My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 524: The effect is good

As the strands of star mysterious liquid entered Ye Huan's mouth, a hazy brilliance lit up on Ye Huan's body, like starlight.

Hu Jinhua's huge mouth opened wide.

Although this is not the first time Hu Jinhua has seen this scene, he is still shocked every time he sees it.

How did you do it, how could you refine Xingchen Profound Liquid so quickly?

Hu Jinhua took a long breath, picked up the secret book and read it again.

After reading it, Hu Jinhua received the cheats.

Then a ray of star mysterious liquid flew into his huge tiger's mouth.

After swallowing the wisp of star mysterious liquid, Hu Jinhua tried to refine that wisp of star mysterious liquid with anticipation.

To Hu Jinhua's disappointment, the speed at which he refines the Xingchen Profound Liquid has not accelerated.

The tiger's eyes opened, and Hu Jinhua couldn't help but look at Ye Huan.

At this moment, Ye Huan has been submerged by the rich starlight.

Looking at this scene, Hu Jinhua's huge tiger eyes were full of envy.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Hu Jinhua felt that the starlight on Ye Huan's body was more intense and brighter than before.

Could it be that the speed of the boss refining the Xingchen Profound Liquid has increased again?

Hu Jinhuahu couldn't help but have such thoughts in his mind.

Immediately, this idea was snuffed out by Hu Jinhua.

In the past, the speed of refining Xingchen Profound Liquid made Hu Xin despair, and no matter how fast it was, it would still prevent Hu from living.

Hu Jinhua just spit out a slot, and didn't really think that Ye Huan's refining speed of star mysterious liquid has increased again.

But what Hu Jinhua didn't know was that Ye Huan was in a turbulent mood at the moment.

The speed at which he refines the Xingchen Profound Liquid has increased again.

One strand, two strands, three strands...


Two hundred strands, two hundred and ten strands, two hundred and twenty strands...

Three hundred strands of star mysterious liquid were easily refined.

And this is the limit of refining the Star Profound Liquid after he read the cheat book once before.

But at this moment, he is far from feeling where the limit is this time.

This makes people very comfortable.

Without any hesitation, another two hundred strands of star mysterious liquid entered his mouth.

As soon as the Xingchen Profound Liquid entered the body, it was quickly refined.

One strand, three strands, ten strands...

Soon, the two hundred strands of star mysterious liquid were refined.

At this time, Ye Huan finally felt the limit.

After reading the secret book, five hundred strands of star mysterious liquid can be quickly refined.

A copy of Daluo Xingchen Gong's secret book reappeared in his hand, and Ye Huan watched it against the clock.

After one pass, another 500 strands of star mysterious liquid were swallowed, refined and absorbed by the body.


One day passed quickly.

Ye Huan read the secret book 20 times in total, refining 500 strands of star mysterious liquid each time.

A total of 10,000 strands of star mysterious liquid were refined in one day.

This is the speed at which the eyes are refining the star mysterious liquid at the moment.

Ye Huan is currently at the fifth level of the Star Liquid Realm, and if he wants to break through to the sixth level of the Star Liquid Realm, he needs to refine 115,200 strands of star mysterious liquid.

Before Ye Huan had already refined 63,600 strands of star liquid, he only needed to refine another 51,600 strands of star liquid, which was the limit of the fifth level of the star liquid realm.

At the speed of Ye Huan's current refining of star mysterious liquid, it only takes a little more than five days to refine more than 50,000 strands of star mysterious liquid.

One day, two days, three days...

in a bronze vessel.

Ye Huan devoted himself to the cultivation, and the Xingchen Profound Liquid was quickly refined.


Xuan Jimu led the three subordinates to search for other immortal companions with all their strength.

It's just that the effect is not very ideal. After two days, he just found five immortal races.

This made Xuan Jimu's expression become solemn.

The immortal race is so hard to find, and it definitely has something to do with the matter of the father's voice transmission.

This also confirms the authenticity of Transsion from the side.

Since the sound transmission is real, isn't that bronze utensil equally extremely dangerous?

Xuan Jimu thought so, and at the same time, he couldn't help but look in Chao Mu Shan's arms.

The bronze utensil placed in Mu Shan's arms still did not move, which seemed to prove that his guess was wrong.

Xuan Jimu was a little undecided for a while.

However, when he saw the immortal companions nearby, Xuan Jimu immediately calmed down.

There should be no problem with that bronze utensil, otherwise he will definitely let the guy in that bronze utensil understand what is called a turtle in a urn.

Xuan Jimu and his party continued to look for other immortal races.


On Xingyuan.

Since the various manifestations of magical powers passed the news into the Xinghe Yuan Mansion, all ethnic groups have been paying close attention to the star lights of their own races.

Some of the powerhouses of the race have a particularly solemn expression.

There is no way, there are not many clansmen who have entered, and if they die in the same way as before, those races will be wiped out in the Xinghe Yuandi Star Liquid Realm area.

Not only those small clans, but even the dragon clan and other strong clans, have a dignified atmosphere at the moment.

In ten days, 300 people from each clan lost.

This is simply the rhythm of emptying the Astral Liquid Realm area.

It is unbearable to put it on the head of any family.

Otherwise, their clans would not send messages to Xinghe Yuandi.

After all, even if their previous joint attack had made Xinghe Yuandi's grand formation a little flawed, it would be expensive to send a message to Xinghe Yuandi.

Even the main star realm powerhouses of all races will feel distressed at that price.

After paying such a high price, all races will naturally be very concerned about the effect.

It is normal to pay attention to the extinguishing of the star lights.

In this slightly tense atmosphere, the first day passed.

During this day, the star lights of the star liquid warriors of all races finally did not go out.

However, all ethnic groups did not take it lightly. One day's time can't prove anything, and two more days of observation are needed.

Just under the tacit understanding of the various ethnic groups, another two days passed.

For a total of three days before and after, the star lights of the star liquid warriors of all races did not go out again.

After seeing this fact, whether it is the Immortal Race, the God Race, the Dragon Race or other races, the powerhouses of the race are all relieved.

Three days is enough to say something.

The human race powerhouses such as King of the Tang Dynasty are actually closely watching the starlight changes of the star liquid warriors of all races.

After seeing this result, King Datang and other human race powerhouses were very disappointed in their hearts.

Of course they hoped that the previous situation could continue forever.

According to that situation, the Ten Thousand Races in the Star Liquid Realm in the Xinghe Yuandi will definitely suffer heavy losses, and let the race take the greatest benefit.

Unfortunately, God did not wish.

King Datang looked at the star lamp of the Star Liquid Realm warrior on the Terran side, and then shook his head, a little self-deprecating in his eyes.

It's really heart-wrenching.

Now, if only this could continue forever.

At least the human race is no longer the same as before. From time to time, several Star Liquid Realm warriors will die.

The star lights of the Star Liquid Realm warriors are no longer extinguished, and the atmosphere on the Xingyuan is gradually relaxed.

However, after seeing the situation of the Star Liquid Realm warriors from the Human Race, the strong people such as the Immortal Race, the God Race, the Demon Race, and the Dragon Race couldn't help but frown.

You can't lose that bet.

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