effect is simply too timely.

After confirming the year in which the eyes can increase the dragon fruit, Ye Huan's first reaction was to leave the Xinghe Yuan Mansion.

Anyway, with his eyes, he can completely ripen one year of Menglong fruit into a hundred years, so why take the risk and fight with Lin Honghai at this time.

But this idea was rejected by Ye Huan from the very beginning.

The effect of the eyes on the dragon fruit is to accelerate the absorption of the mysterious power of the dragon fruit, thereby promoting the increase of the year of the dragon fruit.

After leaving this canyon, without that mysterious power, whether the eyes can promote the increase of the year of the dragon fruit is still a question.

Moreover, it is still unknown how much consumption it takes to catalyze a year of dragon fruit into a hundred years of dragon fruit.

So, to be on the safe side, in fact, the best choice is to promote the 90-year-old dragon fruit into a 100-year-old in that canyon.

Ye Huan looked at the canyon on the opposite side, which was covered with dream blue flowers, and his eyes became firm.

It seems that there is no escape between him and Lin Honghai.

Under the dream dragon fruit tree, Lin Honghai also noticed the change in Ye Huan's eyes, knew Ye Huan's choice, and couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough!

"I'm waiting for you."

After speaking, Lin Honghai closed his eyes.

This time, Ye Huan must be killed, and Ye Huan will no longer be given any chance.

In this regard, Lin Honghai is determined to win.

In order to kill Ye Huan, he abandoned his cultivation in the Stardust Realm.

After paying such a huge price, how could Lin Honghai let Ye Huan live.


Hu Jinhua has not spoken since he found the steep canyon.

Hu Jinhua originally thought that Ye Huan was looking for that place to continue looting, but when he saw that the canyon was actually in the Star Liquid Realm area, he felt something was wrong.

Hu Jinhua has been watching silently, but the more he looks, the more wrong he feels.

Boss Ye seems to be preparing to go to the Astral Liquid Realm area.

This idea suddenly appeared in Hu Jinhua's head.

Boom, boom, boom...

Hu Jinhua, who maintained the shape of a golden-winged tiger, raised his right front leg and suddenly knocked a few times on his tiger's head.

"You are a tiger head, how could someone as smart as Boss Ye do such an unwise thing."

Hu Jinhua said to himself secretly in his heart, he felt that he must have misunderstood, how could Boss Ye do such an unwise thing.

Thinking of this, Hu Jinhua opened his mouth wide and let out a long sigh.

"Huazi, let's go."

Hu Jinhua's huge mouth was still open when he heard Ye Huan's voice.

Hu Jinhua's mouth closed immediately, and he looked at Ye Huan in confusion.

"I'm going to the opposite side for a walk, I'm afraid my life and death will be uncertain."

Ye Huan didn't hide it either, looking at Lin Honghai under the dream dragon fruit tree, and said calmly.


As soon as he finished speaking, he heard an abnormal sound, and Hu Jinhua's huge tiger body slapped directly on the ground, as if his body had no bones.

"Boss Ye, you..."

Hu Jinhua looked at Ye Huan, those big tiger eyes were full of puzzlement and worry.

He wanted to persuade Ye Huan to stop thinking about it, but for a while he didn't know how to speak.

Go to the opposite side.

The guy sitting under the tree on the opposite side obviously has bad intentions towards Boss Ye. Isn't this courting death?

"I have a reason to go, so you don't have to follow me on the adventure."

Ye Huan stroked Hu Jinhua's head, feeling that Hu Jinhua was quite loyal.

After hearing Ye Huan's words, Hu Jinhua's huge tiger eyes were filled with tears.

Not moved, but frightened.

He wanted to leave Ye Huan and part ways with Ye Huan.

But Hu Jinhua didn't dare. He and Ye Huan were seen together by many races, and all the living people of the Immortal Demon, Shenlong and other races knew about him.

He is an accomplice.

He is the accomplice who suffered heavy losses in the Xinghe region.

Hu Jinhua felt that even if he jumped into that famous galaxy, he would not be able to wash it out.

If he leaves Ye Huan, he will not have any problems in the Xinghe realm area in this Xingheyuan mansion. After all, there are not many people who can live in the entire Xinghe realm except for the human race and the races that have a good relationship with the human race. .

And because of Ye Huan's reasons, he would have a good life in the Xinghe realm area under the Xingheyuan mansion.

But this is the Xinghe Yuan Mansion after all, not the real starry sky world. He can't stay in the Xinghe Yuan Mansion all the time, he has to go out.

Once he left Xinghe Yuan Mansion, Hu Jinhua felt that he would die without a tiger corpse, and might even disappear as soon as he left Xing He Yuan Mansion.

As for the human race, Hu Jinhua didn't trust other people, and even Hu Jinhua felt that once he left Ye Huan, the human race might be even more terrifying than the Wan race.

Hu Jinhuahu's eyes were full of tears, and he looked at Ye Huan whirlingly.

"Don't be so moved, let's go."

Seeing Hu Jinhua's "moved" appearance, Ye Huan waved his hand, a light-hearted look.

"Boss Ye, I can't bear you, just let me go with you, we will live and die together."

A big drop, a big drop of tears rolled down from Hu Jinhua's eyes, Hu Jinhua said emotionally.

Since I've already cried, I can't waste it. We must make good use of it to deepen the relationship with Ye Huan.

"Huazi, since you have so strongly requested to stay, then I won't persuade you any more, I'll accept you."

Ye Huan looked at Hu Jinhua with a hint of reluctance on his face.

Having said that, Ye Huan's movements were not slow. When he was talking, when his thoughts moved, a force acted on Hu Jinhua's body and put Hu Jinhua in the bronze vessel space.

Before disappearing, Hu Jinhua saw Ye Huan's reluctant face. The huge tiger face couldn't help but twitch for a while. He really wanted to call out with a tiger palm, but unfortunately he didn't dare.

So shameless.

Can you act more fake!

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