My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 531 Explosion

Under the attack of the thirteen immortals, the crimson flames flickered, and sometimes even crimson flames splashed out.

But without waiting for the excitement of those immortal races, in the next moment, new scarlet flames will be added from the pile of wood.

The excitement of the thirteen immortal races was like being poured a basin of cold water on their heads, and they calmed down instantly.

They found that they could not break the confinement of the scarlet flame.

"That scarlet flame is absorbing our bodyguard Immortal Essence."

At this time, another immortal clan said, and there was a hint of unease in the voice.

"There is no way to restore the consumed immortal essence here."

Some immortals tried to restore the immortal essence, but found that this space seemed to be full of vitality, but they couldn't absorb even the slightest, and suddenly exclaimed.

If there is no Xianyuan body protector, wouldn't they turn into a barbecue.

Thinking of this, the faces of the thirteen immortals became more and more ugly.

For a time, the frequency of the immortals attacking the red flames slowed down.

After all, the immortal essence that can be used in the body is limited, and if you use it, it will be less.

If it wasn't for a trace of thoughts in their hearts, some immortal races would have collapsed long ago.

Xuanjimu was the last hope in the hearts of these thirteen immortals.

At the last moment when they were swallowed into this space, they got a hint from Xuanjimu.

The inside should be combined with the outside, and the bronze utensil should be broken.


The space of the bronze vessel trembled, and the crimson flames on the nine piles of fire were rippling.

The eyes of the thirteen immortals suddenly lit up.

The son really kept his word and was attacking.

The thirteen immortals secretly glanced at each other, and they reached an unanimous tacit understanding almost instantly.

After all, there is not much time for them to hesitate at this time.


A loud bang resounded like thunder,

In the bronze vessel space, all kinds of rays of light shone, and the immortal essence and the scarlet flames were entangled together, forming a torrent.

Three of the scarlet flames were almost broken.

Looking at this scene, the eyes of those immortals suddenly lit up.

They saw hope.

Hu Jinhua's eyes flashed with worry.

Why does he feel that the boss seems to have been tricked.

That Xuan Jimu decided to send in the thirteen immortal races. This is to take out their nests in one fell swoop!

Hu Jinhua looked over at Ye Huan worriedly.

As soon as his eyes bloomed, Hu Jinhua lost Ye Huan's sight.

After losing Ye Huan's trace, Hu Jinhua was a little panicked.

"The boss shouldn't be running out to deal with that Xuanji wood, then in case these thirteen immortals get out of trouble..."

Hu Jinhua thought so in a panic, and the more he thought about it, the more panic he became.

Hu Jinhua felt that the huge tiger head on his neck was a little unstable, and it was possible to separate from the neck at any time.

Hu Jinhua's pair of tiger eyes twitched as he looked at the three immortal races who were most likely to get out of trouble.

Once there is something wrong with the situation, Hu Jinhua feels that he can take some measures in advance.

Just looking at it, Hu Jinhua was stunned.

There was no immortal clan in his sight, only an exceptionally splendid flower that bloomed like fireworks.

That flower is beautiful, but the blood in the middle of the flower adds a bit of desolation to that flower out of thin air.


The immortal race exploded for no apparent reason.

Immortal essence and flesh and blood directly exploded into a beautiful flower.

Hu Jin Hua Hu had an idea in his heart, but he couldn't believe it.

After reacting, Hu Jinhua immediately looked towards the other two immortal races.

When looking at the past, two beautiful flowers bloomed again.

Next to the last desolate flower, Hu Jinhua saw a familiar figure.

Ye Huan.

Hu Jinhua opened his mouth wide and sucked in several mouthfuls of cool air.

Hu Jinhua knew Ye Huan's strength, but that was limited to how many thousand orifices Ye Huan possessed, and there was no very intuitive understanding and comparison.

But at this moment, he truly saw Ye Huan's strength.

One punch, one kid - oh, no, it's Fairy.

Hu Jinhua doesn't really think that those immortal races are really that weak.

Immortals are synonymous with power under the starry sky, and those who can be selected to come to Xinghe Yuandi will be weak.

The reason why it gave Hu Jinhua a feeling that the immortals were weak chickens was only because Ye Huan was too powerful, which set off.

When the three immortal flowers bloomed, the other ten immortal races couldn't help but stagnate, and then there was a deep despair in their eyes.

Those three companions can be said to be the more powerful among them, and they are not even Ye Huan's one-punch enemies, let alone them.

The ten surviving immortals knew that they had discovered a big secret of Ye Huan, and Ye Huan would probably be a big threat to the immortals.

It's a pity that they probably don't have much chance to pass the news on.

The immortals glanced at each other, and the immortals had a will to die. Since there is little hope of surviving, then no matter what, Ye Huan of the human race can't be better.

The remaining immortals are ready to self-destruct, and want to use their own sacrifices to create opportunities for the Xuanji wood in the outside world.

As long as Xuanjimu can break the bronze utensil or pass on the news, their death is not a death in vain, and it can be regarded as a contribution to the immortal race.

Looking at the will of death in the eyes of the ten immortals, Hu Jinhua felt trembling. As a tiger, a chill that penetrated deep into his bones instantly invaded, making Hu Jinhua have the urge to run away desperately.


Hu Jinhuahu roared loudly, and he found that under the sense of crisis, he could not even speak at all.

After speaking, Hu Jinhua found out that he had lost Ye Huan again.

"Did the boss run away by himself?"

Hu Jinhua's tiger face was a little sad, and he felt that his tiger heart was paid by mistake after all.

Ye Huan actually left him and ran away.

Just when Hu Jinhua was devastated, five mournful fairy flowers bloomed over there.

Hu Jinhua was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what was going on.

Ye Huan didn't run away, but took the initiative to destroy those immortals, and through this method, the power of the immortals' self-destruction was reduced.

When the fifth fairy flower bloomed, a blue light beam suddenly lit up, and then turned into a violent shock wave and rushed around.

The crimson flame immediately soared, trying to wrap the azure blue light waves that were impacting everywhere.

Boom, boom...

Accompanied by bursts of roaring sounds, the azure blue light and the crimson light both rose sharply.

At this moment, another dazzling light group of khaki exploded, but it still did not break through the confinement of the scarlet flame.

In addition to a pile of flames refining the eight groups of immortal flowers, the other eight piles of flames moved over, trapping the five immortal races firmly.

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