My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 538 Rules

The accident that happened on the Immortal Race naturally attracted the attention of many races.

Fourteen immortals.

Fourteen immortals died at one time, which is not a small number.

And the most important thing is which side is under the hand, and he has no losses.

Many races are secretly guessing that it may be a battle between the four major races.

There are not many forces that can deal with the immortals in this way.

Protoss, Demons, including Humans, some bigwigs are considering countermeasures.

After all, if your own race did it, you wouldn't be in a hurry when the immortal race broke out.

It just makes the big guys a little strange is the reaction of the immortal kings of the immortal race.

Some are too calm.

But they are all thousand-year-old foxes. When they found that the eyes of those immortal kings kept shooting at several clans, the bigwigs of all clans vaguely guessed something.

Immortals also have the power to fight back.

Those immortals who died should be a certain team of immortals.

The bigwigs of all ethnic groups quickly guessed a rough idea.

The reason why it can be guessed so quickly is actually very simple.

Divide into teams, this is a common method used by all races.

After guessing what the Immortals were waiting for, the bosses of the Protoss, Demons, and Humans were a little worried.

Immortals want to counterattack, if it is their own race, there will inevitably be losses.

Seeing the fairy lights go out, they were very happy, but if this loss fell to their own race, it would not be good.

This made some bigwigs of all ethnic groups a little worried.

At this moment, the bigwigs of all ethnic groups have a common idea.

This matter is best done by other clans, let other clans compete with the immortal clan, they are good fishermen to benefit.

For the other races, most of them have the mentality of watching a play.

After all, it has nothing to do with them.

Each race has its own thoughts, and the atmosphere on Xingyuan was a little dull for a while.

Just when all the clans were paying attention to their own star lights.


Another star lamp on the Immortal Race went out.

When the star lights went out, there was obviously no sound, but at this moment, many races seemed to hear the crisp sound.

Immortals are immortals.

The expressions of many races became a little weird.

This trip to the Xinghe Yuandi, the immortal clan has a bit of bad luck.



"Why did it go out again?"

The fairy who was in charge of guarding the fairy lantern was roaring wildly in her heart.

At this moment, he even had a thought.

Under the starry sky, the immortal clan should not be as powerful as the clan said.

When the guardian immortal clan further saw who the extinguished immortal lamp was, his face instantly turned pale.

It's him.

How could it be him.

The guarding immortal clan quickly confirmed whether he was wrong.

Can be double-checked, yes.

It was the fairy's fairy lamp that went out.


The guarding immortal clan looked dead as if at home, ready to report to the top.

At this moment, an incomparably powerful aura suddenly rose up, stunned to suppress his words.

Immortal King Xuanji's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and the power of the master star realm powerhouse was undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

While the bigwigs of all ethnic groups were busy protecting their own clansmen, they were secretly muttering in their hearts.

Alright, what is going crazy with the Immortal King Xuanji?

But the next moment, the bigwigs of all ethnic groups knew what was going on.

Xuanjimu died.

Speaking of Xuanji wood, I am afraid that many races still feel a little cloudy.

But if you want to change the name, I am afraid that many races will understand what is going on.

The son of Immortal King Xuanji died.

Yes, Xuanji wood is the son of Xuanji Immortal King.

When his son died, it was strange that the Immortal King Xuanji was not angry.

Those ordinary races were just shocked by the death of Xuan Jimu.

And some race bosses think more.

Xuanjimu died.

Xuanji wood is not some kind of cat or dog, but the son of Xuanji Immortal King.

Xuanji Immortal King is a master star realm, and it is impossible not to give Xuan Jimu some life-saving cards, and the performance of several immortal kings from the previous immortal clan also proved this from the side.

The crux of the matter is here.

Xuanjimu had the life-saving card given by Immortal King Xuanji, but the team he led was still destroyed.

More importantly, Xuan Jimu's opponent did not have any casualties.

The one who planned all this is definitely a talent.

Not long ago, the bosses of several ethnic groups were afraid that all this was done by their own race, but at the moment they desperately hoped that all this was done by their own race.

This proves that his race has a demon.

"If the human race did this, it would be too relieved."

A human king of the human race said with a little hope.

Several human kings nodded in agreement. After all, the performance of the human race in the Star Liquid Realm area was too embarrassing.

"If the human race really did it, it might not be a good thing."

The Tang King suddenly poured cold water at this time.

Every king looked at the King of Tang at this moment, not understanding why the King of Tang said such a thing.

The King of Tang Dynasty most hoped that the human race would have geniuses and evil spirits.

"Do you think Wanzu will helplessly watch another evildoer appear in the human race?"

The Tang king sighed, and the voice sounded faintly in the ears of several kings.

The kings were all silent.

It is not that the human race has not produced geniuses and evildoers over the years, but not many have grown up in the end.

If it is said that there is no handwriting of Wanzu, they will not believe it if they are killed.

"Always have some rules."

A human king said.

At this moment, Immortal King Xuanji's cold eyes swept over some races.

"Whoever dares to kill my son, I will definitely make you pay the price."

Immortal King Xuanji sounded without any emotion.

"Xuanji Immortal King, Xingheyuan Mansion, Xingheyuan Mansion, this is the rule, is it possible that you want to break the rules?"

As soon as Immortal King Xuanji finished speaking, a dissatisfied voice sounded.

Immortals are powerful, but there is no way to cover the sky under the stars.

"The immortals will not break the rules, but as a father, I am avenging my son, which is what it should be."

Immortal King Xuanji still sounded without any emotion.

This time, the voice did not speak.

The breath of the Immortal King Xuanji gradually disappeared, and he was no longer strong, but the whole immortal became more dangerous.

Looking at Immortal King Xuanji, the human king who spoke was silent.

When they reach their realm, if they really want to do something, anything can become a reason.


Sometimes they're the rules, and it's him who's got some looks.


Immortal King Xuanji looked at Xingyuan, and he had a feeling that Xuanjimu's death was most likely related to the change in the star liquid realm in Xingheyuan mansion.

After all, it was not long after he sent Xuan Jimu's voice transmission, and Xuan Jimu even brought the entire team into an accident.

There are so many such coincidences in the world.

The Immortal King Xuanji felt that it was necessary for him to remind other races.

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