My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter five hundred and nineteenth you are in strife

One, two, three...

After discovering Hua Dian, all eyes turned towards the human race.

Could this accident in the Astral Liquid Realm area have something to do with the human race?

Although they didn't want to believe this from the bottom of their hearts, they couldn't help but think so.

After all, under the current signs, the suspicion of the human race is the biggest.

"King of the Tang Dynasty, you planted things on me again and again. It seems that the changes in the Star Liquid Realm area are really related to your human race."

Immortal King Daomu said again at this time, whether he is related to the human race or not, let's talk about the human race first.

The eyes of the surrounding races looking at the human race are a little bad.

It is not a cabbage that can be selected by various races to enter the star liquid realm of Xinghe Yuandi.

To die like this, their hearts are bleeding.

"Joke, my human race has this strength, and it died so miserably before."

When the King of Tang said this, he felt a little nervous.

However, after listening to the other races, many races felt that it was reasonable.

The human race was really miserable before, and the death was almost half over.

"The real reason must be the wrath of the Immortal King..."

King Datang said that he had to stop. After all, his eyes were like knives. He was afraid that if he continued, a war might break out in advance.

"Cough, it's actually very simple, the biggest reason is probably your own, solid germination."

When the King of Tang said that, he naturally stopped. He didn't need to say more about what he said later. He believed that all the tribes would understand naturally.

Sure enough, as soon as the voice of the King of Tang fell, some of the powerful races in the ten thousand ethnic groups couldn't help but frown.

They naturally knew what the solid-state germination in the mouth of the Tang king meant.

The opening of Xinghe Yuandi is not once or twice. Ten thousand tribes have always targeted the human race, but each time the human race has suffered heavy losses at most,

There is no greater loss.

It's not that the ten thousand clans are reluctant to deal with the human race, but that the ten thousand clans are unbalanced.

Every time when the human race loses to a certain level, all kinds of contradictions will break out within the ten thousand races.

In the end, more clansmen died in the hands of Wanzu than in the hands of the human race.

This is what the King of the Tang Dynasty meant by solid-state germination.

The infighting of your tribes broke out again, don't put this matter on the heads of the human race.


After listening to the words of King Datang, in fact, many people from all ethnic groups agree with him about the "solid-state germination".

After all, judging from all these signs, the infighting of all ethnic groups is the most reasonable explanation.

But what makes the big figures of the Wan clan a little puzzled is that.

This time the infighting broke out earlier than in previous years.

And not only that, the outbreak is more fierce and fierce, and the loss is a bit big.

How could such a violent conflict break out? Could there be some peerless treasure in the Star Liquid Realm area?

The powerhouses of the ten thousand races have many thoughts in their minds, but for a while, there is no ten thousand races to pay attention to the human race.

If there are really great benefits in the Astral Liquid Realm area, they must maximize the benefits for their own race.

The reason why Wanzu would expose the matter so easily is actually very simple.

In fact, the ten thousand clans do not believe that the accident in the astral region has something to do with the human clan.


On the side of the human race, there was nothing wrong at this time.

After all, the infighting of all ethnic groups will ultimately benefit the human race.

Just thinking that the chance that may lead to such a violent infighting of the ten thousand races may be missed by the human race, and the strong people of the human race are a little bit heartbroken.

Yes, not only the strong people of all races think so, but also the strong people of the human race.

The powerhouses of the human race do not think that the accident in the Astral Liquid Realm area was caused by the human race.

The huge loss before the human race is not fake.

The King of Datang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the star lights of the Human Race Star Liquid Realm warriors were no longer extinguished.

After all, the death of every Star Liquid Realm warrior is a huge loss to the human race.

"What happened in the Star Liquid Realm area? Could it be that there is another evildoer like Ye Huan in the Star Liquid Realm area that reversed the human race's disadvantage in the Star Liquid Realm area?"

Such an idea suddenly popped up in the King of Tang's mind.

Immediately, King Tang shook his head suddenly, feeling that his idea was a little whimsical.

It is a blessing to invite Ye Huan to appear in the human race, and he actually wants to appear such a monster again.

King Datang felt that the powerhouses of all ethnic groups did not know what he was thinking at the moment, otherwise he would be drowned by the spittle of the powerhouses of all ethnic groups.

The Tang Dynasty looked over to the area where the Star Liquid Realm martial artist star lamp was placed on the Wanzu side.

Watching the star lamp of the star liquid warrior from the Wanzu side go out from time to time is quite pleasant.

Yes, the night fell, and the changes in the Star Liquid Realm area did not stop because of it.

The scenes that happened during the day are still happening at this moment.


As the night faded away, the light dispelled the darkness, but for all the tribes, they could not see the light.

Although the speed of the star lights extinguishing has slowed down, the star lights are still extinguished.

Immortal King Xuanji and some other bigwigs noticed something was wrong at this time.

What kind of conflict broke out among the ten thousand races in the Star Liquid Realm area, and it turned out that they had not stopped fighting for a day and a night.

In one day and one night, the number of Star Liquid Realm warriors who died of ten thousand races is almost one hundred.

The total number of people who have entered the Star Liquid Realm area is only how many people.

If it continues like this, the people of the Wan clan in the Star Liquid Realm area will probably be wiped out.

The ten thousand races who can enter the Star Liquid Realm area are not stupid, how can they really suffer to such a degree because of some opportunities.

Unless things are not what they guessed at all, there are forces in the Star Liquid Realm area that are specifically hunting and killing all races.

After realizing this, the races couldn't help but look at the human race again.

Those who have the strength to dare to target all races like this, I am afraid that there is only a force like the human race.

"I would like to admit that my human race did all of this, but my human race really can't do it. Do you think my human race can produce another Ye Huan in the Star Liquid Realm area?"

Facing the gazes of those races, the King of Tang said with a wry smile.

Many races feel that what the King of the Tang Dynasty said is quite reasonable.

There is already a Ye Huan in the human race, can there be another evildoer like Ye Huan?

If this is the case, then the gods are too partial to the human race.

From time to time, the star lights go out, and the number of star lights that have been extinguished has exceeded one hundred.

The big clans such as the dragon clan and the immortal clan can barely hold on, and some small clans are already trembling in their hearts.

They were all about to die.

Those races could no longer be calm, and they began to try to contact the clansmen in the Xinghe Abyss, even if they would pay some huge costs, they would not hesitate.

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