My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter five hundred and forty first encounter

After all, although it is said that what happened in the Xingheyuan mansion is not known to the outside world, and it cannot be traced back in time.

But once something is done, it will leave traces and there will be a risk of exposure.

It is naturally the best not to do it.

But just now, Lin Honghai got the news that Ye Huan was still alive.


Lin Honghai frowned slightly, which was somewhat beyond his expectations.

Ye Huan was in the Star Liquid Realm area and was still alive, but he didn't come to him.

Could it be that after seeing the strength of the Star Liquid Realm warrior, Ye Huan lost his confidence and dared not come to him again?

Lin Honghai thought about it, but only felt that this possibility was the greatest.

If that's the case, it's going to be difficult.

The Star Liquid Realm area is so large, how he finds Ye Huan alone is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

"Mysterious forces, it is possible to get close to the human race and gather in Menglong Gorge."

Thinking about the second half of the subpoena, Lin Honghai decided to wait.

All ethnic groups are gathering in Menglong Canyon. If Ye Huan is not seen in a few days, he will take the initiative to attack.

At that time, some human forces gathered here will become his help, which is better than finding a needle in a haystack alone.

The plan was finalized, and Lin Honghai looked up at the dragon fruit above his head.

The Centennial Dream Dragon Fruit is a good thing. It is not only extremely important to the Menglong family, but also an opportunity for any race.

It is this time that I don't know if there is a dragon fruit that can reach a hundred years.

The dragon fruit is not a hundred years old, and its efficacy is not much different from that of the annual dragon fruit.


Jianlancheng followed by twenty-three immortals and stopped in front of a canyon.

The canyon is towering into the clouds, deep and narrow, and one of the dense blue flowers can be seen through the entrance, making the canyon appear mysterious and dreamy.

"Dream Dragon Gorge.


Looking at the canyon in front of him, Jianlancheng's eyes couldn't help but burst into flames.

The century-old dream dragon fruit is a good thing, it helps the warrior to break through from the star liquid realm to the star dust realm, and it can lay a solid foundation for the warrior.

The efficacy of the century-old dragon fruit cannot be ignored even by gladioli Chengdu.

If he can get a few Dream Dragon Fruit, it can save him many years of accumulation.

Jianlancheng retracted his gaze from Menglong Canyon, and looked at his fellow clan beside him, the fiery heat in his eyes faded.

This is the result of his hard work during this time.

Although he had tried very hard to find his fellow clan, he could only find so many in the end.

"Mysterious forces."

Jianlancheng muttered in his mouth, but an astonishing chill emerged from his body.

When he received the sound transmission from the clan, he was actually a little disapproving of it, and didn't think that the mysterious force could cause much loss to the immortal clan.

This is his confidence in his own race.

Immortals are very powerful.

However, at the entrance of Menglong Canyon at this time, only when he found that he had not seen other immortals except the immortals beside him, Jianlancheng realized the seriousness of the matter.

There are more than this number of immortals who have entered the Star Liquid Realm area. If those immortals who have disappeared at this time are killed by that mysterious force, then the loss of the immortals...

Jian Lancheng's eyes became cold.

No matter which side the mysterious force is, he must let them know that the Immortal Race is not something they can move.

If the immortals are moved, they must pay a price they cannot bear.

Glancing at the dreamy Menglong Gorge decorated with dream blue flowers, Jianlan Cheng stepped into it.

He is going to make this dream land into the hell of that mysterious force today.

Seeing that Jianlancheng walked into Menglong Gorge, those immortals also quickly lifted their heels up.

Although they didn't speak, they all felt that something was wrong.

The number of siblings is somewhat less.

After Jianlancheng and a group of immortals entered the Menglong Canyon, the entrance of the canyon was quiet again.


Through the light curtain of the bronze vessel, Ye Huan also saw the dense light blue dream blue flowers outside.

Menglong Gorge, he was led by Jian Lancheng to Menglong Gorge.

Since I came to Menglong Gorge, I naturally wanted to find the old Menglongguo.

The year of the dragon fruit is actually very easy to identify, just look at the number of dream patterns on the dragon fruit.

"It's thirty years old."

"This one is forty years old."


With the continuous deepening in the Menglong Canyon, from time to time, you can hear the immortals in the immortal clan speak like this.

However, none of the immortals had any intention of stopping, and these aged Menglongguo were not very attractive to them.

The effect of Menglongguo will only change after a hundred years.

Gladiolus Cheng is also looking at the dragon fruit trees that grow on the sides or bottom of the canyon.

Although no century-old Menglongguo has been found for the time being, the age of Menglongguo is increasing as it goes deeper into Menglong Gorge, which is good news for Jianlancheng.

Maybe there will be a hundred-year-old Menglong fruit in the depths of Menglong Gorge.

Jian Lancheng's pace couldn't help speeding up a lot, and the immortal clan naturally followed closely.


"The Dragon Fruit of the 80's."

In Menglong Gorge, a fairy said.

Jianlancheng and other immortals glanced at them, their eyes were a little hot, and they all looked deeper into the canyon.

In this part, the 80-year-old dragon fruit has appeared, and there is a great possibility of a hundred-year-old dragon fruit in the deeper part.

Jianlancheng a group of immortals headed towards the depths of Menglong Gorge at a high speed.


The depths of Menglong Gorge.

Under the Menglong fruit tree bearing the 90-year-old Menglong fruit, Lin Honghai suddenly opened his closed eyes and looked out of the Menglong Canyon.

There is movement.

Some races are rushing to the depths of Menglong Gorge.

Lin Honghai got up, ready to hide for a while to see the situation.

But the race came faster than he imagined.

As soon as he stood up, he collided with the oncoming race.

"Fairy Clan!"

Lin Honghai looked at Jianlancheng and other immortals, and his face was a little ugly.

"Lonely human race."

Compared to Lin Honghai's ugly face, Jianlancheng had a smile on his face, but that smile was a little weird.

Jianlancheng winked at the immortals behind him, and some immortals moved quickly, surrounding Lin Honghai for a month and a half.

"If you start at this time, you are not afraid of cheapening other races, so why not wait."

Lin Honghai was not at all surprised by the movements of the immortal clan, and looked at Jianlancheng and said.

"It's cheaper than other races, and you are the only human race?"

Jian Lancheng looked at Lin Honghai with some amusing.

"If you don't believe me, you can try it."

Lin Honghai stared at Jianlan without showing weakness.

At this time, we must not show the slightest timidity, and it will take a while to procrastinate.

Judging from the news he had received before, I am afraid that it will not be long before this Menglong Gorge will become a place where the wind and clouds converge.

The immortal race has arrived, and other races are definitely not far away. As long as he delays for a while and waits for other races to appear, his situation will be much better.

In the bronze vessel, Ye Huan watched this scene silently.

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