My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter five hundred and ninth inside and outside

It is vitality liquid.

Under that is the pure and incomparable vitality liquid.

And not "drizzle", but downpour.

In an instant, Hu Jinhua was wet and drenched in the heavy rain of vitality.

Most of the vitality liquid fell into the vitality pool, and the vitality liquid in the vitality pool was soaring at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And those vitality liquid that got Hu Jinhua wet gathered around Hu Jinhua and did not go to the vitality liquid pool.

Hu Jinhua was stunned when he saw this scene, and then the worry in his heart disappeared.

I can still think of him at this time, obviously Ye Huan has nothing to do.

Ye Huan must have caused this heavy rain of vitality and liquid.

Hu Jinhua watched the Origin Qi Liquid Pool rapidly upgrade into a Origin Qi Liquid Lake, and it was still growing.

There was only one thought left in Tiger's mind.

What the hell did the boss do!

At this moment, Hu Jinhua saw a black spot in the heavy rain of vitality and liquid.

The black spot grows rapidly.

Ye Huan.

Ye Huan fell down, looked at the huge vitality lake, and nodded, very good.

Hu Jinhua ran over in a frenzy.

"Thank you boss..."

Hu Jinhua opened his mouth to thank him. Ye Huan apparently gave him the vital energy liquid that did not enter the vitality lake.

He just counted roughly, and it was over a million drops.

But before the words of thanks could be said, Hu Jinhua glanced at Ye Huan and was stunned.

Half of the words in his mouth stopped there.

He couldn't see Ye Huan's realm at this time.

Before he could vaguely sense Ye Huan's realm,

Star Liquid Realm triple.

But looking at Ye Huan at the moment, he could only vaguely sense that Ye Huan was strong, but he couldn't sense the specific realm.

No, how is it possible!

It must be that my concentration is not enough to feel the state.

Hu Jinhua thought of this, and then concentrated on sensing Ye Huan's realm.



This is what Hu Jinhua sensed, but as for the realm, he couldn't sense it.

Hu Jinhua's mouth slowly opened wide, and couldn't close at all.

When this happens, Hu Jinhua knows only two possibilities.

One possibility is that Ye Huan practiced a technique with hidden cultivation.

The second possibility is that Ye Huan's cultivation has improved again, and his realm is much higher than his, so he can't feel it.

In fact, Hu Jinhua has already identified which of the two possibilities.

It's just that Hu Jin Hua Hu was a little unwilling to believe it.

It's only been a month.

Not a year.

But Ye Huan's cultivation level actually improved again.

"Boss, what is your current cultivation base?"

Hu Jinhua looked at Ye Huan and asked, he still didn't want to believe it and wanted to confirm it again.

"Fourth Layer of Star Liquid Realm."

Ye Huan said casually, there was nothing to hide from Hu Jinhua.


Hu Jinhua's open mouth clicked, almost dislocating.

Looking at Ye Huan in front of him, the last trace of pride in Hu Jinhua's heart disappeared.

Hiding in the bronze space to practice, I thought I could take the opportunity to shorten the distance between Ye Huan and Ye Huan.

But who knows that the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Not only did he fail to narrow the distance between him and Ye Huan, but it was getting farther and farther.

When I first saw him, he was the first-level star liquid realm, and Ye Huan didn't even step into the star liquid realm.

But it's only been two months.

Ye Huan has reached the fourth level of the Star Liquid Realm, and he is still the first stage of the Star Liquid Realm.

In two months, the four-level repair of the Star Liquid Realm has been improved.

The improvement of this cultivation base is so amazing.

Not to mention it has been two months, just two years, and it is amazing enough to improve the fourth-level cultivation of the Star Liquid Realm.

Hu Jinhua knew that he had decided to enter the bronze vessel space before, and the bet was the right one.

As long as Ye Huan doesn't die, there will definitely be a place for Ye Huan under the stars in the future.

Ye Huan didn't know the many thoughts that flashed through Hu Jinhua's mind at that moment.

There was something wrong with him entering the bronze vessel space.

"Reflecting the outside world."

Ye Huan's mind moved.

Then, the top of the bronze vessel space began to change, and the outside scene quickly became clear.

Hu Jinhua looked at the changes in the bronze vessel space in amazement.

I saw a strange bronze vessel floating in a vitality vortex, and the rich vitality in the vitality vortex poured into the bronze vessel.

Hu Jinhua was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses.

The scene he saw was the scene of the outside world at this time, and the bronze vessel was the treasure that had once received him.

Seeing this scene, Hu Jinhua also knew what happened to the pouring downpour of vitality liquid.

Ye Huan used that treasure to devour the surrounding vitality.

The vitality concentration in the Galaxy Realm area obviously cannot cause such a movement.

With that said, Ye Huan has already entered the Star Liquid Realm area.

Hu Jinhua quickly speculated a series of things.

It's just that Hu Jinhua was a little puzzled, why did Ye Huan enter the bronze vessel space?

This question has just started, and the answer is there in the next instant.

Hu Jinhua saw a huge red dragon flying towards the place where the bronze vessel was from a distance. The pair of huge dragon eyes stared at the bronze vessel in the vitality vortex, and the dragon's eyes were full of excitement.

Looking at that look, I can't wait to swallow the bronze vessel.

The red dragon on this side was still flying towards the bronze vessel, and on the other side there was a loud rumbling sound like thunder.

I saw a giant seven or eight meters high, rushing towards this side.

One step is hundreds of meters. Although it is running, its speed is not much slower than that of the red dragon flying in the air.

The shape of the giant is similar to that of a human being, except that there is only one eye on the head.


a powerful race.

The Cyclops and the red dragon in the sky obviously sensed each other's existence, and they all tried their best to rush towards the bronze vessel.

The treasures in the Xinghe Yuandi are all unowned.

Since it is ownerless, it is natural that whoever gets it first will own it.

Just when the red dragon and the giant regarded each other as opponents, another white light flashed in the distance.

White light is extremely fast.

At first glance, it was still far away from the bronze vessel, but in the next moment, it was nearly half of the distance.

It was a huge and flawless tiger with a pair of feathered wings on its back, and the wings were covered with white feathers.

Ye Huan has been silently watching the situation outside. After seeing this scene, he couldn't help but look at Hu Jinhua.

The white giant tiger outside and Hu Jinhua are quite similar, so they can't be a family.

Hu Jinhua watched Ye Huan look towards him and understood what Ye Huan was thinking.

"Boss, that is the Tianhu clan, and it has nothing to do with our golden-winged tiger clan."

Hu Jinhua opened his mouth and said, but a pair of tiger eyes were staring at the huge white tiger.

Ye Huan looked at Hu Jinhua strangely, he could hear dissatisfaction in Hu Jinhua's tone.

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