My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 502 The situation, bet again

After seeing the situation on the other side of the Star Liquid Realm clearly, the White Dragon King and others felt a lot more comfortable in their hearts.

The situation in the Star Liquid Realm area is clearly dominated by Wan Clan, just like the Star River Realm area at the beginning.

Wouldn't the Star Liquid Region repeat the mistakes of the Star River Region?

Some powerhouses couldn't help but flash this idea in their minds, but they were quickly rejected.

Just as the White Dragon King and others thought, most of the ten thousand races also have this kind of thinking.

Your human race has created a monstrous Ye Huan in the Xinghe Realm area, and you can't have another one in the Xinghe Realm area!

There are a total of 900 people in the Star Liquid Realm.

The human race got one hundred and thirty places.

There will only be more places for the three races of immortals, demons and gods than the human race.

It can be said that the four major clans account for more than half of the places.

This is also a true portrayal of today's starry sky.

The strong race occupies most of the resources under the starry sky, and other races can share very few resources.


One hundred and thirty people from the human race entered the Star Liquid Realm area.

But at this moment, there are less than a hundred star lights still on.

a month.

More than 30 Star Liquid Realm people died in the human race.

This number is actually nothing compared to the number of Star Liquid Realm warriors from the human race.

The dead star liquid realm are all geniuses among the star liquid realm warriors.

More than 30 people died like this, and the faces of the main star realms of the human race are not very good-looking.

The joy on the face of King Datang also disappeared quickly.

Previously, because the performance of the Star River Realm area was too bright, it attracted the attention of the human race and other ten thousand races, and did not pay much attention to the situation in the other three areas.

Looking at this at this time,

The hearts of the king of the Tang Dynasty and other human race master star realms are sinking rapidly.

In addition to the Galaxy Realm area, the situation of the Terran in the other three areas is not very optimistic, and it can be said that the loss is huge.

Not only the powerful people of the human race such as the King of the Tang Dynasty noticed this, but also the powerful people of all races such as the White Dragon King.

The mood of King Datang and others quickly became unbelievable.

Looking at the situation in the Galaxy Realm area, they once had an illusion.

The human race has reversed the disadvantage over the years.

But after seeing the situation in the other three areas, the powerful human race such as King Datang came to their senses.

The human race has not been able to reverse the situation over the years.

The reason why the human race overwhelms the ten thousand races in the Galaxy Realm area is entirely because of one person.

Ye Huan.

It is incredible that a single person can reverse the situation of the human race for so many years.

If it didn't happen with their own eyes.

Those powerhouses in the main star realm won't believe anything they say.

It was because they had witnessed it with their own eyes that they could more and more appreciate Ye Huan's amazing talent.

As expected of that department, they are all demons!

The human race master star realm powerhouse couldn't help but think of such an idea.

If Ye Huan can grow up, can he lead the human race...

Some of the human race masters, such as the King of the Tang Dynasty, could not help but have such thoughts.

It's just that such an idea has just emerged, and some human race powerhouses such as King Datang have reacted.

They can see this, so how can the White Dragon King and other tribes not see it.

The King of Datang couldn't help looking at the powerful people of all ethnic groups such as the Immortal King Chao Xuanji.

The King of the Tang Dynasty was keenly aware of the incomparable killing intent in the eyes of Xuanji Immortal King and other powerful people of all races.

The killing intent was so strong that the King of the Tang Dynasty was a little bit tongue-tied.

King Datang couldn't help but start to have a headache, feeling that one head has become two big.

The joy of winning the twenty or so star fragments just now disappeared.

Knowing that Ye Huan was so capable of doing things, he should not have taken the errand of Xinghe Yuandi this time.

The idea of ​​Tang Wang couldn't help but pop into his mind.

The King of Datang could predict that when Ye Huan came out of the Xinghe Yuan Mansion, the Wan clan would definitely kill Ye Huan.

The King of Tang began to think about how to keep Ye Huan.


"Ye Huan must die."

"Even if you pay some price, you will kill Ye Huan."

"It can't be allowed to grow any longer."


Just when King Datang was thinking about how to protect Ye Huan, the fairy gods and other clans also secretly reached a tacit understanding.

Ye Huan must die.

Ten thousand clans in the Xinghejing region suffered heavy losses, and the powerful clans such as the Immortal Demon God actually had doubts in their hearts.

The heavy losses of the Ten Thousand Races may be their own reasons, not caused by the Human Race.

After all, He Dehe of the human race can do this.

But after seeing the situation in the other three areas, the strong clans such as the fairy goddess had to let go of their inner pride.

The situation in the Galaxy Realm area is really caused by the human race, and there is a high probability that it is dominated by one person.

Not only that, but that person is also a martial artist of vitality.

If Ye Huan really wants to grow up, won't it become a big problem for the confidants of all ethnic groups.

Under such circumstances, how could Wanzu allow Ye Huan to live.


"King Tang, why not make another bet?"

In the silence, the voice of the White Dragon King sounded, attracting the attention of the powerhouses in the main star realm.

"What bet?"

The King of Tang said, he was quite happy to divert everyone's attention away from Ye Huan.

"The performance of the Human Race in the Xinghe Realm area is quite impressive. I wonder if the Tang King will bet on whether the number of Human Race in the Xinghe Realm area will remain half by the end of the Xinghe Yuan Mansion."

The White Dragon King glanced at the number of star lights left in the Star Liquid Realm area over the human race and said.

A total of 130 people entered the Xinghe Yuandi Star Liquid Realm area.

There were only ninety-nine star lamps still lit at this time.

That is to say, thirty-one people have died in the Astral Liquid Realm area.

As long as thirty-five more people die, the bet against the Tang King will be lost.

There are still two months before the end of the Xinghe Abyss, and in the first month, thirty-one people died in the Star Liquid Realm area.

According to the speed of death, once the King of Tang agrees to this bet, the possibility of winning is extremely slim.


All of a sudden, they all looked at King Datang, wanting to see how King Datang would react.

The Tang King's face twitched slightly, he actually wanted to refuse, and he actually felt that it was unlikely that he could win.

But under the watchful eyes of all the tribes, the King of Tang really couldn't tell.

You can't grow other people's ambition and destroy your own prestige!

Even if it doesn't work, it's time to do it.

"How does the White Dragon King want to bet?"

The King of Tang said quickly, he was afraid that he would not agree to the bet any longer because of the delay.

When he said this, King Datang felt that the fragments of stars were going away from him.

Still not warm.

"I bet four star fragments."

The White Dragon King said with a smile, he knew that under such circumstances, the Tang King could not refuse.

After the White Dragon King spoke, the Xuanji Immortal King and the One-eyed King all spoke one after another, betting on four star fragments.

How could they miss such an excellent opportunity to get back the star fragments.

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