My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 521 I'm really just a baby

Could there be other ten thousand races appearing around here?

This was the first thought that popped into Ye Huan's mind at this time.

Then, Ye Huan saw the three immortals stop.

One after another attack roared like a meteor.

Ye Huan was a little stunned, and one after another attack fell on the bronze vessel.

Boom, boom, boom...

One after another attack exploded like a bomb, and the powerful power rolled up gusts of wind.

The wind howled, and it could be said that the situation changed for a while.

Hu Jinhuahu's face changed, and the momentum made him palpitate.

If he is in it, I am afraid that the tiger body will be torn and shattered in an instant.

Hu Jinhua looked at the bronze vessel worriedly, for fear that the bronze vessel would not be able to stop the attack of the four immortals.

If he can't stop it, he will explode.

Then Hu Jinhua saw such a picture from the big screen.

I saw one after another attack, the bronze dish the size of a palm bounced like a bronze bean, and there was never a crack on it.

A tiger's heart suddenly became much more stable.

Ye Huan pondered for a while, but did not control the bronze dish to make any move, and let the bronze dish roll away in the attacks.


"Master Xuanji, do you want to do it?"

An immortal with fluttering white hair said to an immortal with short hair like a silver needle beside him.

Xuanjimu, one of the geniuses of the immortal clan, is also the son of the Xuanji Immortal King.

Xuan Jimu's gaze followed the bronze object that rolled away.

There was nothing unusual about that bronze object.

Xuan Jimu narrowed his eyes and couldn't help thinking of the news that his father had passed in from outside.

"Bronze utensils, treasures, extremely dangerous..."

The incoming messages are intermittent,

But probably the meaning is understandable.

Although the news was intermittent and the expression was not clear, there was something Xuan Jimu understood.

It is extremely difficult and costly to deliver news to the Xinghe Yuan Mansion.

Since Immortal King Xuanji mentioned bronze objects in the message sent to him, it can only explain one thing.

That bronze utensil is extraordinary, and has a special feature that attracts the attention of the main star realm powerhouse.

It stands to reason that such a treasure is in front of you, so there is no reason to hesitate at all, and you must take it.

Since he encountered the bronze object, it proved that the bronze object should be related to the immortal race.

But the words "extremely dangerous" in the message made Xuan Jimu choose to be cautious.

It must be unusual for his father to remind him of the danger.

Therefore, after discovering the bronze utensils in the news, Xuan Jimu did not act rashly, but chose to test.

A sharp and ferocious attack from a distance greeted him.

As for whether this would destroy the bronze utensil, Xuan Jimu did not consider it at all.

If that bronze utensil was really destroyed in their wave of attacks, it would be destroyed if it was destroyed, and it would not be a good thing.

All the attacks fell on the bronze object, but the bronze object was not damaged or abnormal, and floated with the attack.

Xuan Jimu felt a little uneasy when looking at the bronze object that was going away, but in the end, he was still unable to resist the temptation of the bronze object.

With a wave of Xuanji's wooden hand, the group of four chased after the bronze dish.

The other three immortals took the lead, guarding Xuan Jimu and moving forward quickly.

Looking at the bronze utensil that was getting closer and closer, the eyes of the three immortals were all excited, and even a little impatient.

"Be careful, that bronze utensil may not be simple."

Looking at the appearance of the three subordinates, Xuan Jimu had to open his mouth to remind.

Of course, in order to take precautions, there are some things he can't say.

"Yes, Young Master Xuanji, we will be careful."

The three immortals replied immediately.

Said this, but the three immortal clans were somewhat disapproving in their hearts, thinking that Xuan Jimu was too cautious, and the cautiousness was a bit too much.

They had tried it once before, and there was nothing unusual about that bronze utensil.

Besides, that bronze utensil is just a treasure, even if you don't try it, what can you do to them.

The group of four quickly caught up with the bronze vessel.

At this time, the bronze vessel also stopped because it exhausted its strength.

The four immortal races stopped behind the bronze vessel, their immortal essence was surging, and they looked at the bronze utensil with a little bit of alertness.

Xuan Ji wood is there, it is always difficult to make it too obvious.

The Four Immortals of Xuanji Mu stood behind the bronze vessel and looked at the bronze vessel like that, without the slightest intention to pick up the bronze vessel.

In fact, the three immortal races had long wanted to get a bronze utensil, but Xuan Jimu didn't speak, so they didn't want to do it rashly.

Immortal essence surged in Xuanjimu's body, staring at the bronze vessel vigilantly, ready to attack at any time.

Xuan Jimu carefully looked at the bronze object in front of him, but no matter how he observed it.

The bronze utensil was like a bronze lump, there was nothing unusual, and there was no danger at all.

"Mushan, go get that bronze utensil."

After thinking about it for a while, Xuan Jimu said to one of his subordinates.

"Yes, son."

After Mu Shan responded, he walked towards the bronze vessel.

"Be prepared, and if anything goes wrong, shoot right away."

Xuan Jimu said to the other two subordinates.

"Yes, son."

The two immortals responded and were ready to take action at any time.

After he was ready, Xuan Jimu waved his hand to Mu Shan, indicating that he could start.

Seeing this, Mu Shan, who had been prepared earlier, saw the immortal essence in his hand and grasped the bronze vessel.

Xuan Jimu has been staring at Mu Shan's every move. At this moment, his eyes narrowed, and the immortal essence in his body was ready to burst out at any time.

What surprised Xuan Jimu was that after Mu Shan held the bronze utensil, nothing abnormal happened.

Mu Shan looked at the bronze utensil in his hand and glanced at the other two companions, and couldn't help but see the smiles in each other's eyes.

Another baby has arrived.

And judging from the movement that came out before, this baby is still very good.

According to the agreement, according to the value of the treasures found in the Xinghe Yuan Mansion, they have a certain share.

As far as this bronze utensil is concerned, the three of them should be able to share a lot.

Mu Shan looked at Xuan Ji Mu, his eyes filled with questions.

What to do next.

He actually wanted Xuan Jimu to directly accept the bronze utensil, but Xuan Jimu was his leader after all, so he didn't want to speak directly.

"Mu Shan, you have collected Xian Yuan."

Xuan Jimu's gaze was always on the bronze vessel, upon seeing this, he pondered for a while, and said to Mu Shan.

Mu Shan received Xian Yuan happily, he did not believe that the bronze utensil could be dangerous.

Just a baby.

Mu Shan received Xianyuan, and then, the other two immortals also received Xianyuan.

During this period, there was nothing unusual about the bronze utensil that Mu Shan was holding.

Ordinary, normal, just a treasure.

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