My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 504 Star Liquid Realm 4th Layer

Dantian space.

That is his dantian space, how could a hand appear for no reason.

And the power of that hand is too great.

His dantian space was broken in an understatement.

Ye Huan stared inwardly and looked carefully, trying to find some clues.

But in the entire boundless dantian space, except for a dimly lit galaxy, there is nothing else.

After looking inside for a long time, no abnormality was found.

Ye Huan had to temporarily put aside her thoughts of exploration.

Anyway, in his dantian, he will figure it out one day.

After exiting the internal vision, Ye Huan had another copy of the Daluo Xingchen Gong cheat sheet in his hand.

Since the fourth layer of Dantian space has been broken, then break through to the fourth layer of the star liquid realm in one go.

After one pass, the secret book turned into fly ash, and strands of star mysterious liquid kept flying into Ye Huan's mouth.

One strand, two strands...

Ten strands, eleven strands...

After swallowing sixteen strands of star mysterious liquid in a row, the first star acupoint was strengthened.

At the first level of the Star Liquid Realm, one orifice star swallows two strands of star mysterious liquid.

The double star liquid realm became four strands of star liquid.

The third level of the Star Liquid Realm is eight strands of star mysterious liquid.

At the fourth level of the star liquid realm, it is very likely that there are sixteen strands of star mysterious liquid.

Although he had already prepared in his heart, Ye Huan couldn't help but smile bitterly when he really experienced it.

If it goes on like this, when he breaks through to the ninth level of the star liquid realm, the amount of star liquid that he needs will probably be a huge number.

The star mysterious liquid still entered Ye Huan's mouth in strands.

In the Dantian space, the stars in the apertures greedily swallowed the mysterious liquid of the stars.

An orifice star swallowed sixteen strands of star mysterious liquid.

There are 3,600 orifice stars in the Ye Huan Xinghe.

A total of 57,600 strands of star mysterious liquid are needed.

With the ability of his eyes now, he can refine 4,800 strands of star mysterious liquid in one day.

It will take twelve days to completely break through to the fourth level of the Star Liquid Realm.

Ye Huan's brows were slightly wrinkled. This time was doubled compared to breaking through to the triple star liquid realm.

According to this rhythm, if the ability of his eyes is not improved, it will take longer and longer for him to break through in the future.

In order to maintain the rapid breakthrough, it is necessary to increase the power of the eyes again.

Ye Huan couldn't help looking towards the star liquid realm area.

As far as he knows now, the only way to increase the power of his eyes is to kill.

Maybe give it a try.

This thought flashed through his mind, and Ye Huan immediately immersed himself in cultivation.

One day, two days, three days...

As time passed, the Xingchen Profound Liquid was consumed like flowing water.

On the twelfth day, when the last ray of star mysterious liquid was swallowed by the stars in the aperture.

In the Dantian space, the brilliance is bright, and the liquid galaxy has begun a new round of expansion.


The power of 2.6 million orifice points.

The power of 2,800,000 orifice points.


Acupoint Xingchen and Xinghe are becoming stronger, and Ye Huan is immersed in the pleasure of the rapid increase in strength.

The power of 3,645,000 orifice points.

When the strength increased to this number, the increase in the power of the acupoints stopped, and Ye Huan once again felt the sense of restraint.

It has a stronger sense of restraint than the Star Liquid Realm Quadruple Layer.

Ye Huan opened his eyes, he knew that his cultivation had touched the limit of the fourth level of the Star Liquid Realm.

If you want to continue to improve your strength, you must break through the limitation of this heavy Dantian space.

Ye Huan harvested a total of 150,000 strands of star mysterious liquid in the Galaxy Realm area.

With the value of the star mysterious liquid, 150,000 strands of star mysterious liquid are quite a lot.

But Ye Huan's star liquid state just broke through two levels, and he consumed most of the star mysterious liquid that he had accumulated.

At this moment, there are only more than 60,000 strands of star mysterious liquid left in the bronze vessel space.

According to previous experience, if he wants to break through to the fifth level of the star liquid realm, one orifice star needs to absorb thirty-two strands of star liquid.

Once all the acupoints and stars are strengthened, one hundred and fifteen thousand two hundred strands of star mysterious liquid are needed.

115,200 strands of star mysterious liquid.

Ye Huan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and he had almost half of the Xingchen Profound Liquid left.

Once upon a time he thought he was rich, but at this moment he thought he was poor, terribly poor.

Ye Huan once again looked at the Star Liquid Realm area, his eyes were glowing with green light, as if he saw a massive amount of star liquid.

As soon as he thought about it, another copy of Daluo Xingchen Gong's secret book appeared in Ye Huan's hand.

First break open the fifth Dantian space, swallow up the remaining star liquid in the bronze vessel space, and then set off into the star liquid realm area.

Soon the cheats will be finished.

The secret manual turned into fly ash, and at the same time, the stars and galaxies in the dantian became bright.

In the infinite light, a big hand stretched out, spread out five fingers, and pressed it towards the dantian space.


With a loud noise, the entire Dantian space trembled.

It was followed by a crisp sound.


Dantian space is broken.

That sense of tight restraint disappeared.

The infinitely bright dantian space suddenly became dim, and the big hand that appeared inexplicably disappeared without a trace.

In the Dantian space, there is only a dim star river left.

Sensing the situation in his dantian, Ye Huan's expression was a little strange.

This time, because he was well prepared, despite the blazing light in his dantian, he still vaguely sensed that hand.

That mighty hand.

But that hand gave Ye Huan a very strange feeling.

The hand was if it was his.

After looking inside the galaxy for a while, and after finding the big hand, Ye Huan stopped worrying about this issue for the time being.

Sooner or later it will be clear.

With a thought, another Daluo Xingchen Gong secret book appeared in his hand.

Now that the Dantian space has been broken open, then consume the remaining Xingchen Profound Liquid.

Make the most of it.

There are still 63,600 strands of star mysterious liquid left in the bronze vessel space.

Ye Huan can absorb 4,800 strands of star mysterious liquid in one day.

Thirteen days passed after the Acupuncture Stars had swallowed all the remaining Xingchen Profound Liquid.

From the third level to the fourth level of the star liquid realm, and then breaking through the fifth level of Dantian space, it absorbs more than 60,000 strands of star mysterious liquid and strengthens some of the orifice stars.

And it took only twenty-five days.

If you say this, others will definitely think it is a fantasy.

But it actually happened.

For others, this breakthrough speed seems like a fantasy, but in Ye Huan's view, it is a bit slow.

Ye Huan felt that it was necessary to increase the power of his eyes again.

Otherwise, with the improvement of his cultivation, the time for his breakthrough will be slower and slower.

Killing can increase the power of the eyes, and now there is such a perfect opportunity.

Ye Huan looked at the star-liquid realm area opposite, and after nearly a month of hard work, he finally had the confidence to enter the star-liquid realm area.

Having swallowed the remaining 60,000 strands of star liquid, although it was not enough for him to break through to the fifth level of the star liquid realm, his strength still improved to a certain extent.

The power of four million orifices.

Ye Huan's strength has infinitely approached the power of four million orifices.

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